<p>CALL FOR PAPERS<br> The Fourth IEEE International Conference on<br> Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement<br> (SSIRI 2010)</p>
<p> <a href="http://paris.utdallas.edu/ssiri10">http://paris.utdallas.edu/ssiri10</a></p>
<p> Singapore<br> 9-11 June, 2010</p>
<p>SSIRI 2010 is the fourth annual conference technically co-sponsored by the<br>IEEE Reliability Society with a focus on software security and reliability.<br>It brings together a wide range of researchers and practitioners to present<br>
their on-going ideas, experiences, and outcomes of most recent research, and<br>to exchange their best-of-breed practices for developing reliable, secure,<br>and trustworthy software systems in a more effective and efficient way. It<br>
not only allows the academic community to gain an increased awareness of the<br>areas that are vital to the software industry, but it also grants<br>practitioners an opportunity to express their needs. The conference will be<br>
held at the National University of Singapore with three major tracks:<br>research papers, fast abstracts and the student doctoral program. Additional<br>workshops with more focused topics will also be held concurrently.</p>
<p>-------------------------------------------------------<br>Topics of Interests<br>-------------------------------------------------------<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:<br>* Security, Reliability, Availability, and<br>
Safety of Software Systems<br>* Fault Tolerance for Software Reliability Improvement<br>* Modeling, Prediction, Simulation, and Evaluation<br>* Validation, Verification, and Testing<br>* Metrics, Measurements, and Analysis<br>
* Software Integration<br>* Methods and Theories<br>* Automation and Tools<br>* Industry Best Practices<br>* Benchmark and Empirical Studies</p>
<p>-------------------------------------------------------<br>Paper Submission<br>-------------------------------------------------------<br>Submit original manuscripts (not published or considered<br>elsewhere) with a maximum of ten pages (regular paper), eight pages<br>
(workshop paper), six pages (Student Doctoral Program), and two pages (Fast<br>Abstract Track). Each paper should include a title, and the name and<br>affiliation of each author. Except for the Fast Abstract Track, each<br>
submission should also include a 150-word abstract and up to 6 keywords. The<br>format of your submission must follow the guidelines for IEEE conference<br>proceedings.<br>The first author of a Student Doctoral Program submission must be a student.<br>
At least one Best Paper Award will be presented by SSIRI 2010.</p>
<p>The authors of a number of selected papers of special merit will be invited<br>to submit an extended version of their papers for possible publication in a<br>special journal issue.</p>
<p>Detailed instructions for electronic paper submission and the review process<br>can be found at <a href="http://paris.utdallas.edu/ssiri10">http://paris.utdallas.edu/ssiri10</a>.<br>-------------------------------------------------------<br>
Important Dates<br>-------------------------------------------------------<br>* October 15, 2009: Workshop proposals due<br>* January 8, 2010: Regular papers due<br>* February 10, 2010: Workshop papers due<br>* February 10, 2010: Student Doctoral Program due<br>
* February 10, 2010: Fast Abstract Track due<br>* March 10, 2010: Author notification<br>* April 1, 2010: Camera-ready due</p>
<p>-------------------------------------------------------<br>Conference Organizers<br>-------------------------------------------------------<br>General Chair<br>Jin Song Dong (National University of Singapore)</p>
<p>Program co-Chairs<br>Ravi K. Madipadaga (Siemens Corporate Technology, India)<br>Jun Sun (National University of Singapore)<br>Dianxiang Xu (Dakota State University)</p>
<p>Steering Committee<br>Sam Keene (IEEE Reliability Society, USA)<br>W. Eric Wong (University of Texas at Dallas, USA)<br>Rajesh Subramanyan (Siemens Corporate Research, USA)<br>Fevzi Belli (University of Paderborn, Germany)<br>
Karama Kanoun (LAAS-CNRS, France)</p>
<p>-------------------------------------------------------<br>General Inquiries<br>-------------------------------------------------------<br>For further information, please visit<br><a href="http://paris.utdallas.edu/ssiri10">http://paris.utdallas.edu/ssiri10</a> or send emails to Professor Eric Wong at <a href="mailto:ewong@utdallas.edu">ewong@utdallas.edu</a> and<br>
Professor Jin Song Dong at <a href="mailto:dongjs@comp.nus.edu.sg">dongjs@comp.nus.edu.sg</a>.</p>