<p>[apologize if you receive multiple copies of this cfp]<br>==========================================================================<br> The 12th IEEE International Conference on<br>Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2012)<br>
<a href="http://www.ee.uestc.edu.cn/cit2012">http://www.ee.uestc.edu.cn/cit2012</a></p>
<p>Submission deadline: 1 June 2012<br>Notification date: 20 July 2012<br>Camera ready: 20 Aug. 2012<br>Start of Conference: 20 Oct. 2012<br>==========================================================================</p>
<p>CIT has become a major platform for researchers and industry practitioners from<br>different fields of computer and information technology. Each year, CIT attendees<br>appreciate and benefit from multidisciplinary exchanges in computer and information<br>
technology. In previous years, CIT has attracted many high quality research papers<br>spanning over the various aspects of information technology, computing science and<br>computer engineering. These papers highlight foundational work that strives to push<br>
beyond limits of existing computer technologies, including experimental efforts,<br>innovative systems, and investigxations that identify weaknesses in existing IT services.<br>CIT'12 will be held on Oct. 20th - 22th, 2012 in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. The goal<br>
is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers and researchers to discuss and exchange<br>novel ideas, results, experiences and work-in-process on all aspects of computer and<br>information technology.</p>
<p>SCOPE<br>The CIT 2012 topics include but are not limited to the following:<br>Track 1. Information Technology<br>Track 2. Computer Science<br>Track 3. Signal Processing<br>Track 4. CPS and Internet of things<br>Track 5. Reliability, Security, Privacy and Trust<br>
Track 6. Mobile Multimedia Communications<br>Track 7. Database and Data Mining<br>Track 8. Microwave and Radar<br>Track 9. System Software and Software Engineering<br>Track 10. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence<br>
Track 11. Information Technology in Biomedicine<br>Track 12. Wireless Communications<br>(Please visit CIT'12 website to see detailed topics for each track.<br><a href="http://www.ee.uestc.edu.cn/cit2012/callforpapers.php">http://www.ee.uestc.edu.cn/cit2012/callforpapers.php</a> )</p>
<p>PAPER SUBMISSION<br>Papers need to be prepared according to the IEEE format, and submitted in PDF format via<br>the CIT 2012 submission site: <a href="http://www.ee.uestc.edu.cn/cit2012/papersubmission.php">http://www.ee.uestc.edu.cn/cit2012/papersubmission.php</a></p>
<p>PAPER PUBLICATION<br>Accepted and presented papers will be included into the IEEE Conference Proceedings published<br>by IEEE CS Press (indexed by EI). Authors of accepted papers, or at least one of them, are<br>requested to register and present their work at the conference, otherwise their papers will<br>
be removed from the digital libraries of IEEE CS and EI after the conference.<br>Distinguished papers accepted and presented in CIT'12, after further extensions, will be<br>published in special issues of several SCI/SCIE Indexed journals.</p>
<p>--------------------------------<br>Organization Committees<br>--------------------------------<br>GENERAL CHAIRS<br>Victor C.M. Leung, UBC, Canada<br>Mohsen Guizani, Western Michigan Univ., USA</p>
<p>-Honorary Chair-<br>Houjun Wang, UESTC, China</p>
<p>-General Co-Chairs-<br>Min Chen, Seoul National University, Korea<br>Xingang Liu, UESTC, China</p>
<p>-Technical Program Chairs-<br>Ljiljana Trajkovic, SFU, Canada<br>Yueh-Min Huang, NCKU, Taiwan<br>Chin-Feng Lai, National Ilan University, Taiwan</p>
<p>-Workshop Chairs-<br>Chunming Qiao, SUNY, USA<br>Limei Peng, Soochow University, China<br>Chan-Hyun Youn, KAIST, South Korea</p>
<p>-Publicity Chairs-<br>Jaime Lloret Mauri, UPV, Spain<br>Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues, UBI, Portugal<br>Rune Hjelsvold, GUC, Norway</p>
<p>-Publication Chairs-<br>Foad dabiri, Google Inc., USA<br>Huiyong Li, UESTC, China<br>Jinfeng Hu, UESTC, China</p>