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Apologies for cross-postings. Please send it to interested colleagues and students. Thanks!
<br/>World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST-2013)
<br/>Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE UK/RI Computer Chapter
<br/>9-12 December, 2013
<br/>London, UK
<br/>The World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST-2013) is a
<br/>multidisciplinary congress, bridging efforts across the natural,
<br/>social and engineering sciences, the environment and development
<br/>of communities. The congress covers a wide spectrum of topics that
<br/>relate to sustainability, which includes technical and non-technical
<br/>research areas. It also encourages sharing new knowledge in the field
<br/>of sustainable technologies and the environmental impacts.
<br/>The mission of WCST-2013 is to provide the opportunities for
<br/>collaboration and reflection that have the potential to greatly
<br/>enhance the infrastructure and capacity for conducting and applying
<br/>art, science and technology for sustainability. The WCST bridges
<br/>the gap between academia and industry by creating awareness of
<br/>current development in sustainable technologies.
<br/>The topics in WCST-2013 include but are not confined to the
<br/>following areas:
<br/>Sustainable Energy Technologies:
<br/>* Bio-energy and Geo-energy
<br/>* Energy
<br/>* Energy in Transportation Systems
<br/>* Energy Efficiency in Utilization
<br/>* Environmental Issues
<br/>* Energy Harvesting
<br/>* Energy Storage Systems
<br/>* Energy Storage Systems
<br/>* Energy Market, Management and Economics
<br/>* Energy Resources for Portable Electronics
<br/>* Energy Efficiency in Utilization
<br/>* Geothermal energy
<br/>* Intelligent Energy, Power Transmission Distribution, Interconnects and Protection
<br/>* Materials for Energy Resources
<br/>* Nanotechnology in Energy
<br/>* New Enabling Technologies
<br/>* New Materials for Energy Resources and RF and Magnetic Field Energy Devices
<br/>* Off-grid Isolated Energy Systems
<br/>* Policy Issues on Renewable Energy
<br/>* Power Electronics and Energy Conversion
<br/>* Renewable Energy and Biofuels
<br/>Renewable Energy Managements, Economics and Environmental Impact:
<br/>* Climate Change
<br/>* Energy from waste
<br/>* Environmental assessments
<br/>* Environmental issues
<br/>* Environmental policies and planning
<br/>* Hazardous Chemical
<br/>* Innovative use of Renewable Raw Materials
<br/>* Offshore pollution and oil spills
<br/>* Pollution prevention
<br/>* Sustainable waste management technologies
<br/>* Sustainability impact assessments and tools
<br/>* Environmental Education
<br/>* Education and Training
<br/>* E-Society (e-Learning, e-Health, e-Medicine, e-Governance, e-Business, e-Art, e-Science)
<br/>Green Computing:
<br/>* Advanced IT energy-aware technologies
<br/>* Green Computing Geo-energy
<br/>* E-Cycling
<br/>* E-Inclusion
<br/>* Electronic waste
<br/>* Energy Efficient Ethernet
<br/>* IT energy management
<br/>* Power-aware software
<br/>* Power-efficient architectures and chip designs
<br/>* Component level power management, e.g., memory, disk.
<br/>* Power aware networking
<br/>* Smart Grids applications
<br/>* Technology as Green Enablers (Grid, Cloud, Data Centers, Virtualization)
<br/>Sustainable Building Design:
<br/>* Building Design and System
<br/>* Creative Industries
<br/>* Industrial Developments
<br/>* Low and zero energy houses and buildings
<br/>* New Insulation materials and techniques
<br/>* New building materials and recycling
<br/>* Photovoltaics and Solar Thermal
<br/>Sustainability and Policy:
<br/>* Sustainable Applications
<br/>* Sustainable Development Policy
<br/>* Sustainable Innovations
<br/>* Sustainable Technology Programme
<br/>Waste Management:
<br/>* Agricultural wastes
<br/>* Industrial waste management
<br/>* Medical wastes
<br/>* Mining and mineral wastes
<br/>* Nuclear and hazardous waste
<br/>* Waste from electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE)
<br/>* Waste water treatment  
<br/>All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings and
<br/>modified version of selected papers will be published in special
<br/>issues peer reviewed journals.
<br/>**Paper/Extended Abstract Submission:
<br/>- To submit a paper/extended abstract, please visit http://www.wcst.org/Paper%20Submission.html
<br/>or email your paper/extended paper to papers@wcst.org or extendedabstract@wcst.org
<br/>**Workshop/Tutorial Submission:
<br/>- Please email your Workshop/Tutorial proposal to stw@wcst.org
<br/>**Poster/Demo Submission:
<br/>- Please email your poster to poster@wcst.org and demo@wcst.org
<br/>Important Dates:
<br/>*Full Paper Submission Date: Extended October 25, 2013
<br/>*Notification of Paper Acceptance/Rejection: Extended November 10, 2013
<br/>*Extended Abstract (Work in Progress) Submission Date: Extended September 30, 2013
<br/>*Notification of Extended Abstract Acceptance/Rejection: Exended October 10, 2013
<br/>*Proposal for Workshops and Tutorials: September 01, 2013
<br/>*Notification of Workshop and Tutorial Acceptance: September 25, 2013
<br/>*Poster/Demo Submission Date: August 31, 2013
<br/>*Notification of Poster/Demo Acceptance: September 15, 2013
<br/>*Camera Ready Extended Abstract Due: November 01, 2013
<br/>*Camera Ready Paper Due: October 20, 2013
<br/>*Early Registration Deadline: June 01, 2013 - October 10, 2013
<br/>*Late Registration Deadline: October 11, 2013 - November 30, 2013
<br/>*Conference Dates: December 09-12, 2013
<br/>For further details, please visit www.wcst.org