Emanuel Grant grante at aero.und.edu
Fri Aug 28 21:19:04 CEST 2009

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                      M O D E L S    2 0 0 9
            ACM/IEEE 12th International Conference on
                   Model Driven  Engineering
                   Languages and Systems
           Denver, Colorado, USA   October 4-9, 2009
Call for participation
The MODELS Conference Series invites future participants to register.
Early registration is possible until September 7
The MODELS series of conferences is the premier venue for the exchange
of innovative technical ideas and experiences relating to model-based
approaches in the development of complex systems. The event is devoted
to model-based development for software and systems engineering,
covering all categories of modeling languages, methods, tools, and their
To provide a broader forum for reporting on scientific progress as well
as experiences and issues stemming from practical application of
model-based methods, the 2009 conference has two distinct tracks:
                * A scientific track
                * An empirical results track
The MODELS 2009 Conference is proud to present the following
distinguished keynote speakers:
                * Stephen J. Mellor. Keynote title: Models. Models.
Models. So What? (October 7) 
                * Larry L. Constantine. Keynote title: Interaction
Design and Model-Driven Development (October 8) 
                * Grady Booch. Keynote title: Architectural Mining: The
Other Side of the MDD (October 9)
The MODELS 2009 Conference includes a variety of exciting satellite
                * 10 Workshops covering different aspects of
model-based development:
    - 2nd International Workshop on Model Based Architecting and
Construction of Embedded Systems
    - 14th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling 
    - First International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software
    - Models and Evolution 
    - Models at run.time 
    - Model-driven Engineering, Verification, and Validation:
Integrating Verification and Validation in MDE 
    - Third International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling 
    - 2nd International Workshop on Non-Functional System Properties in
Domain Specific Modeling Languages 
    - The Pragmatics of OCL and Other Textual Specification Languages
    - 2nd Workshop on Transformation and Weaving OWL Ontologies and
                * 5 Tutorials lectured by international experts: 
    - Model-Driven Software Development with Ontologies 
    - Textual Modeling and Language Composition 
    - Effective Model Driven Engineering Patterns Principles and
Practices in Action 
    - MDE4DRE-QoS: Model-Driven Engineering for Quality of Service
Provisioning in Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems 
    - Model Driven Language Engineering 
                * Doctoral Symposium
                * Educators' Symposium
(browse http://www.modelsconference.org/ to get to further details on
the satellite events)

Be aware that the Eight Generative Programming and Component
Engineering conference (GPCE'09)
(http://www.hope.cs.rice.edu/twiki/bin/view/GPCE09/WebHome), and the
Second international conference on Software Language Engineering
(SLE'09) (http://planet-sl.org/sle2009/) is collocated with the
MODELS'09 conference.

Important Dates:
                * Conference: October 4-9, 2009
                * Registration: Advance registration is possible until
September 7. Later you will pay an additional fee
About Denver and the Conference Center
Denver is one of America's most beautiful cities. It is located at the
base of the Rocky Mountains and has 300 days of sunshine. Denver has a
great love of the outdoors. It is close to the Rocky Mountain National
Park and several 14-ers, mountain peaks that are 14,000 ft or higher. It
is also a cultural and sophisticated city. According to the official
website of the Denver Metro Convention  and Visitors Bureau
(http://www.denver.org/), "The city has more than 40 museums and
historic attractions, from Buffalo Bill's Grave & Museum to Daniel
Libeskind's amazing new Denver Art Museum. ... The Denver Zoo is the
fourth most popular in the nation."
The conference will be held in the Hyatt Regency, Denver Tech Center.
It is in the heart of the Tech Center business conclave, and minutes
from both downtown and airport.

Organization Committee

Conference Chairs:
  Robert Pettit       The Aerospace Corporation, USA
  Sudipto Ghosh       Colorado State University, USA
Scientific Track Program Chair:
  Andy Schürr        Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Empirical Results Track Chair:
  Bran Selic          Malina Software, Canada
Workshop Chair:
  James Bieman        Colorado State University, USA
Tutorial Chair:
  Thomas Weigert      Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Doctoral Symposium Chair:
  Jürgen Dingel       Queen's University, Canada
Educator Symposium Chairs:
  Robert France       Colorado State UniversityUSA
  Martin Gogolla      University of Bremen, Germany
Panel Chair:
  Øystein Haugen      University of Oslo, Norway
Steering Committee Chair:
  Heinrich Hussmann   Universität München, Germany
Publicity Chairs:
  Arnor Solberg       SINTEF, Norway
  Emanuel Grant       University of North Dakota, USA

Scientific Track Program Committee
  Aditya Agrawal         The Mathworks Inc., USA
  Hernan Astudilo        Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria,
  Don Batory             University of Texas, USA
  Benoit Baudry          INRIA, France
  Jean Bézivin           Université de Nantes, France
  Xavier Blanc           LIP6, France
  Ruth Breu              University of Innsbruck, Austria
  Lionel Briand          Simula Research Lab and University of Oslo,
  Jean-Michel Bruel      Université de Toulouse, France
  Krzysztof Czarnecki    University of Waterloo, Canada
  Juan de Lara           Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
  Jens Dietrich          Massey University, New Zealand
  Juergen Dingel         Queen's University, Canada
  Alexander Egyed        Johannes Kepler University, Austria
  Gregor Engels          University of Paderborn, Germany
  Jean-Marie Favre       University of Grenoble, France
  Robert B. France       Colorado State University, USA
  Harald Gall            University of Zurich, Switzerland
  Dragan Gasevic         Athabasca University, Canada
  Geri Georg             Colorado State University, USA
  Sébastien Gérard       CEA LIST, France
  Holger Giese           Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany
  Martin Gogolla         University of Bremen, Germany
  Susanne Graf           VERIMAG, France
  Emanuel Grant          University of North-Dakota, USA
  Jeff Gray              University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
  John Grundy            University of Auckland, New Zealand
  Jun Han                Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
  Øystein Haugen         SINTEF, Norway
  Zhenjiang Hu           National Institute of Informatics, Japan
  Heinrich Hussmann      Universität München, Germany
  Jan Jurjens            Open University and MSRC, UK
  Gerti Kappel           Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  Gabor Karsai           Vanderbilt University, USA
  Ingolf Krüger          UC San Diego, USA
  Jochen Kuester         IBM Research, Switzerland
  Thomas Kühne           Victoria University of Wellington, New
  Ralf Laemmel           University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
  Michele Lanza          University of Lugano, Switzerland
  Michaël Lawley         The Australian e-Health Research Centre,
  Timothy C. Lethbridge  University of Ottawa, Canada
  Birger Møller-Pedersen University of Oslo, Norway
  Ana Moreira            Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
  Pierre-Alain Muller    Université de Haute-Alsace, France
  Ileana Ober            IRIT, France
  Richard Paige          University of York, UK
  Dorina C. Petriu       Carleton University, Canada
  Alfonso Pierantonio    Università degli Studi delĺ Aquila, Italy
  Claudia Pons           University of La Plata, Argentinia
  Ivan Porres            Åbo Akademi University, Finland
  Alexander Pretschner   Fraunhofer IESE and TU Kaiserslautern,
  Gianna Reggio          Università di Genova, Italy
  Arend Rensink          University of Twente, The Netherlands
  Bernhard Rumpe         TU Braunschweig, Germany
  Andy Schürr            Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
  Bran Selic             Malina Software, Canada
  Michal Smialek         Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  Perdita Stevens        University of Edinburgh, UK
  Juha-Pekka Tolvanen    MetaCase, Finland
  Laurence Tratt         Bournemouth University, UK
  Axel Uhl               SAP Research Center, Germany
  Pieter Van Gorp        Technical University of Eindhoven, The
  Dániel Varró           Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Hungary
  Eelco Visser           Technical University of Delft, The
  Andrzej Wasowski       IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  Jon Whittle            Lancaster University, UK
  Andreas Winter         Universiy of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

Empirical Results Track Program Committee
  Robert Baillargeon    Panasonic Automotive Systems, USA
  Francis Bordeleau     Zeudora, Canada
  Murray Cantor         IBM Rational, USA
  Tony Clark            Thames valley University, UK
  Diarmuid Corcoran     Ericsson AB, Sweden
  Andy Evans            Xactium
  Geri Georg            Colorado State University
  Øystein Haugen        SINTEF, Norway
  Steven Kelly          MetaCase, Finland
  Jana Koehler          IBM Zurich Research, Switzerland
  Vinay Kulkarni        Tata Consulatancy Services, India
  Nikolai Mansourov     KDM Analytics, Canada
  Stephen Mellor UK
  Ed Merks              itemis AG, Canada
  Dragan Milicev        University of Belgrade, Serbia
  Juan Carlos Molina    CARE Technologies SA, Spain
  Pierre-Alain Muller   Universite de Haute-Alsace, France
  Nicolas Rouquette     Jet Propulsion Lab - Caltech, USA
  Schieferdecker, Ina   Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
  Richard Soley         Object Management Group, USA
  Ingo Stürmer          Model Engineering Solutions GmbH, Germany
  Francois Terrier      CEA-LIST, France
  Laurence Tratt        Bournemouth University, UK
  Markus Voelter        Voelter, Germany
  Michael von der Beeck BMW Group, Germany
  Ben Watson            Lockheed Martin Corporation, USA
  Thomas Weigert        Missouri U. of Science and Technology, USA
  Frank Weihl           Hengsoft, USA
  Jon Whittle           Lancaster University, UK
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