[HPGC 2011 Call for Papers] =============================================================================== Call for Papers The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on Human centric computing, P2P, Grid and Cloud computing (HPGC-11) http://www.ftrai.org/wcc2011/hpgc/ Jeju, Korea, December 12-15, 2011 ******************************************************************************** ** Important Notices ** At least one of the authors should be a FTRA member when you submit your paper to one of the WCC 2011 events. You can join a member at http://www.ftrai.org/registration.html. Please note that papers will be rejected without reviews if none of the authors is a FTRA member. [Important Date] Submission due: July 15, 2011 (Final Extension!) [Special Issues] The final versions of ALL accepted papers in the conference/workshop will be included in the special issues of SCI/E indexed international journals (as of Thomson ISI SCI/SCIE list in 2011) for full papers and LNEE, HCIS, IJITCC, JIPS, JoC for regular papers. Full Paper : * Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC) - Springer (SCIE) * Computers & Electrical Engineering (CEE) - Elsevier (SCIE) * Cluster Computing Journal - Springer (SCIE) * The Journal of Supercomputing (JoS) - Springer (SCI) * International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS) - Inderscience (SCIE) * International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) - Inderscience (SCOPUS Index) Regular Paper : * Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer * Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer * International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience * Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - Korea Information Processing Society * Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing =============================================================================== ==================== Introduction ==================== The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on Human centric computing, P2P, Grid and Cloud computing (HPGC-11) will be held in Jeju, Korea, December 12-15, 2011. HPGC-11 will be the most comprehensive workshop focused on advances in Human centric computing, P2P, Grid and Cloud Computing for Future Computing Environment. In this workshop, HCI, Cloud, Distributed and Grid Computing community researchers are encouraged to join the workshop to benefit from the presentation of results from their researches in terms of applications, concepts, implementations, standards and industrial case studies. There will be a combination of presentations including scientific papers. Prospective authors are invited, in the first instance, to submit papers for oral presentation in any of the areas of interest for this conference. ==================== Topics ==================== Original contributions, not currently under review to another journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not limited to, the following: Track 1. Human Centric Computing * Human-computer interaction and User-centered Design * Social computing and social intelligence * Ubiquitous computing and mobile systems * Gaming and Semantic Systems * Computer-assisted Learning and Cognition * Information Visualization and Visual Analytics * Foundations of Information Science like Information Theory, AI, and Soft Computing * Applications with Image Processing, Computer Vision Systems, etc. Track 2. P2P, Grid and Cloud Computing * Cloud Computing * Grid Computing * Peer to Peer Computing * Green Computing * Security and Trust Issues in Cloud and Grid Computing * Platform and Infrastructure in Cloud and Grid Computing * Grid Network its Servicess and Applications * Economic-based and Utility computing models in Cloud and Grid Computing ===================== Organization ===================== == Steering Committee Chair == James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park (Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea) == General Chairs == Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Sang-Soo Yeo, Mokwon University, Korea == Program Chairs == Seungmin Rho (Korea University, Korea) == Advisory Committee == Philippe Palanque, IRIT, France == Publicity Co-chairs == Taeshik Shon, Samsung, Korea == Publication Chairs == Yangsun Lee, Chosun University, Korea == Local organizing Committee == Deokgyu Lee, ETRI, Korea == Web and System Management Chairs == Kyusuk Han, KAIST, Korea == Registration Chair == Changhoon Lee, Hanshin University, Korea == Technical Program Committee == Track 1: Human Centric Computing - Ashkan Sami, Shiraz University - Chih-Lin Hu, National Central University - Claudio Ardagna, University of Milan - Dennis Pfisterer, University of Luebeck - Haofen Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University - Jan Newmarch, BoxHill Institute - Jenq-Muh Hsu, National Chiayi University - Jen-Wei Hsieh, National Taiwan University of Techonolgy - Jingzhi Guo, University of Macau - Jun Wu, National Pingtung Institute of Commerce - Kuei-Ping Shih, Tamkang University - Masakazu Soshi, Hiroshima City University - Qishi Wu, University of Memphis - Rodrigo Martinez-Bejar, Universidad de Murcia - Ruay-Shiung Chang, National Dong Hwa University - Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University - Simone Ludwig, North Dakota State University, USA - Tanveer Zia, Charles Sturt University - Yo-Ping Huang, National Taipei University of Technology - Weicheng Lin, National Kaohsiung University - Dragan Lvetic, University of Novi - Y.M. Hwang, National Cheng-Kung University - Yeh-Ching Chung, National Tsing Hua University - Vitaly Klyuev, University of Aizu - Zhenglu Yang, University of Tokyo - Wenchang Shi, Renmin University of China Track 2. P2P, Grid and Cloud Computing - Djamshid Tavangarian, University of Rostock, Germany - Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, New University of Lisbon, Portugal - Chunyang Ye, University of Toronto, Canada - Fabio Calefato, University of Bari, Italy - Haifeng Shen, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia - Benjamin Khoo, New York Institute of Technology, USA - Haifeng Shen, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia - Fabio Calefato, University of Bari, Italy - Hamideh Afsarmanesh - University of Amsterdam, Netherlands - Frederic Desprez, Inria, France - Ce-Kuen Shieh, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan - Chu-Sing Yang, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwa - Yeh-Ching Chung, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan - Da-Wei Wang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan - Ananth Grama, Purdue University, USA - Jun Ni, The University of Iowa, USA - Ruay-Shiung Chang, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan - Peter J Varman, Rice University, USA - Sanjukta Bhowmick, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA - Kyung D Ryu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA - Wei Huang, Google, USA - Albert Y. Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia ==================== Important Dates ==================== [Step 1: Conference Process] Paper submission due: July 15, 2011 (Hard Deadline!!) 1st Author notification: August 15, 2011 Revised paper due: August 31, 2011 2nd Author notification: Sept. 15, 2011 Presentation Material due: Sept. 30, 2011 Conference days: Dec. 12-15, 2011 [Step 2: Journal Process] Final notification due: Dec. 30, 2011 Camera-ready paper due: Jan. 15, 2012 Journal Publication: 2nd or 3rd Quarter, 2012 (Tentative) ================= Submission ================= Submission Guidelines : Papers must strictly adhere to page limits (8-10 pages for Full Papers, 4-5 pages for Regular Papers). Papers exceeding the page limits will be rejected without review. All submissions must be made electronically : http://www.editorialsystem.net/hpgc2011/ ============================= Proceedings and Publication ============================= All submissions must be written in English. They must contain no information identifying the author(s) or their affiliation(s). All papers must be submitted in an electronic format which conforms to the workshop proceedings style and submitted as DOC or PDF files. Papers must strictly adhere to page limits (8-10 pages for Full Papers, 4-5 pages for Regular Papers). Papers exceeding the page limits will be rejected without review. First, materials (PPT) for presentation of accepted papers will be included in a symposium proceeding. As you can see the CFP, final version of all accepted and presented papers in this conference will be included in Special Issues of the following international journals indexed by SCI/E and KCIE. We are planning to accept about many high quality papers for the this conference, and all of them, after presentation at the symposium, will be included in these special issues(Same as the way of WCC 2010 publication). Full Papers will be published to SCI/SCIE Indexed Journals (as of Thomson ISI SCI/SCIE list in 2011). Regular Papers will be published to International Journals (LNEE, HCIS, JoC, IJITCC, JIPS, etc..). Full Paper : Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC) - Springer (SCIE) * Cluster Computing Journal - Springer (SCIE) * Computers & Electrical Engineering (CEE) - Elsevier (SCIE) * The Journal of Supercomputing (JoS) - Springer (SCI) * International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS) - Inderscience (SCIE) * International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) - Inderscience (SCOPUS Index) Regular Paper : * Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer * Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer * International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience * Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - Korea Information Processing Society * Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing ==================== Contact ==================== If you have any question about the CFP and paper submission, please email to Prof. Sang-Soo Yeo (sangsooyeo@gmail.com) and Dr. Seungmin Rho (pc.seungminrho@gmail.com).