<TITLE>VVPS 2011 - deadline extension for all ICAPS workshops</TITLE>
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</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>----------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>
March 18 <BR>
3rd ICAPS Workshop on<BR>
Verification and Validation for<BR>
Planning and Scheduling Systems<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U><a href="http://icaps11.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/workshops/vvps.html">http://icaps11.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/workshops/vvps.html</a><BR>
Freiburg, Germany, June 13, 2011<BR>
Topic and Objectives:<BR>
Planning and scheduling (P&S) systems are finding increased<BR>
application in safety- and mission-critical systems that require a high level of<BR>
assurance. However, tools and methodologies for verification and validation<BR>
(V&V) of P&S systems have received relatively little attention. Therefore,<BR>
important goals of the workshop are (i) to encourage the ongoing interaction<BR>
between V&V and P&S communities, (ii) to identify innovative tools<BR>
and methodologies (iii) and to elicit open issues and real challenges.<BR>
The workshop also aims to enhance a stable, long-term establishment<BR>
of a forum on relevant topics connected to the influence between V&V and<BR>
P&S. The workshop series began in 2005 with the first edition of the<BR>
workshop (<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U><a href="http://planning.cis.strath.ac.uk/vvpsws/">http://planning.cis.strath.ac.uk/vvpsws/</a></U></FONT>) during ICAPS '05 and<BR>
continued in 2009 with the second edition (<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U><a href="http://www-vvps09.imag.fr/">http://www-vvps09.imag.fr/</a></U></FONT>) during ICAPS<BR>
'09. These workshops presented a stimulating environment where researchers<BR>
could discuss about the opportunities and challenges in integrating V&V and<BR>
Topics of interest include: V&V of domain models, using technologies<BR>
such as static analysis, theorem proving, and model checking; consistency and<BR>
completeness of domain models; domain model coverage metrics; regression, <BR>
stress and boundary testing; runtime verification of plan executions; generation <BR>
of robust plans; compositional verification of domain models; how to structure domain<BR>
models which are more amenable to static analysis; inspection methods; the<BR>
relationship between timed automata and domain models; investigations of the impact<BR>
wrt. V&V of procedural versus declarative plan models; application of P&S<BR>
techniques to V&V; Planning as model checking; etc.<BR>
Important Dates:<BR>
Paper submission: March 18, 2011 (*** extended ***)<BR>
Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 15, 2011<BR>
Final version due: TBA<BR>
Workshop Date: June 13, 2011 <BR>
There are two types of submissions: short position statements and regular papers. <BR>
Position papers are a maximum of 2 (two) pages. Regular papers are a maximum of 10 (ten) <BR>
pages. Papers should be submitted via the VVPS EasyChair website: <BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U><a href="http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vvps11">http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vvps11</a></U></FONT> <BR>
All papers should be typeset in the AAAI style, described at: <BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U><a href="http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Author/author.php">http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Author/author.php</a></U></FONT> <BR>
Accepted papers will be published on the workshop website and printed as a hard-copy.<BR>
A selection of the accepted papers will be published in a special issue of the <BR>
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer:<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U><a href="http://sttt.cs.uni-dortmund.de/index.html">http://sttt.cs.uni-dortmund.de/index.html</a></U></FONT>.<BR>
Any additional questions can be directed towards the general workshop<BR>
contact email: <FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U><a href="vvps11@easychair.org">vvps11@easychair.org</a><BR>
Organization Chairs:<BR>
Saddek Bensalem,<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U><a href="saddek.bensalem@imag.fr">saddek.bensalem@imag.fr</a><BR>
Klaus Havelund,<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U><a href="klaus.havelund@jpl.nasa.gov">klaus.havelund@jpl.nasa.gov</a><BR>
Andrea Orlandini<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U><a href="andrea.orlandini@itia.cnr.it">andrea.orlandini@itia.cnr.it</a><BR>
Programme Committee:<BR>
Howard Barringer (University of Manchester, UK)<BR>
Andreas Bauer (NICTA, Australia)<BR>
Saddek Bensalem (Verimag/UJF, France) (Co-Chair)<BR>
Amedeo Cesta (ISTC-CNR, Rome, Italy)<BR>
Alessandro Cimatti (FBK, Trento, Italy)<BR>
Alexandre David (Aalborg University, Denmark)<BR>
Giuseppe Della Penna (University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy)<BR>
Lucas Dixon (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK)<BR>
Bernd Finkbeiner (Saarland University, Germany)<BR>
Alberto Finzi (University of Naples, Naples, Italy)<BR>
Maria Fox (University of Strathclyde, UK)<BR>
Dimitra Giannakopoulou (NASA Ames Research Center, USA)<BR>
Enrico Giunchiglia (University of Genova, Italy)<BR>
Alex Groce (Oregon State University, USA)<BR>
Klaus Havelund (JPL, USA) (Co-Chair)<BR>
Gerard Holzmann (JPL, USA)<BR>
Felix Ingrand (LAAS-CNRS, France)<BR>
Hadas Kress-Gazit (Cornell University, USA)<BR>
Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)<BR>
Martin Leucker Technische Universität München, Germany)<BR>
Lee McCluskey (University of Huddersfield, UK)<BR>
David Musliner (SIFT, USA)<BR>
Andrea Orlandini (ITIA-CNR, Milan, Italy) (Co-Chair)<BR>
Corina Pasareanu (NASA Ames Research Center, USA)<BR>
Charles Pecheur (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)<BR>
Paul Pettersson (Malardalen University, Sweden)<BR>
Douglas Smith (Kestrel Institute, USA)<BR>