<p><em>On behalf of European projects </em><em>STASIS</em><em>, </em><em>SOA4All</em><em>,
</em><em>BREIN, COIN </em><em>the </em><em>NESSI European Technology Platforms Semantics Group</em><em>
and </em><em>SEMIC.EU</em><em>, we would like to invite you to "Semantics Week", to be held June 22-26th
in beautiful and logistic friendly Amsterdam.</em></p>
<p> </p>
<h1 align="center">Call for Contribution / Call for Papers</h1>
<p>The SemanticsWeek workshop organizers invite all interested parties to submit their contribution to the workshop. In
agreement with the workshop themes, papers and posters may deal with one or more of the following non-exhaustive list of
<li>Interoperability obstacles and successes</li>
<li>Usage scenarios for and experiences with emerging areas such as the Semantic Web</li>
<li>Case studies introducing projects deploying standards</li>
<li>Lessons learned from integrating standards-based products into existing business processes</li>
<li>Basics on semantics</li>
<li>Ontology fundamentals for semantic processing</li>
<li>Semantic technologies</li>
<li>Semantic deep web</li>
<li>Semantic reasoning</li>
<li>Semantic content searching</li>
<li>Domain-oriented semantic applications</li>
<li>Semantic applications/platforms/tools</li>
<p> </p>
<p>Paper contributions can optionally be published in the IBIS<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1" title=""> </a> journal. (<a
href="http://www.ibis-journal.net/">http://www.ibis-journal.net/)</a> </p>
<h2>Semantic-Based Interoperability</h2>
<p>Internet computing is the dominating paradigm in 21st century’s IT. Corporate environments, public bodies and social
networks are opening up to the Web to share their data, services and resources at a global scale. While the Internet
provides the technological infrastructure to interlink the various interacting actors, it does not respond to the interoperability
needs inherently appearing in such open heterogeneous computing environments. With the emergence of Web services
and Service-oriented Infrastructures, interoperability is becoming a crucial aspect for the success of every business.</p>
<p>Most industrial IT solutions for interoperability focus on the technical layer, dealing with problems such as protocol
interoperability, message format interoperability and alike. Unfortunately, achieving interoperability at the technical or
syntactic level is not enough as it does not take into account the actual meaning of the exchanged information. To achieve
interoperability at this level in tomorrows Future Internet, a formal description and other techniques which can convey the
semantics of the content of the exchanged information is required. This is one area and example where Semantic
technologies can solve this issue.</p>
<p>While service orientation is widely acknowledged for its potential to revolutionize the world of computing by abstracting
from underlying hardware and software layers, its success still depends on resolving fundamental challenges that current
SOA does not yet address. Interoperability in terms of mutual understanding of shared objects and in- and output
parameters is certainly one of them. Moving towards computing at Web scale or in mobile or even ubiquitous environments
brings in additional complexities. In such settings, there are no a priori boundaries to the number and diversity of data,
respectively service providers and consumers. Semantic technologies are a major building block in addressing
heterogeneities at various levels and from various view points.</p>
<h2>Semantic Week</h2>
<p>Semantic Week provides a place for sharing knowledge, networking practical ideas and initiatives happening in Europe
today, and meeting people that surround it. It provides a mix of sessions, workshops, demonstrations and facilities for peer
-group meetings.</p>
<p>The workshop is organized by </p>
STASIS, SOA4All, BREIN, NESSI, IBIS and SEMIC<br clear="all">
<p align="center"><br clear="all">
<p>Please send an abstract of your presentation to Philipp Hahn <a href="mailto:pmhahn@wi-ol.de">pmhahn@wi-
ol.de</a> until</p>
<p align="center"><strong>June, 9th, 2009</strong></p>
<p>If you intend to publish your work at the IBIS-Journal please use the layout guidelines of the IBIS journal (<a
href="http://www.ibis-journal.net">www.ibis-journal.net</a>). A word template is available at:<br>
<a href="http://ibis-journal.net/media/IBIS_template.dot">http://ibis-journal.net/media/IBIS_template.dot</a></p>
<h2>Further information on the Web</h2>
<p><a href="http://www.stasis-project.net/workshop/workshop2/home.cfm">http://www.stasis-
project.net/workshop/workshop2/home.cfm</a> and from <a
href="mailto:paul.cranner@sunderland.ac.uk">paul.cranner@sunderland.ac.uk</a> </p>