Dear EuroSys members,<br><br>* The EuroSys 2011 submission site is now open for pre-submissions.<br>This is something new for this year and intended to help people write<br>better papers. Details below.<br><br>* The EuroSys 2011 call for tutorials is out - details below.<br>
<br>* The EuroSys 2011 call for workshops is out - details below.<br><br>-----------------------------------------<br><br>EuroSys'11 is now open for pre-submissions. Any submission received by<br>the pre-submission deadline of Fri, 10 Sep 2010 (UTC), will, within<br>
one week, receive feedback from an experienced systems researcher and<br>reviewer on how to improve the paper. This feedback will focus on<br>structure and presentation issues and emphasise improving the writeup<br>rather than critiquing the research, and will not prejudice the<br>
treatment of the final submission.<br><br>Pre-reviewers may or may not be members of the program committee, and<br>may or may not review the final paper (but are subject to the same<br>confidentiality rules as actual reviewers). As such, the same<br>
standards of double-blind reviewing apply as for the final papers.<br><br>The complete EuroSys'11 Call for Papers is available from<br><a href=""></a><br>
<br>-----------------------------------------<br><br>Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for<br>tutorials to be held in conjunction with the EuroSys 2011 conference.<br>The purpose of tutorials is to educate conference attendees about<br>
specific topics or to provide background necessary to understand<br>technical advances. The tutorial should attract a wide audience,<br>provide an introduction to the chosen research area and should cover<br>the most important work in depth. Proposals should not be exclusively<br>
focused on the presenter's own work or a commercial product.<br><br> * Tutorial proposals due: October 22, 2010 (11:59am CEST)<br> * Acceptance notification: November 11, 2010<br> * Date of Tutorials: April 10, 2011<br>
<br><a href=""></a><br><br>-----------------------------------------<br><br>Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for<br>
workshops to be held in conjunction with the EuroSys 2011 conference.<br>The purpose of workshops is to provide a forum for exchanging<br>opinions, presenting ideas, and discussing preliminary results in a<br>small and interactive atmosphere.<br>
<br> * Workshop proposals due October 22, 2010 (11:59am CEST)<br> * Acceptance notification November 11, 2010<br> * Date of workshops April 10, 2011<br><br>-----------------------------------------<br><br>