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Call for Papers <br>
Special Issue of<br>
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)<br>
Special Issue on "Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)"<br>
<a href="http://www.computer.org/cms/Computer.org/transactions/tpds/pdfs/cfp_tpds_cps.pdf">http://www.computer.org/cms/Computer.org/transactions/tpds/pdfs/cfp_tpds_cps.pdf<br>
</a>Paper submission date: September 16, 2011<br>
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) is seeking original manuscripts for special Issue on Cyber-<br>
Physical Systems (CPS), scheduled to be published in the September issue of 2012. Although significant advances have been<br>
achieved over the last decades in several fields of science and engineering, and especially in the areas of distributed<br>
computing, sensing, data collection and internet-connection of large scale object networks, it is mainly the coordination and<br>
tight link between computational, virtual and physical resources that will drive the potential of having a pervasive effect in<br>
the citizens everyday life, satisfying various needs and also creating new opportunities for the introduction of services that<br>
will enhance the Quality of Life of the society as a whole. Research advances in cyber-physical systems promise to transform<br>
our world with systems that will far exceed those of today in terms of: effectiveness, adaptability, autonomicity, energy<br>
efficiency, precision, reliability, safety, usability, scalability, stability and user-centric applicability. Moreover, recently the<br>
Sensor Web concept came into foreground, aiming at combining distributed sensing with the ubiquitous connectivity and<br>
accessibility of the web, therefore facilitating the close interaction of digital world with physical world.<br>
Cyber-physical systems find direct applicability in a wide range of areas and disciplines, including for instance (but not<br>
limited to): a) Smart Grid technologies: that aim at facilitating a reliable and efficient delivery of electricity to consumers<br>
using two-way digital communications and security technologies, which allows utility providers and consumers to constantly<br>
monitor and control the delivery network as well as electricity consumption for the purpose of energy saving, cost reduction,<br>
and reliability enhancement; b) Wireless sensing, monitoring and networking: to enable distributed monitoring systems of<br>
numerous smart sensors and actuators, mobile devices, RFIDs, robots etc., which revolutionize a variety of application areas<br>
with unprecedented density, fidelity, and scalability of environment instrumentation; c) Vehicular cyber-physical systems and<br>
intelligent transportation systems: that integrate computing, communication, and storage capabilities with monitoring and<br>
control of vehicles in the physical world to deal with the grand challenges of safe, green, and efficient transportation.<br>
The technical challenges are significant, and of high research and practical importance, mainly stemming from the fact that<br>
traditionally different groups of scientists deal with this setting without much interaction, using disjoint sets of techniques.<br>
Towards merging the two main and different features of those systems, that of information-centric character and node-centric<br>
physical world connectivity, well-defined analytical models, methodologies and experimental validations are required of<br>
how to build such systems capable of coping with the entire chain of operations and orchestrating the various parts together<br>
in a flexible, efficient and economic way.<br>
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:<br>
- Architectural framework for distributed CPS<br>
- Resource Management in large scale CPS<br>
- Smart Grid Technologies<br>
- Security, privacy, scalability, and reliability issues<br>
- Design and cross-layer optimizations<br>
- Vehicular CPS and intelligent transportation systems<br>
- Novel monitoring applications with sensors, actuators, smart phones, robots, and other wireless mobile devices<br>
- Distributed and scalable monitoring systems<br>
- Evaluations and filed trials of CPS and solutions<br>
Submitted articles must not have been previously published or currently submitted for journal publication elsewhere. As an<br>
author, you are responsible for understanding and adhering to our submission guidelines. You can access them by clicking on<br>
the following web link: <a href="http://www.computer.org/mc/tpds/author.htm">http://www.computer.org/mc/tpds/author.htm</a>. Please thoroughly read these before submitting your<br>
manuscript. Please submit your paper to Manuscript Central at <a href="https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tpds-cs">
<u>Please note the following important dates:<br>
</u>Manuscript Submission Deadline: <b>September 16, 2011<br>
</b>Notification of Initial Decision: November 18, 2011<br>
Minor Revisions due (if needed): December 15, 2011<br>
Notification of Final Decision: January 26, 2012<br>
Final Manuscripts Due: February 03, 2012<br>
Publication Date: September 2012<br>
Co-guest Editors: <br>
Symeon Papavassiliou, National Technical University of Athens<br>
Nei Kato, Tohoku University<br>
Yunhao Liu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology<br>
Cheng-Zhong Xu, Wayne State University<br>
Publicity Co-Chairs:<br>
Paolo Bellavista, University of Bologna<br>
Jiming Chen, Zhejiang University<br>
Xu Li, University of Waterloo<br>
<p>Paolo Bellavista, Ph. D.<br>
<font size="2">Associate Professor in Computer Science Engineering<br>
EB Member of IEEE Communications, IEEE T. Computers,<br>
IEEE T. Network Service Mgmt., IEEE T. Services Computing,<br>
Elsevier Pervasive Mobile Computing, and Springer J. Net. Systems Mgmt.<br>
DEIS - Università degli Studi di Bologna<br>
Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna (ITALY)<br>
Tel# +39-051-2093866; Fax# +39-051-2093073<br>
Email: paolo.bellavista@unibo.it<br>
Web: <a href="http://lia.deis.unibo.it/Staff/PaoloBellavista/">http://lia.deis.unibo.it/Staff/PaoloBellavista/</a></font>
5 per mille all'Università di Bologna - C.F.: 80007010376<br>
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