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<p>CFP: GameNets 2011<br>====================================================== <br> GameNets 2011 <br> 2nd International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets),<br>
16-18 April 2011 Shanghai, China<br> <a href="http://www.gamenets.org/" target="_blank">http://www.gamenets.org/</a><br> Submission deadline: November 30, 2010<br>
<p>OVERVIEW:<br>Game theory provides a formal mathematical framework to study complex interactions among interdependent rational players. For more than half a century, game theory has led to revolutionary developments in economics, and has also found important applications in politics, sociology, psychology, engineering, and transportation. This conference will bring together researchers who apply game theory to analyze, design, and assess the performance of networks. Both the application of game theory to networking problems and the development of new game-theoretic methodologies that can be applied in that context are of interest. This conference will bring together researchers who apply game theory to analyze, design, and assess the performance of networks.</p>
<div>Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):</div>
<div>* Distributed network resource allocation<br>* Trust and reputation management<br>* Security assessment and enhancement<br>* Dynamic spectrum assignment and management<br>* Cognitive radio networks<br>* Dynamic topology formation in networks<br>
* Incentives for cooperation in networks<br>* Node mobility and route adaptation<br>* Fairness in forwarding and medium access<br>* Peer to peer and overlay networks<br>* Network pricing<br>* Multiple service provider interactions<br>
* Powerline communication networks<br>* Electrical power networks<br>* Formation of social networks<br>* Biological networks<br>* Biologically-inspired network design<br>* Applicability and limitations of game theory in the networking domain<br>
* Algorithmic game theory<br>* Equilibrium selection among multiple equilibria<br>* Paradigms of bounded rationality and consequences<br>* S-modular and potential games<br>* Price of anarchy<br>* Games of imperfect or asymmetric information<br>
* Learning mechanisms in games<br>* Computation of Nash, correlated, and market equilibria<br>* Preference elicitation and winner determination in combinatorial auctions<br>* Stackelberg games<br>* Cooperative game theoretical models<br>
* Multi-stage and repeated games<br>* Mechanism design</div>
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<div>Deadline for Full Paper Submission: November 30, 2010<br>Notification of Acception: January 28, 2011<br>Final Submission and Early Registration Deadline: February 25, 2011<br>Conference Date: April 16-18, 2011</div>
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<div>Prospective authors are invited to submit their contributions as extended abstracts of up to 8 pages in single-column format with one-and-a-half line spacing, and containing sufficient information to allow for a detailed review. Final versions of papers to be included in the program will be up to 10 pages in double column format. A proceedings volume will be available at the conference, as part of the conference registration package.<br>
Please submit your paper to the following place within submission due.<br>Submission web pages are<br></div>
<div><a href="http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gamenets2011" target="_blank">http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gamenets2011</a></div>
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<div>*Steering Committee Chairs:*<br>Athanasios V. Vasilakos(National Technical University of Athens, Greece)<br>Imrich Chlamtac(Create-Net,Italy)</div>
<p>*General Chairs*<br>Athanasios V. Vasilakos(National Technical University of Athens,Greece)<br>Xinbing Wang (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)</p>
<p>* TPC Chairs*<br>Rajgopal Kannan(LSU,USA)<br>Rahul Jain(USC,USA)</p>
<p>*Publication Chair*<br>Foad Dabiri (UCLA,USA)</p>
<p>*Workshops Chairs*<br>Hung-Yu Wei (National Taiwan University)<br>Jang-Won Lee (Yonsei University,Korea)<br>Hongyang Chen (The University of Tokyo)</p>
<p>*Web Chair***<br>Shen Gu (Shanghai Jiaotong University)</p>
<p>*GAMENETS 2011 TPC COMMITTEE*<br>1. Alhussein Abouzeid (RPI)<br>2. Elliot Anshelevich (RPI)<br>3. Tansu Alpcan (TU-Berlin)<br>4. Eitan Altman (INRIA/U-d'Avignon)<br>5. Randall Berry (Northwestern)<br>6. Konstantin Busch (LSU)<br>
7. John Chuang (UC Berkeley)<br>8. Parijat Dube (IBM Watson)<br>9. Eylem Ekici (Ohio State)<br>10. Rachid El-Azouzi (U-d'Avignon)<br>11. Jianwei Huang (CUHK)<br>12. Bhaskar Krishnamachari (USC)<br>13. Richard La (U-Maryland)<br>
14. Husheng Li (U-Tennessee)<br>15. Mingyan Liu (U-Michigan)<br>16. Steven Low (Caltech)<br>17. Allen MacKenzie (Virginia Tech)<br>18. Marios Mavronicolas (U-Cyprus)<br>19. Ravi Mazumdar (U-Waterloo)<br>20. Y. Narahari (IISc, Bangalore)<br>
21. Vincent Poor (Princeton)<br>22. Mihaela van der Schaar (UCLA)<br>23. Rajmohan Rajaraman (Northeastern)<br>24. Saswati Sarkar, (U-Pennsylvania)<br>25. Jeff Shamma (GeorgiaTech)<br>26. Arun Somani (Iowa State)<br>27. Paul Spirakis (U-Patras)<br>
28. Ryan Thomas (Air Force Institute of Technology)<br>39. Vijay Vazirani (GeorgiaTech)<br>30. Jean Walrand (UC Berkeley)<br>31. Shuangqing Wei (LSU)<br>32. Simon Wilkie (USC)<br>33. Jian Yuan (Tsinghua)<br>34. Bill Zame (UCLA)<br>
35. Muthu Muthukrishnan (googleResearch/Rutgers)<br>36. Shanghua Teng(USC)<br>37. A.Kevin Tang(Cornell University)<br></p></div><br>