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<div>Call for Papers for EDCC 2014<br>
The Tenth European Dependable Computing Conference<br>
May 13-16, 2014 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK<br>
<a href="http://edcc.dependability.org/">http://edcc.dependability.org/</a><br>
Important dates<br>
Paper submission: October 13, 2013<br>
Author notification: January 20, 2014<br>
Final version of papers: February 17, 2014<br>
The 21st century society relies on computing systems more than ever. <br>
Computers are no longer simple machines that are used by organizations <br>
or at home. They became ubiquitous and are embedded everywhere, from cell <br>
phones and human bodies to cars or industrial control devices; moreover <br>
large-scale cloud computing providers are sharing them among many organizations <br>
in an unprecedented scale. As computers have become indispensable, their failures <br>
may significantly perturb our daily lives. The increased hardware and software <br>
complexity, the expending concerns about security and privacy, as well as computer<br>
proliferation into new areas, pose new challenges to the developers. As a <br>
consequence the development, testing, and benchmarking of dependable systems <br>
has become a vital topic of research, both for academia and industry.<br>
Since its first edition held in 1994 in Berlin, EDCC has become the leading <br>
European conference for presenting and discussing the latest research in <br>
dependable computing. As in previous years, its 10th anniversary edition aims <br>
at providing a European-hosted venue for researchers and practitioners from all <br>
over the world to present and discuss their latest research results on <br>
dependability, security, fault-tolerance, and testing. Original papers are <br>
solicited on theory, techniques, systems, and tools for the design, validation, <br>
operation and evaluation of dependable and secure computing systems, covering <br>
any fault model, from traditional hardware and software faults to accidental <br>
and malicious human interactions.<br>
EDCC-2014 will cover a broad range of topics, including, but is not limited to: <br>
* Hardware and software architecture of dependable systems; <br>
* Safety critical systems; <br>
* Embedded and real-time systems; <br>
* Cloud computing reliability and security; <br>
* Dependable mobile and multimedia systems; <br>
* Fault-tolerant networks and protocols; <br>
* VLSI dependability; <br>
* Impact of manufacturing technology on dependability; <br>
* Dependability modelling and tools; <br>
* Testing and validation methods; <br>
* Characterization techniques; <br>
* Dependability benchmarking; <br>
* Privacy and Security of systems and networks; <br>
* Intrusion-tolerant systems;<br>
* Critical infrastructure protection;<br>
* Fault tolerance in databases and transactional systems;<br>
* Human factors;<br>
* Dependability and security in business and e-commerce applications.<br>
EDCC 2014 will feature several tracks, including invited speakers, <br>
full paper presentations, fast abstracts, a student forum and a set of cutting-edge <br>
workshops. IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS) will publish the proceedings.<br>
Conference location<br>
EDCC 2014 will be held in the city of Newcastle, United Kingdom. Newcastle is <br>
a lively, friendly and modern city, with a compact city centre and renowned <br>
cultural venues, including the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, host to the <br>
2011 Turner Prize, and the Sage Gateshead music centre. The city was one of the <br>
birthplaces of the industrial revolution, playing host to the development of <br>
George Stephenson's Rocket and the invention of the first steam turbine. It remains <br>
a hub for world-class research and has been designated as one of six UK Science Cities.<br>
For anyone wanting to escape to more rural surroundings, Newcastle is close to the <br>
Northumberland National Park and the historic cities of Durham and York are easily reachable <br>
by train. The city also boasts excellent transport links: it is situated on the East Coast <br>
Mainline from London to Edinburgh and Newcastle International Airport offers direct flights to a <br>
range of international destinations. The Tyne and Wear Metro allows easy travel to local <br>
destinations, including the airport and the coast.<br>
Paper categories<br>
The conference is inviting submissions to its main track in the following categories. <br>
Both academic and industrial submissions are welcomed in any category.<br>
* Regular papers (10-12 pages) describing original research in the field of dependability. <br>
Note that submissions should not be submitted or published elsewhere.<br>
* Practical experience reports (6-8 pages) describing an experience, a case study, <br>
or the application of dependability in development and/or production environments. <br>
Practical experience reports will be reviewed using specific criteria that emphasize <br>
concrete experience, real-world related use-cases and lessons learnt from these experiments.<br>
* Short papers (3-4 pages) describing preliminary research work (position papers) or <br>
a prototype/tool description, outlining the design or implementation of a software tool, <br>
or the prototyping of an operational system.<br>
All papers accepted in the conference main track in any of these categories will be published <br>
in the conference proceedings.<br>
All submissions must be made electronically through the EasyChair submission web page, <br>
and should clearly indicate in which category the paper is being submitted.<br>
<a href="https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=edcc2014">https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=edcc2014</a><br>
The title page of each submission should include a 150-word abstract, five keywords, <br>
authors’ names and addresses and include a line specifying the submission category. <br>
The full mailing address, phone, fax and email address of the corresponding author <br>
should be indicated.<br>
Except for information on the corresponding author and the submission category, <br>
the submission format is the same as the camera-ready format. In particular, submissions <br>
must adhere to the CPS camera-ready 8.5?x11? two-column format, and respect the length <br>
requirements of their submission category. Pages must be numbered. Templates and further <br>
details can be found at:<br>
<a href="http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting">http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting</a><br>
Each paper must be submitted as a single Portable Document Format (PDF) file. We recommend <br>
that you embed fonts where possible to improve portability. We also strongly recommend you <br>
print the file and review it for integrity (fonts, symbols, equations etc.) before submitting <br>
it. A defective printing of your paper can undermine its chance of success.<br>
Other categories<br>
Workshops, Fast-abstracts, Student forum will be announced later.<br>
EDCC 2014 General Chair<br>
Alexander Romanovsky, Newcastle University, UK<br>
Honorary Chair<br>
Brian Randell, Newcastle University, UK<br>
Program Chair<br>
Marc-Olivier Killijian, LAAS, France<br>
Organisation Chair<br>
Claire Smith, Newcastle University, UK<br>
Finance Chair<br>
Jon Warwick, Newcastle University, UK<br>
Publications Chair<br>
Juan Carlos Ruiz García, Technical University of Valencia, Spain<br>
Workshops chair<br>
Andrea Bondavalli, University of Florence, Italy<br>
Fast Abstracts Chair<br>
Peter Puschner, TU Vienna, Austria<br>
Student Forum Chair<br>
Elena Troubitsyna, Aabo Akademi, Finland<br>
International Liaisons<br>
Americas - Cecilia Rubira, University of Campinas, Brazil<br>
Asia - Tadashi Dohi, Hiroshima University, Japan<br>
Europe - Ilir Gashi, City University, UK<br>
Program Committee will include<br>
Gordon Blair, Univ. Lancaster, UK<br>
Peter Buchholz, Univ. Dortmund, Germany<br>
Miguel Correia, Univ. Lisbon, Portugal<br>
Bernard Cousin, Univ. Rennes, France<br>
David de Andrés, Tech. Univ. Valencia, Spain<br>
Xavier Defago, JAIST, Japan<br>
Felicita Di Giandomenico, ISTI-CNR, Italy<br>
Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Univ. Genčve, Switzerland<br>
Tudor Dumitras, Symantec Research Labs, USA<br>
Paul Ezhilchelvan, Univ. Newcastle, UK<br>
Jean-Charles Fabre, LAAS, France<br>
Sébastien Gambs, Univ. Rennes-INRIA, France<br>
Fabiola Gonçalves Pereira Greve, Univ. Bahia, Brazil<br>
Janusz Górski, Univ. Gdansk, Poland<br>
Jérémie Guiochet, LAAS, France<br>
Mohamed Kaâniche, LAAS, France<br>
Karama Kanoun, LAAS, France<br>
Johan Karlsson, Univ. Chalmers, Sweden<br>
Tim Kelly, Univ. York, UK<br>
Igor Kotenko, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia<br>
Henrique Madeira, Univ. Coimbra, Portugal<br>
Dimitris Nikolos, CTI, Greece<br>
Rui Olivera, Univ. Minho, Portugal<br>
Marta Patińo, Tech. Univ. Madrid, Spain<br>
Michael Paulitsch, EADS, Germany<br>
Peter Popov, City Univ. London, UK<br>
Wolfgang Reif, Univ. Augsburg, Germany<br>
Hans Reiser, Univ. Passau, Germany<br>
Luigi Romano, Univ. Naples, Italy<br>
Matthieu Roy, LAAS, France<br>
Juan-Carlos Ruiz, Tech. Univ. Valencia, Spain<br>
Ulrich Schmid, Tech. Univ. Wien, Austria<br>
Hans-Peter Schwefel, Univ. Aalborg, Denmark<br>
Aad van Moorsel, Univ. Newcastle, UK<br>
Lucian Vintan, Univ. Sibiu, Romania<br>
Roman Vitenberg, Univ. Oslo, Norway<br>
Stefan Wagner, Univ. Stuttgart, Germany<br>
EDCC Steering Committee<br>
Karama Kanoun (Chair, France)<br>
Algirdas Avizienis (Lithuania)<br>
Jean-Charles Fabre (France)<br>
Felicita Di Giandomenico (Italy)<br>
Ricardo Jimenez-Peris (Spain)<br>
Johan Karlsson (Sweden)<br>
Henrique Madeira (Portugal)<br>
Miroslaw Malek (Switzerland)<br>
Jaan Raik (Estonia)<br>
Brian Randell (UK)<br>
Luca Simoncini (Italy)<br>
Janusz Sosnowski (Poland)<br>