<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman,new york,times,serif;font-size:12pt;color:#000000;"><div><br>Please accept our apologies if you received multiple copies.<br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Call for Papers for the 10th IEEE International Conference on <br>Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications<br>(IEEE TrustCom 2011)<br><br><br>Organizers: School of Information Science and Engineering <br>& School of Software, Central South University, China<br>Venue & Dates: Changsha, China, November 16-18, 2011<br><span><a target="_blank" href="http://trust.csu.edu.cn/conference/trustcom2011">http://trust.csu.edu.cn/conference/trustcom2011</a></span><br><br><br>Introduction<br><br>With rapid development and increasing complexity of computer and <br>communications systems and networks, user
requirements for trust, <br>security and privacy are becoming more and more demanding. However,<br>there is a grand challenge that traditional security technologies and<br>measures may not meet user requirements in open, dynamic, <br>heterogeneous, mobile, wireless, and distributed computing<br>environments. Therefore, we need to build systems and networks in<br>which various applications allow users to enjoy more comprehensive<br>services while preserving trust, security and privacy at the same <br>time. As useful and innovative technologies, trusted computing and <br>communications are attracting researchers with more and more <br>attention. <br><br>The 10th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy<br>in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-11) will be held in <br>Changsha, China in November 16-18, 2011. It results from merging two <br>conference series: TrustCom (International Symposium on Trusted <br>Computing and
Communications) and TSP (International Symposium on <br>Trust, Security and Privacy for Emerging Applications). It follows <br>the success of TrustCom-10 in Hong Kong SAR, China, and TSP-10 in <br>Bradford, UK. The conference aims at bringing together researchers<br>and practitioners in the world working on trusted computing and <br>communications, with regard to trust, security, privacy, reliability,<br>dependability, survivability, availability, and fault tolerance <br>aspects of computer systems and networks, and providing a forum to <br>present and discuss emerging ideas and trends in this highly <br>challenging research field.<br><br><br>Scope and Interests<br><br>IEEE TrustCom-11 is an international conference for presenting and <br>discussing emerging ideas and trends in trusted computing and <br>communications in computer systems and networks from both the <br>research community as well as the industry. Topics of interest <br>include, but are
not limited to:<br><br>Trust Track<br>Chairs: Dengguo Feng, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China<br> Indrajit Ray, Colorado State University, USA<br>(1) Trust semantics, metrics and models<br>(2) Trusted computing platform<br>(3) Trusted network computing<br>(4) Trusted operating systems<br>(5) Trusted software and applications<br>(6) Trust in social networks<br>(7) Trust in e-commerce and e-government<br>(8) Trust in mobile and wireless communications<br>(9) Risk and reputation management<br>(10) Survivable computer systems/networks<br>(11) Miscellaneous trust issues <br><br>Security Track<br>Chairs: Liqun Chen, HP Labs in Bristol, UK<br> Guilin Wang, University of Wollongong, Australia<br>(1) Network security<br>(2) Computer security<br>(3) Database security<br>(4) Web applications security<br>(5) Security policy, model and architecture<br>(6)
Security in social networks<br>(7) Security in parallel and distributed systems<br>(8) Security in mobile and wireless communications<br>(9) Security in grid/cloud/pervasive computing<br>(10) Authentication, authorization and accounting<br>(11) Miscellaneous security issues <br><br>Privacy Track<br>Chairs: Hua Wang, The University of Southern Queensland, Australia<br> Christoph Sorge, University of Paderborn, Germany<br>(1) Privacy in Web-based applications and services<br>(2) Privacy in database systems<br>(3) Privacy in parallel and distributed systems<br>(4) Privacy in grid/cloud/pervasive computing<br>(5) Privacy in mobile and wireless communications<br>(6) Privacy in e-commerce and e-government<br>(7) Privacy in network deployment and management<br>(8) Privacy and trust<br>(9) Privacy and security<br>(10) Privacy and anonymity<br>(11) Miscellaneous privacy issues <br><br><br>Submission and Publication
Information<br><br>The accepted papers from this conference will be published by IEEE <br>Computer Society in IEEE proceedings (indexed by EI Compendex and <br>ISTP). Papers should be written in English conforming to the IEEE <br>standard conference format (8.5" x 11", Two-Column). Papers should be<br>submitted through the paper submission system at the conference <br>website. Manuscripts should be submitted through the paper submission<br>system at the conference website. Each paper is limited to 8 pages <br>(or 12 pages with the over length charge). Distinguished papers, <br>after further revisions, will be published in two special issues to <br>be indexed by SCI and EI. The program committee will select two <br>winners for the Best Paper Awards for this conference. Submitting a <br>paper to the conference means that, if the paper is accepted, at <br>least one author should attend the conference and present the paper. <br>For no-show authors, their
papers will be removed from the digital <br>library after the conference and their affiliations will be notified.<br><br><br>Important Dates<br><br>(1) Paper submission due: June 30, 2011 <br>(2) Notification of decision: August 30, 2011 <br>(3) Camera-ready papers due: September 30, 2011<br> <br><br>Honorary Chair<br><br>Lijian Tao, Vice President of Central South University, China <br><br><br>Steering Co-Chairs<br><br>Guojun Wang, Central South University, China <br>Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada <br><br><br>General Co-Chairs<br><br>Yi Mu, University of Wollongong, Australia<br>Gregorio Martinez, University of Murcia, Spain<br>Geyong Min, University of Bradford, UK <br><br><br>Program
Co-Chairs<br><br>Huaimin Wang, National University of Defense Technology, China<br>Stephen R. Tate, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA<br>Yang Xiang, Deakin University, Australia<br><br><br>Program Vice Chairs<br><br>Dengguo Feng, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China<br>Indrajit Ray, Colorado Stat e University, USA<br>Liqun Chen, HP Labs in Bristol, UK<br>Guilin Wang, University of Wollongong, Australia<br>Hua Wang, The University of Southern Queensland, Australia<br>Christoph Sorge, University of Paderborn, Germany <br><br><br>Workshop Co-Chairs<br><br>Yixin Jiang, Tsinghua University, China<br>John Fiore, Temple University, USA<br>Zheng Yan, Nokia Research Center, Finland <br><br><br>Organizing Co-Chairs<br><br>Zhigang Chen, Central South University, China<br>Ming Xu, National University of Defense Technology, China<br>Edwin Sha, Hunan University, China/The University of Texas at Dallas, USA <br><br><br>Publicity
Co-Chairs<br><br>Scott Fowler, Linkoping University, Sweden <br>Felix Gomez Marmol, NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany <br>Jianliang Gao, University of Ulster, UK <br>Jose Maria Alcaraz Calero, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, UK <br>Jemal H. Abawajy, Deakin University, Australia<br>Chin-Feng Lee, Chaoyang University of technology, Taiwan<br><br><br>Publication Co-Chairs<br><br>Fang Qi, Central South University, China<br>Congxu Zhu, Central South University, China <br><br><br>Finance Co-Chairs<br><br>Jin Zheng, Central South University, China<br>Guihua Duan, Central South University, China <br><br><br>Steering Committee (in alphabetical order)<br><br>Bhavani Thuraisingham, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA <br>Hsiao-Hwa Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan<br>Indrakshi Ray, Colorado State University, USA <br>Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada <br>Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan<br>Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hong Kong <br>Jie Li, University of Tsukuba, Japan<br>Jie Wu, Temple University, USA<br>Kouichi Sakurai, Kyushu University, Japan <br>Maria S. Perez-Hernandez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain<br>Minyi Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China<br>Peter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland<br>Srinivas Sampalli, Dalhousie University, Canada <br>Wanlei Zhou, Deakin University, Australia<br>Weijia Jia, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong <br><br><br>Program Committee (in alphabetical order) <br><br>TBD<br><br><br>Organizing Committee<br><br>Beiji Zou, Central South University, China <br>Changyun Li, Hunan University of Technology, China <br>Hong Liu, Hunan Normal University, Chinia <br>Jianxin Wang, Central South University, China <br>Jianxun Liu, Hunan University of Science and Technology, China <br>Kenli Li, Hunan University, China <br>Ming Fu, Changsha University of Science and Technology, China <br>Renren
Liu, Xiangtan University, China <br>Ronghua Shi, Central South University, China <br>Xinjun Mao, National University of Defense Technology, China <br>Zhaohui Dai, Central South University, China <br>Zhigang Hu, Central South University, China <br><br><br>Secretariats<br><br>Pin Liu, Central South University, China<br>Yongming Xie, Central South University, China <br><br><br>Webmasters<br><br>Qian Li, Central South University, China<br>Xiaofei Xing, Central South University, China<br> <br><br>Contact <br><br>Please email inquiries concerning IEEE TrustCom 2011 to: <br>Prof. Guojun Wang: csgjwang AT gmail DOT com<br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Call for Workshop Proposals<br><br>The 10th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing<br>and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-11),
Changsha, China, November 16-18, 2011.<br><span>URL: <a target="_blank" href="http://trust.csu.edu.cn/conference/trustcom2011/">http://trust.csu.edu.cn/conference/trustcom2011/</a></span><br><br>The TrustCom-11 organizing committee invite proposals for workshops<br>to be held at the conference. Prospective workshop organizers are<br>invited to submit workshop proposals on foundational and emerging <br>topics in areas relevant to trust, security and privacy in computing<br>and communications. The workshops will provide an opportunity for <br>researchers and industry practitioners to share their research results <br>and practical development experiences on specific challenging and <br>emerging issues.<br><br>A workshop proposal should include a proper title, an overview,<br>workshop scope, information about the program, organizers of the<br>workshop, a tentative list of members of the program committee,<br>history of the workshop (if held previously by
the same team), and<br>short bios of all organizers. Workshops will be either a full day <br>or a half day format. Workshop proposals should be submitted to <br>the workshop co-chairs: Dr. Yixin Jiang, Tsinghua University, <br>China (yixin.tsinghua@gmail.com), Dr. John Fiore, Temple University, <br>USA (jfiore@temple.edu), and Dr. Zheng Yan, Aalto University, <br>Finland (zhengyan.pz@gmail.com), with the subject <br>"TrustCom-11 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL".<br><br>The organizers of approved workshops are required to announce the<br>workshop and call for papers, form a program committee to review<br>papers and decide upon the final program. The conference will provide<br>workshop facilities including author registration, meeting room<br>arrangement, coffee break, lunch, etc. Papers accepted for TrustCom-11<br>workshops will be published by the IEEE Computer Society and<br>distributed to the participants. All accepted papers will be included <br>in IEEE Xplore and
indexed by EI and ISTP. Notice that the workshops <br>with more than 15 accepted papers will be granted with a free <br>complimentary registration for the leading workshop organizer.<br><br><br>Important Dates<br><br> - Deadline for Workshop Proposals: April 10, 2011 (Extended Firm Deadline)<br> - Notification of Acceptances: April 15, 2011<br> - Tentative Workshop Date: November 16, 2011<br><br><br>IEEE TrustCom-11 Workshop Co-Chairs<br><br>Yixin Jiang, Tsinghua University, China<br>John Fiore, Temple University, USA<br>Zheng Yan, Nokia Research Center, Finland<br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br></div>