<p>SOSE 2011: Preliminary CALL FOR PAPERS</p><div><br>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</div><div>The 6th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering <br>December 12-14, 2011, Irvine, CA, USA</div>
<p><a href="http://tech.brookes.ac.uk/sose2011/index.htm">http://tech.brookes.ac.uk/sose2011/index.htm</a></p><p>Collocated with SOCA, KSEM, RTSOAA and KASTLES<br>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</p><p>
Important Dates: Submission: July 20, 2011<br>Notification: Aug. 20, 2011 <br>Camera Ready Copy: Sept. 23, 2011 <br>Symposium: Dec. 12 -14, 2011</p><p>Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society;</p><div>Co-sponsors: <br>- Arizona State University <br>
- San Jose State University<br>- Tokyo Institute of Technology</div><div>- Oxford Brookes University</div><div>- University of Leeds </div><p><br>Preliminary CALL FOR PAPERS</p><p>Starting from 2005, SOSE is one of the pioneering symposia <br>
devoted to the research in engineering service-oriented systems. <br>It has addressed issues in various aspects of engineering SOA-based systems from <br>architecture and computing paradigm to the development and quality validation problems <br>
and solutions. Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) exploits services as the fundamental <br>elements for developing computer-based systems. It has been applied to various areas <br>and promotes fundamental changes to system architecture. <br>
SOC changes the way software <br>systems are being analyzed, architected, designed, implemented, tested, evaluated, <br>delivered, consumed, maintained, and evolved, SOSE symposia focuses on the SOC from <br>the perspectives of software engineering and system engineering. <br>
Recently, cloud computing<br> further expands the scope of SOC to include new subjects such as Platform as a Service (PaaS), <br>Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Testing as a Service (TaaS).</p>
<p>Continuing the tradition of the last five SOSE Symposia, the 6th SOSE provides a forum <br>for researchers and practitioners to exchange latest observations, insights, research <br>achievements and visions in the engineering of service systems. Particularly, SOSE 2011 <br>
invites original submissions in all the areas of the system engineering, software engineering <br>methods, techniques, tools, applications, and experiments for software services. </p><p><br>A. Regular Research Papers. The topics include, but are not limited to, the following: </p>
<p>Track I: Service-Oriented Computing¨C System Engineering<br>- Business process integration and management </p><p>- Governance for large-scaled service-oriented systems <br>- Modernization, migration, and servicetization of legacy systems <br>
- Modeling and simulation of service-oriented systems <br>- Adaptation, control and optimization in service-oriented systems <br>- Social and collaborative engineering of services systems <br>- Service interoperability, composibility, quality, reliability, mobility, <br>
scalability, elasticity, and security </p><p>Track II. Service-Oriented Computing<br> <br>- Software Engineering<br>- Model-driven development of service-oriented systems <br>- Multi-tenant architecture, configurable architecture <br>
- Requirement and design modeling of services and systems <br>- Specifications of services and systems <br>- Semantic services and semantic enabled service engineering <br>- Architecture including event-driven architecture, code generation, <br>
- Dynamic service delivery, deployment and evolution</p><p>- Lifecycle models, reusability, and <br>- Metrics and measurement of services, QoS, and QoE</p><p>- Runtime verification, validation, monitoring, testing on-the-fly and policy enforcement </p>
<p>Track III. Service-Oriented Computing </p><p>- Emergent Paradigms and Technologies</p><p>- Service oriented architecture, analysis, modeling, design, validation, QoS, <br>and evaluation for Software as a Service (SaaS)</p>
<p>- Service oriented architecture, analysis, modeling, design, validation, QoS, <br>and evaluation for Platform as a service (PaaS)</p><p>- Service governances, policies, standards, technologies in cloud computing</p><p>
- Issues, solutions, techniques, tools and standards for Testing as a Service (TaaS)</p><p>B. Applications and Industry Experiences<br>Papers report case studies, <br>empirical research and practical experiences in service engineering are invited. <br>
The topics include but not limited to the following. </p><p>- Enterprise architecture and solution frameworks <br>- Platforms and tools for system and software engineering <br>- Application composition based on services <br>
- Case studies, experiments and evaluation of services and application systems </p><div><br>C. Review of the State-Of-The-Art of the Research on Service Engineering and <br>Emergent Subjects </div><div> </div><div>In addition to regular research papers sessions, this year <br>
the symposium will invite tutorial papers which review the current advance <br>in service engineering and related emergent subjects. </div><p>These papers should summarize the recent research advance in service engineering <br>
from different perspectives, identify the open issues and future needs and challenges <br>in the field. In addition, SOSE 2011 also welcome timely problem discussion papers <br>that focus on new issues, needs and challenges in emergent subjects. </p>
<div>The topics include, but not limited to, the following: <br></div><div>- Modeling, simulation and static analysis of service-oriented systems, <br>- Testing, verification, validation and quality assurance in the development of <br>
service oriented systems</div><p>- Governance and policies in service oriented software development</p><p>- Engineering techniques and tools to support the publishing, discovery and <br>composition of services</p><p>- Architectural and detail designs of services and code generation of service software</p>
<p>- Techniques and tool support the deployment and execution of services</p><p>- Measurements and metrics of QoS in SOA-based application systems</p><div>Paper Submission:</div><div><br>Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers <br>
as well as industrial practice papers and position papers. <br>Simultaneous submissions to other publication venues are not permitted. </div><p>Online Submission Site: <a href="http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sose2011">http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sose2011</a></p>
<p>Format:</p><p>Please submit papers in PDF format through the SOSE web site. Manuscript should be <br>prepared following the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings. </p><p>Author Guidelines (<a href="http://www.computer.org/portal/pages/cscps/cps/cps_forms.html">http://www.computer.org/portal/pages/cscps/cps/cps_forms.html</a>). </p>
<div>Page Limit: The page limits for three different types of papers are as follows.<br> <br>Paper Type Page Limit<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------<br>- Research paper: 12 pages</div>
<div>- Industrial practice/Case study: 6 pages<br>- Survey-based tutorial papers: 12 pages</div><div>----------------------------------------------------------------------</div><div>Publication: All accepted papers will be included in the symposium proceedings, <br>
which will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and included in the <br>IEEE Digital Library.<br> <br>At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the symposium to present the work. </div><div><br>- Journal Special Issue: We plan to publish a special journal issue for the extended <br>
and revised versions of selected best papers presented at the SOSE 2011 Symposium. </div><div><br>- Best Paper Award: One paper will be given the SOSE 2011 Best-Paper-Award at the conference <br>for the best quality of the paper and presentation.</div>
<div><br>Organizers:</div><p>General Chair:</p><p>Jorge L. Sanz, IBM, USA, <br>Jie Xu, University of Leeds, UK</p><p>Program Co-Chairs:</p><p>Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, CA, USA (email: <a href="mailto:gaojerryg@yahoo.com">gaojerryg@yahoo.com</a>)<br>
Xiaodong Lu, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (email: <a href="mailto:luxdlzu@gmail.com">luxdlzu@gmail.com</a>)</p><p>Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University, UK (email: <a href="mailto:hzhu@brookes.ac.uk">hzhu@brookes.ac.uk</a>)</p>
<p>Publication Chair:<br><br>Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK (email: <a href="mailto:m.younas@brookes.ac.uk">m.younas@brookes.ac.uk</a>)</p><p>Publicity Co-Chairs:</p><div>Robert Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan, (email: <a href="mailto:chh@chu.edu.tw">chh@chu.edu.tw</a>) </div>
<div>China: Xiaoying Bai, Tsinghua University, China, <a href="mailto:baixy@tsinghua.edu.cn">baixy@tsinghua.edu.cn</a> <br>Europe: Lu Liu, University of Derby, UK, <a href="mailto:L.Liu@derby.ac.uk">L.Liu@derby.ac.uk</a><br>
USA: Ignacio Terrizzano, IBM, USA email: <a href="mailto:eigterriz@us.ibm.com">eigterriz@us.ibm.com</a> </div><p><br>Program Committee (Please see SOSE 2011 Website)</p><p>Steering Committee:<br>- Wei-Tek Tsai, Arizona State University, USA (Chair)</p>
<p>- M.?Malek,?Humboldt University, Germany<br> <br>- K. J. Lin, University of California at Irvine, USA</p><p>- I-Ling Yen, University of Texas at Dallas, USA<br> <br>- Ray Paul, Department of Defense, USA</p><p>- J. Chung, IBM, USA</p>
<p>Web site: <a href="http://tech.brookes.ac.uk/">http://tech.brookes.ac.uk/</a> sose2011/<br></p>