<br> <br> Call For Papers<br> IEEE SRDS 2012<br>
31st International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems<br> October 8-11, 2012, Irvine, California, USA<br> <a href="http://web.mst.edu/~cswebdb/srds2012/">http://web.mst.edu/~cswebdb/srds2012/</a><br>
<br>*** Due to many requests and to avoid conflict with some other conference deadlines, the final submission deadline is extended to <br>16th April 2012****<br><br><br>The Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems is a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in distributed systems <br>
design, development and evaluation, with emphasis on reliability, availability, safety, security, trust and real time. We <br>welcome original research papers as well as practical experience reports that deal with design, development and experimental<br>
results of operational systems.<br><br>Topics of Interest<br><br>The major areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics:<br><br>* Cloud computing and virtualization<br>* Autonomic, pervasive, and ubiquitous computing<br>
* Secure and trusted storage systems<br>* Secure and dependable web services<br>* High-confidence and Safety-critical systems <br>* Parallel and distributed operating systems<br>* Distributed objects and middleware systems<br>
* Fault-tolerant and secure sensor networks<br>* Event-based processing and peer-to-peer infrastructures<br>* Distributed databases and transaction processing<br>* Distributed measurement, monitoring, and predictions<br>
* Wireless ad hoc networks<br>* Electronic commerce and enabling technologies<br>* Formal methods and foundations for dependable distributed computing<br>* Analytical or experimental evaluations of dependable distributed systems<br>
* Internet-based systems and applications<br>* Scalable systems design <br>* QoS control and assessment<br>* Trust and scalable system design in social networks<br>* Social media and privacy issues<br><br>Submission Guidelines<br>
<br>Papers must be written in English. Regular Papers describing original research as well as design, development and experimental <br>results of operational systems, and Practical Experience Reports describing on-going industrial projects, prototype systems and <br>
exploratory or emerging applications, should be no longer than 10 pages, following the IEEE two-column format for conference <br>proceedings, in font size no smaller than 10 points, and must fit properly on US "Letter"-sized paper (8.5 x 11 inches). All<br>
papers that deviate from these specifications will be rejected automatically. Authors are requested to first register their <br>submissions and submit their manuscripts in PDF format. Submission details can be found at <a href="http://web.mst.edu/~cswebdb/srds2012/">http://web.mst.edu/~cswebdb/srds2012/</a>.<br>
Accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings, which will be published by the IEEE Computer Society.<br><br>Best Paper Award<br><br>All papers accepted for presentation at the symposium will be evaluated by the Best Paper Award Co-Chairs for the best paper award.<br>
<br>Workshops<br><br>Workshops will be held in conjunction with SRDS 2012 on 8th/11th October, 2012.<br><br>Submission Deadlines<br>Abstract submission: 26th March, 2012 Paper submission: 16th April, 2012<br>Author Notification: 20th June 2012 Camera-ready: 16th July, 2012. <br>
<br>Symposium Co-Chairs<br><br>Sanjay Madria, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA <br>Sharad Mehrotra, University of California-Irvine, USA<br><br>Technical Program Committee Co-Chairs<br><br>Takahiro Hara, Osaka University, Japan<br>
Leszek Lilien, Western Michigan University, USA<br>Istvan Majzik , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary<br><br>Finance Chair<br><br>Sriram Chellappan, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA<br>
<br>Local Arrangements Co-Chairs<br><br>Phillip Sheu, University of California-Irvine, USA<br>George Wang, California State University, USA<br><br>Publication Chair<br><br>Biswajit Panja, University of Michigan-Flint, USA<br>
<br>Best Paper Award Co-Chairs<br><br>Anoop Singhal, NIST, USA<br>Atul Prakash, University of Michigan, USA<br><br>Workshop Co-Chairs<br><br>Pin Zhou, IBM Almaden, USA<br>Ravi Prakash, UT Dallas, USA<br><br>PhD Forum Co-chairs<br>
<br>Aniruddha Gokhale, Vanderbilt University, USA<br>Qi Han, Colorado School of Mines, USA<br><br>Publicity Co-Chairs<br><br>Nayot Poolsappasit, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA<br>Anirban Mondal, IIITD, India<br>
<br>SC Liaisons<br><br>Bharat Bhargava, Purdue University, USA<br><br><br><br>