[ecoop-info] [REConference] RE'19 accepting research papers submissions till April 7
Itzel Morales Ramirez
itzel.morales at infotec.mx
Wed Apr 3 18:55:18 CEST 2019
************************ CALL FOR PAPERS ************************
RE 2019
27th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference
September 23-27, 2019
Jeju Island, South Korea
The 27th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference is accepting research papers submissions until April 7 AoE. Instructions on how to submit your paper can be found at http://re19.ajou.ac.kr/pages/submission/research_papers/.
RE'19 follows the theme of Collective Intelligence in the Age of AI. RE research has a unique opportunity to lead a paradigm shift that places human and society at the forefront of the design of AI systems. Research in RE has never been more needed in AI. For example, in helping address ethical considerations in the design, use, and misuse of intelligent systems; or, in enabling the multi-disciplinary, collaborative efforts that are key to exploring and understanding the problem on a greater scale than individual decision making.
Categories of research papers include:
* Technical Solution papers that describe and validate better solutions to requirements problems,
* Scientific Evaluation papers that evaluate existing problem situations or proposed solutions by scientific means and
* Perspective papers that papers explore the history, successes, and challenges of requirements related practices and research agendas, and outline research roadmaps for the future.
Authors of accepted research papers are invited to submit an artifact to the RE'19 Artifact Track. The track is aimed to assess the functional, reusable and available properties of the research artifacts produced in the submitted RE19 research papers. Submissions to this track are expected from authors of accepted papers in the main Research Track. Research papers with "artifacts" receive a "badge" on the front page of their paper in the proceedings.
We also take the chance to invite you to submit
* RE at Next! papers
* tutorials
* poster and tool demonstrations
* doctoral symposium, and
* panels and interactive events
* artifacts
Key Submissions Dates are as follow: http://re19.ajou.ac.kr/pages/submission/key_dates/
Apr 07th: Full Papers
Apr 19th: RE at Next! Abstract Submission
Apr 29th: RE at Next! Full Paper Submission
Apr 29th: Intent to Submit Tutorial Proposals
May 10th: Tutorial Proposals
May 13th: Doctoral Symposium Abstract Submission
May 13th: Poster/Tools Demo Submission
May 13th: Panel & Interactive Proposal Submission
June 29: Artifact Submission
Jul 05th: Student Volunteers Application Submission
Why not take a few moments to look at the website and the calls and give serious consideration to making a contribution? Please forward this email to your colleagues and tell them about this exciting opportunity to come to Jeju Island, South Korea, for the 27th RE Conference.
If you have any questions about RE'19, do not hesitate to email the organizing team (http://re19.ajou.ac.kr/pages/organization/organizing_committee/).
We look forward to welcoming you to Jeju Island!
Seok-Won Lee, General Chair
Ajou University, Korea
Anna Perini, Program Co-Chair
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
Daniela Damian, Program Co-Chair
University of Victoria, Canada
Program Committees:
Organizing Committee:
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