<div style="line-height:1.7;color:#000000;font-size:14px;font-family:arial"><div>The 11th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Computing (EmbeddedCom2013)</div><div><span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>http://umc.uestc.edu.cn/conference/uscience2013</div><div><span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>Nov. 15th-17th, 2013, Chengdu, Sichuan, China</div><div>---------------</div><div>Introduction</div><div>---------------</div><div>The EmbeddedCom (Symposium on Embedded Computing) is aiming to be a premier international conference in embedded computing. This symposium is to bring together computer scientists, industrial engineers and researchers to discuss and exchange experimental or theoretical results, novel designs, work-in-progress, experience, case studies, and trend-setting ideas in the area of embedded computing include all aspects of embedded computing systems with emphasis on algorithms, systems, models, compilers, architectures, tools, design methodologies, test and applications.</div><div><br></div><div>EmbeddedCom2013 is the next event, in a series of highly successful International Conferences on Embedded Computing, (EmbeddedCom), previously held as ICPP-NEC04(Montreal, Canada, August 2004), ICPP-EC05 (Oslo, Norway, June 2005), ICPADS-PDES05 (Fukuoka, Japan, July 2005), ICPP-EC06 (Columbus, USA, August 2006), SEC-07 (Niagara Falls, Canada, May 2007), ICPP-EPDC07(Xian, China, September 2007), SEC-08 (Beijing, China, October 2008), and EmbeddedCom-09 (Dalian, China, September 2009), EmbeddedCom-11 (Sydney, Australia, December 2011), EmbeddedCom-12 (Changzhou, China, December 2012). </div><div><br></div><div>EmbeddedCom2013 will be held on Nov. 15th-17th, 2013 in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. The goal of EmbeddedCom2013 is to bring together computer scientists, industrial engineers, and researchers to discuss and exchange experimental and theoretical results, novel designs, work-in-progress, experience, case studies, and trend-setting ideas in the area of Embedded Computing. </div><div><br></div><div>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:</div><div><br></div><div>¡ñ Embedded System Architecture </div><div>¡ñ Embedded Software Development and Optimization </div><div>¡ñ Cyber-Physical Systems </div><div>¡ñ Security and Fault Tolerance </div><div>¡ñ Embedded Hardware Support </div><div>¡ñ Hardware/Software Co-design </div><div>¡ñ Real-time Systems </div><div>¡ñ Power and Energy-aware Computing </div><div>¡ñ Sensor Networks </div><div>¡ñ Pervasive Computing & Communications </div><div>¡ñ Middleware and Peer-to-Peer Computing </div><div>¡ñ Internet Computing and Applications</div><div>¡ñ Multimedia and Data Management </div><div>¡ñ Human-computer Interaction </div><div>¡ñ Mobile Computing </div><div>¡ñ Agents and Distributed Computing </div><div>¡ñ Application-specific Processors and Devices </div><div>¡ñ Industrial Practices and Benchmark Suites </div><div>¡ñ Supporting Technologies: SoC, FPGA, etc. </div><div>¡ñ Embedded & Ubiquitous Applications Development </div><div>¡ñ New challenges for next generation embedded computing systems, arising from new technologies (e.g., nanotechnology), new applications (e.g., ubiquitous computing, embedded internet tools), new principle <span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span> (e.g., embedded engineering), etc.</div><div><br></div><div>--------------------------</div><div>IMPORTANT DATES</div><div>--------------------------</div><div>Submission Deadline: Jul. 01st, 2013</div><div>Camera Ready: Sep. 10th, 2013</div><div>Author Notification: Aug. 15th, 2013</div><div>Registration Deadline: Sep. 10th, 2013</div><div><br></div><div>------------------</div><div>WORKSHOPS</div><div>------------------</div><div>The EmbeddedCom2013 Organizing Committee invites proposals for one-day workshops affiliated with the conference and addressing research areas related to the conference. The workshop proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Press. Submit workshop proposals to workshops chairs via emails.</div><div><br></div><div>---------------------------</div><div>PAPER SUBMISSION</div><div>---------------------------</div><div>Prepare your paper in PDF file with no more than 8 pages for main conference and 6 pages for workshops/symposia. The template files for LATEX or WORD can be downloaded here. Submit your paper(s) at the EmbeddedCom2013 submission site: embeddedcom2013@gmail.com</div><div>Each submission should be regarded as an undertaking that, if the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the conference to present the work.</div><div><br></div><div>--------------------------------</div><div>Organization Committees</div><div>--------------------------------</div><div>To be announced</div></div><br><br><span title="neteasefooter"><span id="netease_mail_footer"></span></span>