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METHODS<BR><A href="">http://fm2011.lero.ie</A><BR>June 20-24, 2011<BR>Lero,
Limerick, Ireland<BR><BR>FM 2011 is the seventeenth in a series of symposia
organized by<BR>Formal Methods Europe, an independent association whose aim
is<BR>to stimulate the use of, and research on, formal methods for<BR>software
development. The symposia have been notably successful<BR>in bringing together
innovators and practitioners in precise<BR>mathematical methods for software and
systems development,<BR>industrial users as well as researchers. Submissions
are<BR>welcomed in the form of original papers on research and<BR>industrial
experience, proposals for workshops and tutorials,<BR>entries for the exhibition
of software tools and projects, and<BR>reports on ongoing doctoral
work.<BR><BR>The FM 2011 Symposium will be based around the
theme<BR> Formal Methods Come of Age<BR><BR>It
will have the goal of highlighting and celebrating advances<BR>and maturity in
formal methods research, education, and<BR>deployment via tool support and
industrial best practice, and<BR>their role in a variety of industries, domains,
and in<BR>certification and assurance. FM 2011 particularly welcomes<BR>papers
on experience with practical applications of formal<BR>methods in industrial and
research settings, experimental<BR>validation of tools and methods as well as
construction and<BR>evolution of formal methods tools.<BR><BR>The broad topics
of interest for FM 2011 are:<BR><BR>* Formal methods in practice: industrial
applications of formal<BR>methods, experience with introducing formal methods in
industry,<BR>tool usage reports, experiments with challenge problems.<BR>Authors
are encouraged to explain how the use of formal methods<BR>has overcome
problems, lead to improvements in design or<BR>provided new insights.<BR><BR>*
Tools for formal methods: advances in automated verification
and<BR>model-checking, integration of tools, environments for formal<BR>methods,
experimental validation of tools. Authors are<BR>encouraged to demonstrate
empirically that the new tool or<BR>environment advances the state of the
art.<BR><BR>* Role of formal methods in software and systems
engineering;<BR>development processes with formal methods, usage guidelines
for<BR>formal methods, method integration. Authors are encouraged
to<BR>demonstrate that process innovations lead to qualitative
or<BR>quantitative improvements.<BR><BR>* Theoretical foundations: all aspects
of theory related to<BR>specification, verification, refinement, and static
analysis.<BR>Authors are encouraged to explain how their results
contribute<BR>to the solution of practical problems with methods or
tools.<BR><BR>PAPER SUBMISSION<BR><BR>Papers will be evaluated by the Programme
Committee according to<BR>their originality, significance, soundness, quality
of<BR>presentation and relevance with respect to the main issues of<BR>the
symposium.<BR><BR>There are 2 categories of paper:<BR><BR>* Regular papers not
exceeding 15 pages including appendices using<BR>Springer LNCS format. Authors
of papers reporting experimental<BR>work are strongly encouraged to make their
experimental results<BR>available for use by reviewers.<BR><BR>* Tools papers
not exceeding 4 pages should describe the tool and<BR>its contribution. Authors
of tools papers should make their tool<BR>available for use by
reviewers.<BR><BR>Reviewers will be asked to take account of any available data
or<BR>tools in assessing the contribution of the paper. There will be<BR>a
short rebuttal phase during which authors may provide a short<BR>response to the
reviews of their paper before final decisions<BR>are made.<BR><BR>Accepted
papers will be published in the Symposium Proceedings,<BR>to appear in
Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science.<BR>Submitted papers should have
not been submitted elsewhere for<BR>publication, should be in Springer's
format.<BR><BR>INDUSTRY DAY<BR><BR>FM 2011 will include an Industry Day that
will be dedicated to<BR>sharing experience with using formal methods in
industrial<BR>environments. The Industry Day Chairs will solicit
presentations<BR>from industry. Abstracts will appear in the
Symposium<BR>Proceedings.<BR><BR>WORKSHOPS<BR><BR>We welcome proposals for
one-day or one-and-a-half-day workshops<BR>in subjects related to FM 2011.
In particular, but not<BR>exclusively, we encourage proposals for workshops on
various<BR>application domains.<BR><BR>TUTORIALS<BR><BR>We are soliciting
proposals for full-day or half-day tutorials.<BR>The tutorial contents can be
selected from a wide range of<BR>topics that reflect the conference themes and
provide clear<BR>utility to practitioners. Each proposal will be evaluated
on<BR>importance, relevance, timeliness, audience appeal and past<BR>experience
and qualification of the instructors.<BR><BR>DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM<BR><BR>PhD
students are invited to submit papers describing their work<BR>(in progress).
The authors of the accepted papers will present<BR>their work at the symposium
in the presence of the members of an<BR>Examination Committee, who will act as
"friendly examiners",<BR>providing detailed feedback. Students whose submissions
are<BR>accepted will be able to participate in the Doctoral
Symposium.<BR><BR>IMPORTANT DATES<BR><BR>Submission of Technical Papers: January
10th, 2011<BR>Submission of Tutorial and Workshop Proposals: January 24th,
2011<BR>Notification for Technical Papers: March 8th, 2011<BR>Notification for
Tutorial and Workshop Proposals: March 22nd, 2011<BR><BR>Information on the
format of workshop and tutorial proposals and<BR>on Doctoral Symposium
submissions will be made available on the<BR>Symposium website.<BR><BR>GENERAL
CHAIR<BR> Mike Hinchey, Lero, Ireland<BR><BR>PC CHAIRS<BR> Michael
Butler, University of Southampton, UK<BR> Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft
finalised<BR><BR>WORKSHOP CHAIRS<BR> Emil Vassev, Lero, Ireland<BR>
David Sinclair, Lero, Ireland<BR><BR>TUTORIALS CHAIR<BR>
TBD<BR><BR>INDUSTRY DAY CHAIRS<BR> Andrew Butterfield, Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland<BR> TBD<BR><BR>DOCTORAL CHAIR<BR> Norah Power, Lero,
Ireland<BR><BR>PUBLICITY CHAIR<BR> Jonathan Bowen, Museophile Limited,
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