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<br> 5th International Workshop on <br> Ontology, Models, Conceptualization and Epistemology in Social, Artificial and Natural Systems<br><br> will be held on June 20th as a pre conference workshop of CAiSE 2011, London, United Kingdom<br>
<br> <a href="http://conf.ifit.uni-klu.ac.at/ontose/">http://conf.ifit.uni-klu.ac.at/ontose/</a><br><br> Accepted papers will be published under the Springer LNBIP series CAISE Workshop Proceedings<br><br>
---------------------------------------------<br><br>The Workshop is centred on the role of abstraction in man-made systems (as complex Information Systems), social systems <br>(as organizations, social networks or service systems) or natural systems (as environmental or ecological systems) and <br>
how these abstractions are useful for practical purposes in advanced Information Systems. Abstraction is represented <br>in models of various kinds, be them graphical or using formal languages as in the case of ontologies. However, abstraction <br>
should tackle with the notion of what entities exist in reality and to what extent we can know about them, which makes <br>epistemological issues relevant. Papers sought in ONTOSE range thus from papers describing relevant ontologies or models <br>
or their application to problems of various kinds to papers dealing with empirical studies related to modelling and abstraction,<br>or touching philosophical issues regarding proper representations of reality. <br><br>The Workshop focuses on the intersection of disciplines and in the aspects related to ontologies, models and epistemological issues. <br>
It complements the conference orientation by emphasizing multi-disciplinary and philosophical issues, and focusing on Information Systems. <br>It complements the main conference by emphasizing modelling and ontological issues which are appearing in advanced Information Systems <br>
that require complex and interoperable models for their functioning.<br> <br>---------------------------------------------<br>---------------------------------------------<br>AIMS, SCOPE AND TOPICS<br>---------------------------------------------<br>
---------------------------------------------<br><br>In our society which has already turned to a service providing society, the technical aspects as well as the human, natural, social and <br>economic aspects must be considered together. This has already resulted in considerable research on these aspects that are related to <br>
disciplines like Information Systems, Software Engineering and Service Science, as for example, how empirical research should be conducted,<br>what are the conditions for "valid" knowledge, and which the scope of theories in these fields are. These are elements that are of interest<br>
from perspectives as diverse as philosophy, engineering and technology. For example, the material and temporal entities that are dealt with<br>in a given field are a matter of ontology, and the conditions for credibility of statements and research methods are a matter of epistemology.<br>
Hence the relationship and influences between software and computational models, information systems and service science will be studied from <br>an ontological view point, but with a broad perspective under which researchers with different background can meet and truly multi-disciplinary<br>
issues can arise.<br><br>As in the previous editions, the main goal of this event is to allow challenging and promising cross-fertilization over multidisciplinary research<br>areas to be tackled and investigated by all the participants. The design of systems in which parts have complex interactions, more and more the <br>
understanding of theoretical, epistemological and conceptual frameworks coming from the human and social sciences. <br><br>Topics therefore include (but are not limited to) the following: <br><br>- Ontology and other representations of Software Engineering, Systems Engineering, Service Engineering and Information Systems. <br>
- Ontologies of natural or social systems in general, with an emphasis on the modelling process and issues. <br>- Studies and essays about metrics, indicators and general issues regarding research on Software, Services and Systems Engineering models. <br>
- Conceptualizations, bodies of knowledge or schemas for software engineering, service engineering and information systems. <br>- Applications that deal with representations of concepts and relations of the disciplines. <br>
- Social, psychological and organizational issues about modelling in the disciplines. <br>- Epistemological and philosophical aspect of system modelling and development. <br>- Empirical studies regarding ontologies and models in the disciplines addressed. <br>
- Architectural patterns and ontologies for the design of high-quality services and systems. <br>- UML and other system modelling frameworks. <br>- Ontologies in requirements engineering, intensional and goal modelling in the context of services <br>
- Ontology driven development and management of services and software. <br>- Natural language, models and ontologies. <br>- Social, technical and economic impacts of models. <br>- Ontologies and models representing customer issues.<br>
- Ontologies and process models. <br>- Ontologies and models to improve the efficiency in services and systems<br>- Models of Software as a Service (SaaS) and other IT infrastructure<br>- Models and ontologies related to the Internet of Services and Things<br>
- Models of reasoning and emergent behaviour in artificial, social and natural systems.<br>- Integration of static and dynamic aspects of ontologies and conceptual models<br>- Visualization of ontologies and models<br><br>
---------------------------------------------<br>---------------------------------------------<br>PUBLICATION<br>---------------------------------------------<br>---------------------------------------------<br><br>Accepted papers will be published in the CAiSE 2011 workshop proceedings under the Springer's Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series.<br>
Guidelines for formatting your paper can be found at the following link: <br><a href="http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-2-791344-0">http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-2-791344-0</a><br><br>---------------------------------------------<br>
---------------------------------------------<br>IMPORTANT DATES<br>---------------------------------------------<br>---------------------------------------------<br><br>Short Abstract submission deadline (about 150 Words - Ascii): February 14, 2011<br>
Full Paper submission deadline: extended to March 4, 2011 <br>Notification of authors: March 14, 2011 <br>Camera ready papers (for Workshop): March 27, 2011<br><br>Abstract and paper submission will be through the Easychair System at the following link: <a href="http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ontose2011">http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ontose2011</a><br>
---------------------------------------------<br>---------------------------------------------<br>ORGANISATION<br>---------------------------------------------<br>---------------------------------------------<br><br>SCIENTIFIC CO-CHAIRS: <br>
<br>- Miguel-Angel Sicilia, University of Alcalá, (Spain)<br>- Christian Kop, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, (Austria)<br>- Fabio Sartori, University of Milano-Bicocca, (Italy) <br><br>ORGANIZATION CHAIR:<br><br>- María-Cruz Valiente, University of Alcalá, (Spain) <br>
<br>PROGRAM COMMITTEE: <br><br>- Sudhir Agarwal, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), (Germany) <br>- Stefania Bandini, University of Milano-Bicocca, (Italy) <br>- Djamal Benslimane, LIRIS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon, (France) <br>
- Julita Bermejo-Alonso, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, (Spain)<br>- Pierre Bourque, Engineering school of the Universit du Québec, (Canada) <br>- Pierre-Jean Charrel, University Toulouse 2 Mirail, (France) <br>- Jürgen Ebert, University of Koblenz, (Germany) <br>
- Werner Esswein, TU Dresden, (Germany) <br>- Johann Eder, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, (Austria)<br>- Sergio España Cubillo, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, (Spain)<br>- Raimund Feldmann, Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software Engineering, Maryland, (USA) <br>
- Alexander Felfernig, Graz University of Technology, (Austria)<br>- Anthony Finkelstein, University College London, (United Kingdom) <br>- Gerhard Friedrich, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, (Austria) <br>- Faiez Gargouri, l'Institute Supérieur d'Informatique et du Multimédia de Sfax, (Tunesie) <br>
- Athula Ginige, University of Western Sydney, (Australia)<br>- Olly Gotel, Independent Researcher, New York City, (USA) <br>- Peter Haase, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), (Germany) <br>- Wolfgang Hesse, Philipps-Universität Marburg<br>
- Dietmar Jannach, TU Dortmund, (Germany)<br>- Paul Johannesson, Stockholm University, (Sweden) <br>- Roland Kaschek, Independent Researcher, Düsseldorf, (Germany)<br>- Miltiadis Lytras, ELTRUN Research Center, (Greece) <br>
- Heinrich C. Mayr, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, (Austria) <br>- John-Jules Charles Meyer, University of Utrecht, (The Netherlands) <br>- Daniela Micucci, University of Milano-Bicocca, (Italy) <br>- Roland Mittermeir, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, (Austria)<br>
- Jose Angel Olivas, University of Castilla-La-Mancha, (Spain) <br>- Jari Palomaki, Tampere University of Technology/Pori, (Finland) <br>- Fernando Silva Parreiras, University of Koblenz, (Germany) <br>- Daniel Rodríguez, University of Alcalá, (Spain) <br>
- Francisco Ruiz Gonzalez, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, (Spain) <br>- Christelle Scharff, Pace University New York, (USA) <br>- Christian M. Stracke, University of Duisburg-Essen, (Germany)<br>- Markus Stumptner, University of South Australia, (Australia)<br>
- Francesco Tisato, University of Milano-Bicocca, (Italy) <br>- Markus Zanker, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, (Austria)<br><br>