[ecoop-info] SEH @ ICSE 2019 *** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ***

Elena Maria Navarro Martinez Elena.Navarro at uclm.es
Wed Mar 27 10:29:39 CET 2019

We, the organizers of the 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Healthcare (SEH 2019) held in conjunction with ICSE 2019, in Montréal, Canada, would like to kindly invite you to participate in this workshop, which will occur on Monday, May 27th.

We will have an exciting keynote by Prof. David Buckeridge (Clinical and Health Informatics Research, University of McGill, Canada), three very interesting technical sessions, and a final discussion session.

The complete workshop program is now available at: http://seh2019.icmc.usp.br/.

You can register to the workshop at: https://2019.icse-conferences.org/attending/registration

We hope to see you in Montréal, Canada!

Our best regards,

SEH 2019 Organizing Committee

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Elena María Navarro Martinez
Vice-dean for External Relations/Sub-directora de Relaciones Externas
Associate Professor / Titular de Universidad

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática (ESII)
Campus Univ. s/n, 02071 - Albacete
Tfno: 967 599 200<tel:+34:967599200> | Ext: 2365<tel:+34:2365> | elena.navarro at uclm.es<mailto:elena.navarro at uclm.es>
Página Personal<https://www.dsi.uclm.es/personal/ElenaNavarro/> | Mensaje Instantáneo<sip:elena.navarro at uclm.es>

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