<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12pt">Apologies if you received multiple copies of this IEEE ISSR-2013 CFP.<br><br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Call for Papers for the 5th IEEE International Workshop on<br>Security in e-Science and e-Research (ISSR 2013)<br>To be held in conjunction with The 2013 IEEE International Conference on <br>Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-2013, http://anss.org.au/trustcom2013/index.html)<br> <br><br>Venue & Dates:<br>Melbourne, Australia, 16-18 July 2013<br><br>Conference Website:<br>https://turing.uwl.ac.uk/issr2013<br><br><br>Introduction<br><br>E-Science and e-Research, through development of Grid computing and Cloud computing based e-Infrastructures, can be used to support a wide range of research disciplines<br>and inter-disciplinary research.
In recent years, the influence of e-Science and e-Research has grown considerably and their scope of applications now covers many <br>research domains, from science and engineering disciplines such as physical, biological, clinical sciences and so on, through to the arts and humanities and <br>social sciences. Supporting e-Science and e-Research often places numerous demands on capabilities associated with Grid and Cloud infrastructures. One key challenge is<br>with regard to security. Security technologies must support a variety of user requirements and provider requirements such as authentication, authorization, trust, <br>privacy, policy management, and information assurance, all in a user and provider friendly framework. Many e-Science and e-Research projects have developed distinctive<br>security analyses, requirements, and technical solutions for a variety of applications.<br><br>Following the success of ISSR-12 (held in Liverpool, UK, in
conjunction with IEEE TrustCom-12), ISSR-11 (held in Changsha, China, in conjunction with IEEE TrustCom-11),<br>ISSR-10 (held in Taipei, Taiwan, in conjunction with IEEE ISPA-10) and ISSR-09 (held in Chengdu, China, in conjunction with IEEE ISPA-09), the workshop intends to <br>provide a forum for researchers, developers and users working on security issues associated with e-Science and e-Research to exchange ideas and share experiences. <br>The workshop has emphasis on establishing a state-of-the-art for security in e-Science and e-Research, identifying challenges and discussing solutions for successfully<br>enabling security for e-Science and e-Research. The workshop program will be a blend of presentations of research papers, and discussions about the current status, <br>emergent areas, and trends on security-related issues in e-Science and e-Research. <br><br><br>Scope and Interests<br><br>We solicit original papers reporting a wide spectrum of
topics related to security in e-Science and e-Research. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br><br>01. Eliciting security requirements for e-Science & e-Research applications as well as Grid & Cloud infrastructures <br>02. Analysis of security challenges, threats, risk and issues in e-Science & e-Research as well as Grid & Cloud infrastructures <br>03. Security architectures, frameworks, and infrastructures for Grids & Clouds and applications on e-Science & e-Research <br>04. Models and techniques for authentication and identity management in Grid & Cloud infrastructures <br>05. Models and techniques for authorization and access control in Grid & Cloud infrastructures <br>06. Trust model and management for Grid & Cloud infrastructures <br>07. Privacy mechanisms and management for Grid & Cloud infrastructures <br>08. Policy models and policy management in Grid & Cloud
infrastructures <br>09. Information assurance for e-Science & e-Research applications <br>10. Security issues and solutions for data providers and data users in Grid & Cloud infrastructures <br>11. Model and frameworks for security-driven workflows in Grid & Cloud infrastructures <br>12. Network security mechanisms for Grids & Clouds contexts <br>13. Security for Grid & Cloud programming models <br>14. Energy/cost/efficiency of security in Grids & Clouds <br>15. Secure Grid & Cloud resource virtualization mechanisms <br>16. Secure Grid & Cloud computation outsourcing <br>17. Supporting end-end security solutions for e-Science & e-Research <br>18. User-driven security models for e-Science & e-Research <br>19. Software engineering best practice in the development of Grid & Cloud security infrastructures <br>20. Experiences and case studies on the practical applications of security models and solutions in
e-Science & e-Research <br><br> <br><br>Submission and Publication Information<br><br>Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the workshop. <br>The length of the papers should not exceed 6 pages + 2 pages for overlength charges (IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns, single-spaced, <br>10-point font), including figures and references. You can confirm the IEEE Computer Society Author Guidelines at the following Web page: http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting<br><br>Once accepted the paper will be included into the IEEE conference proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI). At least one of the authors of <br>any accepted paper is requested to register the paper. Please submit your paper using the following link: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=issr2013.
<br><br><br>Important Dates<br><br>(1) Paper Submission Due: March 15, 2013 (Extended)<br>(2) Notification of Decision: April 15, 2013 (Extended)<br>(3) Camera-ready Papers Due: May 15, 2013 (Extended)<br><br> <br>Steering Co-Chairs<br><br>Peter Komisarczuk, University of West London, UK<br>Guojun Wang, Central South University, China<br>Wei Jie, University of West London, UK <br><br> <br>Program Committee Co-Chairs<br><br>Kouichi Sakurai, Kyushu University, Japan <br>Lizhe Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China <br>EI-Sayed M. EI-Alfy, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia<br><br> <br>Publicity Co-Chairs<br><br>Carlos Becker Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil<br>Rajiv Ranjan, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia <br>Chunhua Su, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore<br><br> <br>Contact<br><br>Please email inquiries concerning ISSR 2013 to
Dr Wei Jie at<br>wei.jie AT uwl DOT ac DOT uk.<br><br><br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br></div></body></html>