<span style>Apologies for crosspostings.</span><br style><br style><span style>==============================</span><span style>==========================</span><br style><span style> </span><span style> EVOLVE 2012</span><br style>
<span style> EVOLVE -- A Bridge Between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics</span><br style><span style> </span><span style> and Evolutionary Computation</span><br style><br style><span style> </span><span style>August 07-09, 2012, Mexico City, Mexico</span><br style>
<br style><span style> </span><span style> </span><a href="http://evolve.cinvestav.mx/" target="_blank" style>http://evolve.cinvestav.mx</a><br style><span style>==============================</span><span style>===========================</span><br style>
<br style><span style>Extension of the deadline.</span><br style><br style><span style>Due to the addition of specific sessions and given the multiple extension</span><br style><span style>requests, the deadline has been extended to March 22, 2012.</span><br style>
<br style><span style>Authors are invited to submit full-length papers that will undergo peer</span><br style><span style>review. The EVOLVE 2012 proceedings will be published in the Advances </span><br style><span style>in Intelligent and Soft Computing book series by Springer. Authors of the </span><br style>
<span style>best papers/abstracts presented at the EVOLVE 2012 will be encouraged </span><br style><span style>to submit a substantially extended version of their work for the </span><br style><span style>post-proceedings which will appear in the Studies in Computational</span><br style>
<span style>Intelligence book series of Springer.</span><br style><br style><br style><span style>Special Sessions (list to be completed)</span><br style><span style>==============================</span><br style><br style>
<span style>The following special sessions will be held at the EVOLVE 2012. Detailed</span><br style><span style>information can be found at</span><br style><br style><span style> </span><a href="http://evolve.cinvestav.mx/index.php/special-sessions" target="_blank" style>http://evolve.cinvestav.mx/index.php/special-sessions</a><br style>
<br style><br style><span style>Session 1: Real-world Application of Bio-inspired Metaheuristics</span><br style><span style>Chairs: Andrew Lewis and Marcus Randall.</span><br style><br style><span style>Session 2: Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization</span><br style>
<span style>Chairs: Guenter Rudolph and Heike Trautmann</span><br style><br style><span style>Session 3: Probabilistic Modeling and Optimization for Emerging Networks</span><br style><span style>Chair: Jianguo Ding and Xinhui Wang</span><br style>
<br style><span style>Session 4: Dynamic Optimization</span><br style><span style>Chairs: Emilia Tantar, Alexandru-Adrian Tantar, and Peter Bosman</span><br style><br style><br style><span style>Scope of the EVOLVE</span><br style>
<span style>===================</span><br style><span style>The massive use and large applicability spectrum of evolutionary</span><br style><span style>algorithms for real-life applications determined the need of</span><br style>
<span style>establishing solid theoretical grounds. Only to offer a few examples,</span><br style><span style>one may consider mathematical objects that are sometimes difficult </span><br style><span style>and/or costly to calculate. At the same time, acknowledged new </span><br style>
<span style>results show that evolutionary computation can provide in some </span><br style><span style>cases good and fast estimators of these quantities. Similarly, the </span><br style><span style>handling of large quantities of data may require the use of distributed </span><br style>
<span style>environments where the probability of failure and the stability of the </span><br style><span style>algorithms may need to be addressed. What is more, common </span><br style><span style>practice confirms in many cases that theory based results have </span><br style>
<span style>the advantage of ensuring performance guarantee factors for </span><br style><span style>evolutionary algorithms in areas as diverse as optimization,</span><br style><span style>bio-informatics or robotics.</span><br style>
<br style><span style>The aim of the EVOLVE is to build a bridge between probability,</span><br style><span style>statistics, set oriented numerics and evolutionary computing, as to</span><br style><span style>identify new common and challenging research aspects. The </span><br style>
<span style>conference is also intended to foster a growing interest for robust </span><br style><span style>and efficient methods with a sound theoretical background. EVOLVE is </span><br style><span style>intended to unify theory-inspired methods and cutting-edge techniques </span><br style>
<span style>ensuring performance guarantee factors. By gathering researchers with</span><br style><span style>different backgrounds, ranging from computer science to mathematics, </span><br style><span style>statistics and physics, to name just a few, a unified view and vocabulary</span><br style>
<span style>can emerge where the theoretical advancements may echo in different</span><br style><span style>domains.</span><br style><br style><span style>Summarizing, the EVOLVE focuses on challenging aspects arising at the</span><br style>
<span style>passage from theory to new paradigms and aims to provide a unified view</span><br style><span style>while raising questions related to reliability, performance guarantees and</span><br style><span style>modeling.</span><br style>
<br style><span style>Topics:</span><br style><span style> - Theoretical foundations of evolutionary type algorithms</span><br style><span style> - Models in biology: branching processes, dynamic population models.</span><br style>
<span style> - Stochastic algorithms: simulated annealing, particle models, and</span><br style><span style> Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, adaptive Monte Carlo, quantum Monte</span><br style><span style> Carlo methods, MCMC methods, particle methods</span><br style>
<span style>- Risk analysis: rare events simulation, sensitivity measures</span><br style><span style>- Applications: bayesian statistics, large networks analysis, models in</span><br style><span style> fluid mechanics, financial mathematics, molecular chemistry,</span><br style>
<span style> bacteriology, epidemiology</span><br style><span style>- Set oriented numerics</span><br style><span style>- Stochastic optimization:</span><br style><span style> - landscape analysis</span><br style><span style> - self-tuning and self-adaptive techniques</span><br style>
<span style> - single-, multi- and many-objective optimization</span><br style><span style> - large scale, highly multi-modal or high-dimensional problems</span><br style><span style> - bio-inspired models : evolutionary programming, swarm intelligence</span><br style>
<br style><br style><span style>Invited Speakers</span><br style><span style>================</span><br style><br style><span style>Vo Ba-Ngu, University of Melbourne, Australia</span><br style><br style><span style>Jose Blanchet, Columbia University, New York, USA</span><br style>
<br style><span style>Bernard Cazelles, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France</span><br style><br style><span style>Carlos A. Coello Coello, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico</span><br style><br style><span style>Pedro Larrañaga, Technical University of Madrid, Spain</span><br style>
<br style><span style>Tony Lelievre, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France</span><br style><br style><span style>Sylvie Méléard, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France</span><br style><br style><span style>Eric Moulines, Institut Télécom / Télécom ParisTech (ENST), Paris, France</span><br style>
<br style><span style>Jian-Qiao Sun, University of California, Merced, USA</span><br style><br style><br style><br style><span style>Conference Chairs</span><br style><span style>=================</span><br style><br style>
<span style>Oliver Schuetze, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico</span><br style><span style>Alexandru-Adrian, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg</span><br style><span style>Emilia Tantar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg</span><br style>
<span style>Pascal Bouvry, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg</span><br style><span style>Pierre del Moral, INRIA Bordeaux-Sud Ouest, France</span><br style><span style>Pierrick Legrand, University of Bordeaux 2, France</span><br style>
<br style><br style><span style>Publication</span><br style><span style>===========</span><br style><br style><span style>The EVOLVE 2012 will accept both full-length papers and extended abstracts to be </span><br style>
<span style>presented at the conference. Full length papers will be published in the Advances in </span><br style>
<span style>Intelligent and Soft Computing book series of Springer. Extended abstracts will be </span><br style><span style>published on CD-ROM (provided with ISSN and ISBN).</span><br style><br style><span style>The postproceedings will include extended versions of the best papers/abstracts </span><br style>
<span style>presented at the EVOLVE 12 and will appear in the Studies in Computational </span><br style><span style>Intelligence book series of Springer.</span><br style><br style><br style><span style>Imortand Dates</span><br style>
<span style>==============</span><br style><br style><span style>March 22, 2012 Submission of full-length manuscripts</span><br style><span style>April 09, 2012 Notification of authors (full length manuscripts)</span><br style>
<span style>May 04, 2012 Camera ready papers due</span><br style><span style>May 04, 2012 Submission of abstracts</span><br style><span style>May 25, 2012 Notification of authors (abstracts)</span><br style><span style>August 07-09, 2012 Conference dates</span><br style>
<br style><br style><br style><span style>Conference Location</span><br style><span style>===================</span><br style><br style><span style>The EVOLVE 2012 will be hosted by the Computer Science Department of the</span><br style>
<span style>CINVESTAV-IPN which is located in the campus Zacatenco in Mexico City, Mexico.</span><br style><br style><br style><span style>Further Information</span><br style><span style>===================</span><br style>
<br style><span style>Details and up-to-date information can be found on the webpage of the event:</span><br style><span style> </span><a href="http://evolve.cinvestav.mx/" target="_blank" style>http://evolve.cinvestav.mx</a> <br>