<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: -webkit-monospace; white-space: pre-wrap; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px; "><div>Due to the holiday season and several requests, the deadline of submission extended to July 24 (firm).</div>
*** Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP ***
International Workshop on Management of
Emerging Networks and Services
12-14 October 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia
<a href="http://www.iet.ntnu.no/workshop/mens2009/">http://www.iet.ntnu.no/workshop/mens2009/</a>
Conjunction with
International Conference on Ultra Modern
Telecommunications (ICUMT 2009)
Technically sponsored by IEEE
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: July 24, 2009 (extended, firm)
Notification of acceptance: August 3, 2009
Camera ready version: August 10, 2009
About the Workshop:
More recently, requirements in network management and control have been amended by emerging network and computing models, including wireless sensor networks, ad hoc networks, overlay networks, Grid networks, optical networks, multimedia networks, storage networks, the convergence of next generation networks (NGN) or even nanonetworks etc. Increasingly ubiquitous network environments require new management strategies, which can cope with resource constraints, multi-federated operations, scalability, dependability, context awareness, security, mobility and probability etc. To bring complex network systems under control, it is necessary for the IT industry to move to autonomic management, context-aware management and self-management systems in which technology itself is used to manage technology. New theoretical approaches are needed in resolving the challenging problems in network management. This workshop will provide a forum to researchers to propose theories and techniques on the management of emerging networks, share their experience of IT and telecommunications industries and discuss future management solutions for emerging networks.
Authors are invited to submit papers in theories and techniques for the management of emerging networks or related areas:
- Management of Emerging Networks and Services
- Management of Next-Generation Networks
- Management of Ad-hoc/Mesh Networks
- Management of 3G/4G Networks
- Management of Sensor Networks
- Resource Management of Wireless Networks
- Management of Overlay Networks
- Management of VPN
- Management of P2P Networks
- Management of Grid Architecture
- Management of Multimedia Networks
- Management of Satellite Networks
- Management of Optical Networks
- Management of Cognitive Networks
- Management of Future Internet
- Policy-based Network Management
- Bio-inspired Network Management
- AI Approaches for Network Management
- Control Theory for Network Management
- New Theories for Network Management
- Autonomic Management
- Self-management (Self-*)
- Context-aware Management
- Converged Networks and Services
- Application Reports in IT and Network Industries
The workshop proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in relevant databases.
Guidelines for Submission:
Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published. All papers will be reviewed and accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, published in IEEE Explorer. Papers are restricted to a maximum length of 8 pages, including text, figures, references, and appendices, and must be submitted electronically through the EDAS system (<a href="http://edas.info/N7849">http://edas.info/N7849</a>). Authors should prepare a PDF file following the IEEE single-spaced, double-column pages using the IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates: <a href="http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/pubservices/confpub/AuthorTools/conferenceTemplates.html">http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/pubservices/confpub/AuthorTools/conferenceTemplates.html</a> The cover page must contain an abstract of about 150 words, 3-5 keywords, name and affiliation of author(s) as well as the corresponding author's e-mail and postal address. At least one author of accepted papers is required to register and attend the conference. Authors of selected outstanding papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for consideration of publication in a special issue.
Workshop Chair:
Jianguo Ding (<a href="mailto:Jianguo.Ding@ieee.org">Jianguo.Ding@ieee.org</a>), Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Yevgeni KOUCHERYAVY, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Alexey VINEL, Saint-Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation, Russia
Technical Program Committee:
Finn AAGESEN, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
Ilangko BALASINGHAM, University of Oslo, Norway
Girma BERHE, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Pascal BOUVRY, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Luca CAVIGLIONE, National Research Council (CNR), Italy
Serge CHAUMETTE, University of Bordeaux, France
Chao CHEN, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne, USA
Zesheng CHEN, Florida International University, USA
Gregoire DANOY, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Franco DAVOLI, University of Genoa, Italy
Jianguo DING, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
Djamel DJENOURI, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
Haibing GUAN, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Frederic Guinand, Le Havre University, France
Haiwu HE, INRIA, France
Shanshan JIANG, SINTEF, Norway
Yuming JIANG, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
Yevgeni KOUCHERYAVY, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Peter KROPF, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
Xuedong LIANG, University of Oslo, Norway
Luoming MENG, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), China
Steffen Rothkugel, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Herwig UNGER, University of Hagen, Germany
Alexey VINEL, Saint-Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation, Russia
For further and up-to-date information please visit official web page of the workshop: <a href="http://www.iet.ntnu.no/workshop/mens2009">http://www.iet.ntnu.no/workshop/mens2009</a>.</span>