[ecoop-info] [CfP] Call for papers -- MoDeVVa 2019

Iulian Ober Iulian.Ober at irit.fr
Mon Jun 3 11:00:47 CEST 2019

(we apologize for multiple copies) 

                            CALL FOR PAPERS

The 16th Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation
                         MoDeVVa 2019

September 15th, 16th or 17th 2019 (to be confirmed) - Munich, Germany
(co-located with MODELS'19, the International Conference on Model Driven
 Engineering Languages and Systems, 15-20 September 2019)

https://sites.google.com/site/modevva/ <https://sites.google.com/site/modevva/>

*** Important Dates 

Submission: July 5th, 2019
Notification to authors: July 29th
Final version: August 5th
Workshop: September 15th, 16th or 17th (to be confirmed)

Models are purposeful abstractions of systems and their environments.
They can be used to understand, simulate, and validate
complex systems at different abstraction levels. Thus, the use
of models is of increasing importance for industrial applications.
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a development methodology
that is based on models, meta-models, and model transformations.
The shift from code-centric software development to model-centric
software development in MDE opens promising opportunities for
the verification and validation (V&V) of software. On the other
hand, the growing complexity of models and model transformations
requires efficient V&V techniques in the context of MDE.

*** Scope and Topics

The objective of MoDeVVa is to offer a forum for researchers
and practitioners who are working on V&V and/or MDE. The major
questions of interest in MoDeVVa revolve around the possible
overlaps and mutual benefits of MDE and V&V: How can MDE improve
V&V? How can V&V increase the reliability of MDE? These
questions span a wide range of topics, all of which are relevant to
MoDeVVa. Such topics include: the specification of properties for
different MDE artifacts (e.g., models, metamodels, model transformations,
product lines); V&V techniques for different MDE artifacts;
analyzing the impact of changes in MDE artifacts on V&V and the
need for incremental V&V; enhancing MDE artifacts (e.g., models
and metamodels) to better support V&V; the adoption of MDE and
V&V in industrial contexts; the use of transformations to automate
the MDE process (from requirements specification to source code
generation); and analyzing and verifying transformations to certify
the automation of the MDE process.

We especially invite papers that investigate one of the following

- How can V&V tools and techniques be integrated into MDE in
such a way that expertise in V&V is not required in order to
obtain the benefits that V&V offers?
- How can MDE be leveraged to facilitate V&V tasks?
- How to increase usability of formal techniques as a means to
leverage its application to real-world problems?
- How do different V&V approaches compare with each other?
For instance, how do other techniques compare with testing?
- How can V&V steps be fully automated? Steps of interest span
those that have been traditionally conducted in a purely manual
manner (e.g., model and code review), to those that have
been semi-automated or require some level of user intervention
(e.g., test case generation, back annotation of formal verification
results, and verifying model transformation properties).

Papers addressing the following issues are particularly welcome:

- Usability of V&V methods applied to MDE.
- Usability of MDE in V&V tasks.
- Tools and techniques that help making use of V&V easier and
more applicable to “real-world” problems.
- Tools and techniques that help reduce the semantic gap between
V&V formalisms and MDE languages.

- Approaches to hide V&V formalisms from MDE users (formal
methods "under the hood").
- Reducing the gap between V&V techniques and MDE.
- Integration between modeling IDEs and formal verification
- V&V techniques that are invisible for the end-users who are
not familiar with formal techniques (hidden models).
- Using models to increase the practicality of formal verification.

Other topics of interest in the broader areas at the intersection of
MDE and V&V are welcome as well:

- The application and combination of different V&V techniques
(e.g., classical testing, static analysis, model checking, deductive
approaches, runtime verification) to MDE artifacts.
- Integrating V&V approaches into MDE.
- Defining V&V approaches that rely on MDE.
- Modeling conformance relations for checking model refinement.
- Modeling transformations and models used to support V&V.
- Analysis of models and model transformations; V&V of models,
meta-models, and model transformations.
- Application of the above topics to “real-world” case studies.

*** Submissions and Publication

Submitted papers can be either short papers (up to 5 pages)
or long papers (up to 10 pages), in IEEE format (https:
Short papers are aimed at discussing innovative ideas while
long papers are aimed at presenting more mature and evaluated
research. All accepted papers will be published in IEEEXplore
(https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp <https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp>). Papers should be
submitted via EasyChair:

https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=modevva2019 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=modevva2019>
*** Workshop Format

MoDeVVa 2019 will include an opening keynote, paper presentations
and the last session of the day will be dedicated to discussions
on the topics presented with the goal of identifying common
themes, interesting problems and shared interests and hopefully
propose avenues for future research.

We anticipate an enjoyable and exciting event where all participants
will leave with answers or well-founded doubts on MDE and

*** Program Committee

Saad Bin Abid (fortiss GmbH)
Mira Balaban (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Frédéric Boulanger (CentraleSupélec)
Fabrice Bouquet (University of Franche-Comte)
Chih-Hong Cheng (fortiss GmbH)
John Derrick (University of Sheffield)
Michalis Famelis (University of Montreal)
Sebastian Herzig (NASA JPL)
Leen Lambers (Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Universität Potsdam)
Bruno Legeard (Smartesting)
Mercedes Merayo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Marius Minea Politehnica (University of Timisoara)
Iulian Ober (University of Toulouse, IRIT)
Raquel Araujo Oliveira (University of Toulouse, IRIT, IRIT)
Ernesto Posse (Zeligsoft)
Martina Seidl (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
Dehla Sokenou (GEBIT Solutions)
Maria Spichkova (RMIT University)
Manuel Wimmer (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
*** Steering Committee

Benoit Baudry (INRIA, France)
Michalis Famelis (Université de Montreal, Canada)
Christophe Gaston (CEA, France)
Levi Lucio (fortiss, Germany)
Frederic Boulanger (Supelec, France)
Stephan Weissleder (Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany)
Martina Seidl (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)
*** Organizing Committee (modevva-organizing at googlegroups.com <mailto:modevva-organizing at googlegroups.com>)

Raquel Araújo de Oliveira (University of Toulouse, IRIT, France)
Iulian Ober (University of Toulouse, IRIT, France)
Ernesto Posse (Zeligsoft, Canada)

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