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<DIV><FONT size=2>Dear Colleague,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>The current submission deadline is July 17, 2009, however, it
may be<BR>extended depending on the number of submissions.<BR>Distinguished
papers accepted and presented in F2GC-09, after further<BR>revisions, will be
published in special issues of prestigious international<BR>journals
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>If you have a plan to submit your paper(s), please let me know
how many<BR>papers you will submit. (This information will be only used to
re-schedule the submission deadline).</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>==========================F2GC-09 CALL FOR
The 2nd International Workshop on<BR> Forensics for Future Generation
Communication environments
December 10 ~ 12, 2009, Jeju,
In Conjunction with CSA
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>Future Generation Communication environments (FGC) are
advanced<BR>communication and networking environments<BR>where all applications
and services are focused on users. In addition, the<BR>FGC has emerged rapidly
an exciting new<BR>paradigm to provide reliable and comfortable life services.
Furthermore,<BR>the benefits of FGC will only be realized if<BR>security issues
can be appropriately addressed. Specially, forensics for<BR>FGC is very
important in the security fields.<BR> This workshop is intended to foster
state-of-the-art research forensics in<BR>the area of FGC including information
and<BR>communication technologies, law, social sciences and
business<BR>administration.<BR> The F2GC-09 will provide an opportunity for
academic and industry<BR>professionals to discuss the latest issues
and<BR>progress in the area of forensics. And the workshop will publish
high<BR>quality papers which are closely related to<BR>the various theories and
practical applications in F2GC. Furthermore, we<BR>expect that the workshop and
its publications<BR>will be a trigger for further related research and
technology improvements<BR>in this important subject.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>== Topics ==<BR>Topics of interest include but are not limited
to following:<BR>Digital forensics tools in FGC<BR>Digital Evidence Management
in FGC<BR>Digital Evidence Analytics in FGC<BR>Digital Forensics Surveillance
Technology and Procedures in FGC<BR>Digital evidence visualisation and
communication for FGC<BR>Digital evidence storage and preservation in
FGC<BR>Incident response and investigation in FGC<BR>Forensic procedures in
FGC<BR>Portable electronic device forensics for FGC<BR>Network forensics in
FGC<BR>Data hiding and recovery in FGC<BR>Network traffic analysis, traceback
and attribution in FGC<BR>Legal, ethical and policy issues related to digital
forensics in FGC<BR>Integrity of digital evidence and live
investigations<BR>Multimedia analysis in FGC<BR>Trends and Challenges for
FGC<BR>Evidence Protection in FGC<BR>Forensics case studies in FGC</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>== Organization===<BR>Steering
Chairs<BR>-------------------<BR> Jong Hyuk Park (Kyungnam University,
Korea)<BR> Stefanos Gritzalis (University of the Aegean,
Greece)<BR> <BR>General Chairs<BR>------------------<BR> Ryoichi
Sasaki (Tokyo Denki University, Japan)<BR> Jeng-Shyang Pan (National
Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences,<BR>Taiwan)</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>Program Chairs<BR>------------------------ -<BR> Jongsung
Kim (Korea Universtiy, Korea)<BR> K.P. Chow (University of
Hongkong, Hongkong)<BR> <BR>International Advisory
Board<BR>-----------------------------<BR> Kyo-il Chung (ETRI,
Korea)<BR> Jung-Shian Li (National Cheng Kung University,
Taiwan)<BR> Patrick Wang (Northeastern University, USA)<BR> Bart
Preneel (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)<BR> <BR>Publicity
Chairs<BR>------------------------<BR>Deok Gyu Lee (ETRI, Korea)<BR>Bo-Chao
Cheng (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)<BR>Antonio Savoldi (University
of Brescia, Italy)</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>Program Committee<BR>------------------------------<BR>Zeno
Geradts (The Netherlands Forensic Institute, Netherlands)<BR>Ahmed Bouridane
(Queen's University Belfast, UK)<BR>Tzong-Chen Wu (National Taiwan University of
Science & Technology, Taiwan)<BR>Der-Tsai Lee (Institute of Information
Science Academia Sinica, Taiwan)<BR>LF Kwok (City University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong)<BR>Damien Sauveron (University of Limoges, France)<BR>Edgar R. Weippl
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)<BR>Robert Erbacher (Utah State
University, USA)<BR>Raymond Hsieh (California University of Pennsylvania,
USA)<BR>Kyung-Hyune Rhee (Pukyong National University,Korea)<BR>Paris Kitsos
(Hellenic Open University, Greece)<BR>Cosimo Anglano (Universita' del Piemonte
Orientale, Italy)<BR>Phil Attfield (Northwest Security,Institute-USA,
Canada)<BR>Jinn-Shing Cheng (National Kaohsiung First University,
Taiwan)<BR>Yongjian Hu (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Korea)<BR>Tetsutaro Uehara (Kyoto University, Japan)<BR>Sujeet Shenoi
(University of Tulsa, USA)<BR>Golden G. Richard (University of New Orleans,
USA)<BR>Jung-Shian Li (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)<BR>Che-Yen Wen
(Central Police University, Taiwan)<BR>Katrin Franke (Fraunhofer Institute,
Germany)<BR>Kyung-Soo Lim (Korea University, Korea)<BR>Yong Guan (Iowa State
University, USA)<BR>Jill Salay (University of South Australia,
Australia)<BR>George Mohay (Queensland University of Technology,
Australia)<BR>Richard Overill (King's College London, UK)<BR>Hilton Chan (Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)<BR>S.M. Yiu (University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong)<BR>Zichen Li (Bejing Electronic Science Technology
Institute, China)<BR>Yang Ying (Shandong Computer Science Center,
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>==Important Dates==<BR>Submission due: July 17,
2009<BR>Acceptance notification: August 31, 2009<BR>Camera-ready due: August
September 15, 2009<BR>Conference: December 10 - 12, 2009</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>== Paper Submission==<BR>There will be a combination of
presentations including scientific papers.<BR>Prospective authors are invited,
in the first instance, to submit papers<BR>for oral presentations in any of the
areas of interest for this workshop.<BR>Authors should submit paper with at
least 4 pages (maximum 8 pages).<BR>Authors are strongly recommended to submit
paper with at least 6 pages for<BR>further journal recommendation. Please use
the IEEE CS Proceedings format<BR>(MS-WORD or LaTeX) for
submission.<BR>F2GC-09's submission web site : <A
of accepted papers, or at least one of them, are requested to<BR>register and
present their work at the workshop, otherwise their papers<BR>will be removed
from the digital library after the conference.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>== Proceeding ==<BR>Accepted papers will be published by IEEE.
In addition, distinguished<BR>papers accepted and presented in F2GC-09, after
further revisions, will be<BR>published in special issues of prestigious
international journals<BR>(Pending).</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>--- The End --</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>