<html><head></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; ">[We apologize for multiple copies]<br><br>========================================================================<br>ESOCC 2012: European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing<br>September 19-21, 2012<br>Bertinoro, Italy<br><a href="http://esocc2012.cs.unibo.it/">http://esocc2012.cs.unibo.it</a><br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>*CALL FOR RESEARCH, INDUSTRY, AND PHD SYMPOSIUM PAPERS*<br>Abstract submission: April 9, 2012<br>Paper submission: April 13, 2012<br>*CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS*<br>Workshop proposal submission: March 16, 2012<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Journal special Issue<br>--------------------- <br>Selected papers will be invited to a special issue of a journal to be confirmed.<br>========================================================================<br><br>The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) <br>is the premier conference on the advances in the state of the art and <br>practice of Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing. During the <br>past edition of ECOWS (European Conference on Web Services) conference, <br>the Steering Committee decided to renew and broaden its scope, and <br>to start a new conference series on the topics of service-oriented and <br>cloud computing. The first edition of the new series, ESSOC’12, will <br>be held in Bertinoro from 19th to 21st of September, 2012. The main <br>objectives of this conference are to facilitate the exchange between <br>researchers and practitioners and to foster future collaborations in <br>Europe and beyond. The ESOCC 2012 conference will include invited <br>speakers, presentations of contributed research papers and an industrial <br>track with the participation of top researchers from industry. <br>ESOCC 2012 will also include a PhD symposium and satellite workshops. <br><br>----------<br>Background<br>----------<br>The success encountered by the Web has shown that tightly <br>coupled software systems are only good for niche markets, <br>whereas loosely coupled software systems can be more flexible, <br>more adaptive and often more appropriate in practice. Loose <br>coupling makes it easier for a given system to interact with<br>other systems, possibly legacy systems that share very little <br>with it. When applications are developed with service-oriented <br>architectures, they can evolve more easily during their lifespan <br>and adapt better to changing or even unpredictable environments. <br>On the other hand, cloud computing enables a new application <br>execution paradigm where resources can be optimally utilised and <br>exchanged between heterogeneous execution platforms and the cloud, <br>so as to achieve fast response times and ensure immersive and <br>non-interrupted user experience. Services today are developed and <br>deployed in a black-box manner, which is of particular importance <br>from a business perspective since services are implemented in a <br>variety of technologies. Similarly, cloud computing tries to enable <br>the mobility and the device and platform independence by promoting<br>interoperability, portability and security standards. Essential is <br>agreement on integration technology and consensus has emerged in <br>today's middleware market: Customers want to use Web technologies. <br>However, service integrators, developers, and providers need to create <br>methods, tools and techniques to support cost-effective development and <br>use of dependable services and service-oriented applications in the cloud.<br><br>------------------<br>Topics of interest<br>------------------<br>The ESOCC 2012 program committee seeks original, high quality <br>papers related to all aspects of Service-Oriented and Cloud <br>Computing, which constitute the main technology available to date <br>for implementing service-oriented architectures and cloud computing. <br><br>Topics of interest to the Research and Industry Tracks include, <br>but are not limited to, the following:<br><br>- Business Process Management and Web Services<br>- Cloud Services Management and Composition using Web Services<br>- Dynamic and Adaptive Web Services <br>- Economics Models and Web Services <br>- Enterprise Architecture and Web Services <br>- Emerging Trends of Service Composition and Mashups <br>- Experience reports of novel applications of Service-Oriented and<br>Cloud Computing in Health, Commerce, Finance, Telecom, Scientific <br>Computing and other domains <br>- Service modeling, service-oriented analysis and design <br>- Formal Methods for Web Services <br>- Frameworks for Building Web Service-Based Applications <br>- Architectural Models for Cloud Computing<br>- Identity and Access Management using Web Services <br>- Mobile Web Services <br>- Model-Driven Web Service Engineering <br>- Next Generation Web Services Middleware and Service Repositories <br>- Service quality and service interface design guidelines <br>- RESTful Web Services <br>- Self-Organizing Service Oriented Architectures <br>- Semantic Web Services <br>- Service Level Agreements for Web services <br>- Service-Oriented Business Collaboration <br>- SOA Governance and Web Services <br>- Social Web Services <br>- Web Services for Grids <br>- Web Services in Service-Oriented Environments <br>- Web Services Life-Cycles <br>- Web Services Security and Privacy <br><br>It should be noted that papers on existing product descriptions <br>or product marketing information are not within the scope of the <br>ESOCC 2012 Industrial Track. <br><br>-------------<br>PhD Symposium<br>-------------<br>The ESOCC 2012 PhD Symposium is an international forum for PhD <br>students working in any of the areas addressed by the ESOCC <br>conference. The main aim of the Symposium is to give PhD <br>students an opportunity to present their research activity and <br>perspectives, to critically discuss them with other PhD students <br>and with established researchers in the area, and to get fruitful <br>feedback and advices on their research activity. <br><br>PhD students working in any area addressed by the ESOCC <br>conference can submit a short report providing a clear statement <br>of the problem they intend to address, motivating the interest <br>and novelty of the underlying research challenges, demonstrating <br>the ideas by examples, and describing the proposed research plan <br>and expected results. Reports should not exceed 6 pages formatted <br>according to the LNCS proceedings guidelines. The papers should <br>be authored by the PhD student and indicate the name of her/his <br>supervisor. Submissions must be sent by email to the symposium <br>chair Wolf Zimmermann (<a href="mailto:wolf.zimmermann@informatik.uni-halle.de">wolf.zimmermann@informatik.uni-halle.de</a>).<br><br>---------------------<br>Submission Guidelines<br>---------------------<br>The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the<br>Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (to be confirmed).<br>Submission details at the web site: <a href="http://esocc2012.cs.unibo.it/">http://esocc2012.cs.unibo.it</a><br><br>---------------<br>Important Dates<br>---------------<br>Deadlines for research papers:<br>* Abstract submission: Monday, April 9, 2012<br>* Papers due: Friday, April 13, 2012 <br>* Notifications: Wednesday, May 23, 2012<br>* CR versions due: Friday, June 29, 2012<br>* ESOCC 2012 conference: September 19-21, 2012<br><br>Deadlines for industrial papers:<br>* Industrial Papers: Friday, April 27, 2012<br>* Notifications: Wednesday, May 23, 2012<br>* CR versions due: Friday, June 29, 2012<br>* ESOCC 2012 conference: September 19-21, 2012<br><br>Deadlines for PhD Symposium papers:<br>* Paper submission: Wednesday, June 15, 2011<br>* Notification of acceptance: Friday, July 15, 2011<br>* Camera Ready: Sunday, July 31, 2011 <br>* ESOCC 2012 conference: September 19-21, 2012<br><br>Deadlines for workshop proposals:<br>* Workshop proposal submission: Friday, March 16, 2012<br>* Notification of acceptance: Friday, March 30, 2012<br><br>------------<br>Organization<br>------------<br>General Chair:<br>* Gianluigi Zavattaro, University of Bologna, Italy<br><br>Program Chairs:<br>* Ernesto Pimentel, University of Malaga, Spain<br>* Flavio de Paoli, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy<br><br>Industry Track Chairs:<br>* Thomas Gschwind, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland<br>* Sergio Gusmeroli, TXT e-Solutions, Italy<br><br>Workshop Chair:<br>* Ivan Lanese, University of Bologna, Italy<br>* Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland<br><br>Ph.D. Symposium Chair:<br>* Wolf Zimmermann, University of Halle, Germany<br><br>ESOCC Steering Committee:<br>* Antonio Brogi, University of Pisa, Italy<br>* Schahram Dustdar, TU Wien, Austria<br>* Rik Eshuis, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands<br>* Paul Grefen, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands<br>* George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus<br>* Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland<br>* Ulf Schreier, Hochschule Furtwangen University, Germany<br>* Olaf Zimmermann, IBM, Switzerland<br>* Wolf Zimmermann, University of Halle, Germany<br><br>-------<br>Contact<br>-------<br>Conference Website: <a href="http://esocc12.cs.unibo.it/">http://esocc12.cs.unibo.it</a><br><br>For any inquiries please contact the local organizers at: <br><a href="mailto:esocc12organizers@cs.unibo.it">esocc12organizers@cs.unibo.it</a><br>or the program chairs at: <a href="mailto:esocc12pcchairs@cs.unibo.it">esocc12pcchairs@cs.unibo.it</a></body></html>