<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt">##### We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP ######<br><br>---CALL FOR PAPERS---- <br><br>************************************************************************<br> Seventh International Conference on Broadband, Wireless Computing, <br> Communication and Applications (BWCCA-2013)<br>************************************************************************<br><br>Submission Deadline: May 15, 2013<br><br> (http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~net4all/BWCCA-2013)<br><br>to be held at the University of Technology of Compiegne, France<br> October 28-30, 2013 <br><br>In conjunction with 3PGCIC-2013 International Conference<br>
(http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~net4all/3PGCIC-2013)<br><br>******Technical sponsorship: IEEE France*****<br><br><br>*****************************************<br> CONFERENCE AIMS<br>*****************************************<br><br>Communication networks of today are going through a rapid evolution. Different kinds of networks <br>with different characteristics are emerging and they are integrating in heterogeneous networks. <br>For these reasons, there are many interconnection problems which may occur at different levels <br>in the hardware and software design of communicating entities and communication networks. These <br>kinds of networks need to manage an increasing usage demand, provide support for a significant <br>number of services, guarantee their QoS, and optimize the utilization of network resources. Therefore, <br>architectures and algorithms in these networks become very complex and it seems
imperative to focus <br>on new models and methods as well as mechanisms, which can enable the network to perform adaptive behaviors. <br><br>The aim of BWCCA is to present the innovative researches, and technologies as well as developments <br>related to broadband networking, mobile networking, wireless communications and applications. <br><br><br>*****************************************<br> CONFERENCE TOPICS <br>*****************************************<br><br>The aim of this conference is to present the innovative researches, and technologies <br>as well as developments related to broadband networking, mobile networking and wireless communications. <br>The conference seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but not limited <br>to the following topics: <br><br>- Broadband Networks Application<br>- Heterogeneous Networking<br>- High-speed Network Protocols<br>- Routing
Algorithms<br>- Congestion Control<br>- Call Admission Control<br>- Multimedia Communication and Applications<br>- WDM Networks<br>- Distributed Algorithms and Systems<br>- Wireless Communication Protocols, Systems and Applications<br>- Wireless Networks Modelling<br>- Wireless Positioning and Tracking Systems<br>- Wireless Home Automation Technologies<br>- Wireless Systems and Applications<br>- Ubiquitous Computing Applications<br>- Lower Power Mobile Devices<br>- Mobile Ad Hoc Networking<br>- Mobile Agent Framework<br>- Mobility and Location Management<br>- Mobile Networking Applications<br>- Ad Hoc Networks and Sensor Networks<br>- Mesh Networks<br>- Autonomic Computing and Networking<br>- Vehicular Networks<br>- Pervasive and Ubiquitous Networks<br>- Network Security and Privacy<br>- Intelligent Networking<br>- Social Networking<br>- Interoperable
Networks<br><br>*****************************************<br> IMPORTANT DATES <br>*****************************************<br><br>** Papers Submission Deadline: May 15, 2013<br>** Author Notification: June 16, 2013<br>** Final Manuscript: July 19, 2013<br>** Author Registration: July 19, 2013<br>** Conference Dates: October 28-30, 2013<br><br><br>*****************************************<br> SUBMISSION GUIDELINES<br>*****************************************<br><br>Authors are invited to submit a full paper not more
than eight (8) pages <br>(CPS proceedings manuscripts: two column, single-spaced), <br>including figures and references, using 10 font size, and number each page. <br>You can find instructions for authors and how to format the paper at this web page:<br><br>http://www.computer.org/portal/site/cscps/<br><br>Please prepare your paper in PDF file and submit it electronically to the BWCCA-2013 web page: <br><br>http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~net4all/BWCCA-2013/ <br><br>accepted papers will be given guidelines in preparing and submitting the final manuscript(s) together with the <br>notification of acceptance. <br><br>Proceedings of the BWCCA-2013 will be published by IEEE CPS. <br><br>*****************************************<br> WORKSHOPS<br>*****************************************<br><br>Several workshops will be held in conjunction with 3PGCIC-2013 Conference.<br><br><br>Please visit:
http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~net4all/BWCCA-2013/workshops.html<br><br><br>*****************************************<br> SPECIAL ISSUES<br>***************************************** <br>Authors whose papers have been accepted and presented at the conference will <br>be invited to submit their extended and revised papers to the special issues <br>(others are pending of approval):<br><br><br><br>Mobile Information Systems, IOS Press <br>Indexed in: Science Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, <br>Science Citation Index-Expanded, Compendex, <br><br><br><br>International Journal of Web and Grid Services, Inderscience Pubs. <br><br>Indexed in: Indexed by Science Citation Index (Thomson Reuters), Compendex (Elsevier), <br>Scopus (Elsevier), DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, ... <br>(See full Indexing/Abstracting)<br><br><br><br>International Journal of Space-based and Situated Computing (IJSSC), Inderscience
Pubs. <br>Indexed in: <br>EDBLP, SCIRUS, and other indexing services <br>(See full Indexing/Abstracting)<br><br><br><br>Other special issues will be announced soon.<br><br><br><br>*****************************************<br> BWCCA-2013 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE<br>*****************************************<br><br>Leonard Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan<br>barolli at fit.ac.jp <br><br><br><br>Fatos Xhafa, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain<br>fatos at lsi.upc.edu <br><br>Dritan Nace, University of Technology of Compiegne, France<br>nace at utc.fr<br><br>*******************************************<br> CONTACT<br>*******************************************<br><br>For detailed information please visit the conference webpage<br><br>http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~net4all/BWCCA-2013<br><br>or contact the conference
organizers.<br><br>************************************************<br>WE ARE LOOKNG FORWARD TO MEET YOU IN COMPEIGNE!!!<br><br>************************************************<br><br><br>Best regards,<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Nadeem Javaid, Ph.D. (University of Paris-Est, France), Track Chair: Emerging Topics on Ambient Systems and Wireless Networks <br>Assistant Professor/Associate Director, <br>Center for Advanced Studies in Telecommunications (CAST), <br>COMSATS Institute of IT, Park Road, Chak-Shahzad, 44000, Islamabad, Pakistan.<br>nadeemjavaid@comsats.edu.pk/@ieee.org/@yahoo.com<br>Office:+92519049323,