[ecoop-info] Call to sign - Europe needs strong software research

Paris Avgeriou paris.avgeriou at gmail.com
Mon May 3 17:32:17 CEST 2021

Dear colleagues,

We have written a one-page document as a call to action for increased 
funding of software engineering research in Europe. You can find the 
document (PDF) here:


We have further turned the document into an online petition to make a 
strong statement backed by organizations and software researchers in 
Europe and elsewhere, to signal to policy-makers (both national and 
European-level) the urgency of increased funding for software research:


We cordially invite you to sign and distribute it to whomever might 
endorse this message (colleagues, heads of departments, policy makers, 
etc.). Feel free to share on social media using the hashtags 
#EuropeNeedsSoftwareResearch #FundSofwareResearchEU.

The document and petition is an effort by Paris Avgeriou, Marieke 
Huisman, Jean-Marc Jezequel, Tomi Männistö, Tommi Mikonen, Romain 
Rouvoy, Alexander Serebrenik, Kari Smolander, Tijs van der Storm, on 
behalf of the national software engineering associations VERSEN 
GDR GPL (https://gdr-gpl.cnrs.fr/ 
and TIVIA (https://tivia.fi/in-english/ 

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