[ecoop-info] Call for Participation: RE'09
Patrick Mäder
patrick.maeder at tu-ilmenau.de
Thu Jun 11 03:38:40 CEST 2009
Call for Participation
17th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'09)
31 August - 4 September 2009, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
The IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference provides
the premier international forum for researchers, educators, industrial
practitioners and students to present and discuss the most recent
innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of
requirements engineering.
The RE'09 conference program includes 4 internationally recognized
keynote speakers, 13 cutting edge tutorials, 8 leading workshops and a
full program of research and industrial papers. For details of the
full conference program, please visit: www.re09.org.
Register NOW at www.re09.org. Early registration fees apply to
registrations made before July 20th, 2009.
++ James D. Herbsleb, Carnegie Mellon University ++
"On the Diminishing Prospects for an Engineering Discipline of
++ Daryl Plummer, Gartner Inc. ++
"Cloud Computing: Engineering the Requirements for 'Everything as a
++ Alistair Sutcliffe, University of Manchester ++
"People, Machines and Domains: Bridging the Gulfs between Worlds"
++ Dave West, Forrester Research Inc. ++
"Delivering Business Value with Agile Approaches to Requirements"
Tutorials are either full day or half day and include a range of
cutting edge topics.
-- Monday, August 31st, 2009 --
++ Design science research methodology: Principles and practice ++
Roel Wieringa, University of Twente, full day
++ Reducing omission errors using cross product models ++
Shmuel Ur, IBM Haifa, full day
++ Product Management for Software and Systems ++
Christof Ebert, Vector, full day
++ The User Requirements Notation (URN) and Aspects ++
Gunter Mussbacher and Daniel Amyot, SITE, University of Ottawa, full day
++ Change Agency for Requirements Engineers ++
Erik Simmons, Intel, full day
-- Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 --
++ Selective Homeworkless Reviews ++
Shmuel Ur, IBM Haifa, full day
++ Roadmap to Success: Scope Modeling ++
Mary Gorman, EBG Consulting Inc., full day
++ Risk Focused Requirements Management, Discovering the
opportunities, exposing the hazards ++
Donald C. Gause, Consultant, full day
++ The "Physics" of Notations: A Scientific Approach to Designing
Visual Notations in Requirements Engineering ++
Daniel Moody, University of Twente, full day
++ Use of Quality Models in Requirements Engineering and their
Application on OTS Components Selection ++
Juan Pablo Carvallo, Etapatelecom, Ecuador, Xavier Franch, UPC, Spain,
1/2 day (am)
++ Modeling the Flow of Requirements: Improved Communication and
Documentation in Software Projects ++
Kurt Schneider and Kai Stapel, University of Hannover, 1/2 day (pm)
++ Good RE for Interface Requirements and Allocation and Traceability ++
Ivy Hooks, CEO Compliance Automation Inc. (CAI), 1/2 day (am)
++ Requirements Engineering for Large and Very Large Scale Systems ++
Brian Berenbach, Siemens Corporate Research, 1/2 day (pm)
Workshop paper submission is STILL open -- please look at the website www.re09.org
for specific details and dates.
-- Monday, August 31st, 2009 --
++ CIRCUS'09 ++
First International Workshop on Collaboration and Intercultural Issues
on Requirements: Communication, Understanding and Softskills
Papers due: June 21, 2009
++ REET'09 ++
Fourth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering Education
and Training
Papers due: June 29, 2009
++ REV'09 ++
Fourth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering Visualization
Papers due: June 22, 2009
++ RE-Vote'09 ++
First International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for E-voting
Papers due: 4 July, 2009
-- Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 --
++ IWSPM'09 ++
Third International Workshop on Software Product Management
Papers due: June 26, 2009
++ MaRK'09 ++
Second International Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge
Papers due: June 15, 2009
++ RELAW'09 ++
Second International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law
Papers due: 10 July, 2009
++ RHET'09 ++
First International Workshop on The Rhetoric of Requirements
Papers due: June 25, 2009
++ Research papers presenting the latest results in requirements
engineering research ++
++ Panels, posters and research tool demonstrations ++
In parallel to the scientific program, RE'09 has a track that
specifically addresses practitioners, featuring invited talks by
industrial experts, mini-tutorials, tool experience talks and
industrial practice papers.
Companies who wish to exhibit and demonstrate requirements engineering
support tools should contact Richard Welke (rwelke at ceprin.org).
Space will be available in the exhibition area and tool demonstrations
will be scheduled during coffee breaks and as part of the
demonstrations session. There will be charge for commercial tool
exhibits depending on the space required. Exhibition proposals will be
considered whilst there is room in the conference exhibition space.
The Doctoral Symposium is a one-day workshop that gives Doctoral
students the opportunity to present their research and receive
feedback in a constructive and international atmosphere.
We are looking for Masters and PhD students to help us run the
conference. In return for about 12-16 hours of their time, student
volunteers will receive a complimentary registration. Apply by June 15
to Carl Stucke (cstucke at gsu.edu).
The world is becoming ever more dependent on software intensive
systems. They are central to our economy, to our society, to the
services we depend upon and, increasingly to the very survival of the
global ecosystem. Despite many failures, some of them very well
publicized, the engineering of such systems has improved consistently
over the past few decades. However many challenges remain. Every
computer-based system involves relating the myriad, informal facets of
the real world to the intricate and formal specifics of a software
system. Understanding potentials or details of software systems is not
expected of stakeholders, who have their own specialized concerns.
Similarly, the eager and technologically capable developers are not
expected to understand the nuances of the many domains where software
applies. Requirements Engineering (RE) is the essential capability
that can bridge the two perspectives. The RE activity is multi-
disciplinary. When defining the requirements of major systems we must
bring to bear expertise from a wide range of specialisms such as Human-
Computer Interaction, Systems Modeling, and Security. The RE research
field builds the effective bridges between these and other sub-
disciplines of the Computer Science and Information Systems fields.
The many computer-based system needs of business and society are often
contradictory, inadequately defined, and rapidly changing. RE helps
stakeholders communicate, helping to reconcile their conflicts,
clarify their goals, and reflect their priorities. If our society is
to seek a better future we will need all of the models, methods, and
tools that RE can provide.
++General Chair++
William Robinson, Georgia State University, USA
++Program Chair++
Kevin Ryan, Lero - University of Limerick, Ireland
++Local Arrangements++
Bala Ramesh, Georgia State University, USA
++Financial Chair++
Thomas A. Alspaugh, UCI, USA
++Practitioner Track++
Brian Berenbach, Siemens, USA
Erik Simmons, Intel, USA
Jane Cleland-Huang, DePaul University, USA
Marjo Kauppinen, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Daniel Berry, University of Waterloo, Canada
++Doctoral Symposium++
Patrick Heymans, University of Namur, Belgium
Didar Zowghi, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Mehrdad Sabetzadeh, University of Toronto, Canada
Andrea Zisman, City University, UK
Olly Gotel, Pace University, USA
Patrick Maeder, Ilmenau Technical University, Germany
Susan Mitchell, Lero, University of Limerick, Ireland
++Local Organization++
Yi Ding, Webmaster
David McDonald, Registration
Carl Stucke, Student Volunteers
Radu Vlas, Demos
Institutional Support: IEEE Computer Society, ACM SIGSOFT, Atlanta
SPIN, INCOSE, IFIP WG 2.9, Georgia State University, and Lero -
University of Limerick.
Corporate Sponsors: ABB, IREB, Siemens, Cisco, NSF, and Springer.
Jane Cleland-Huang, USA
Carlo Ghezzi, Italy
Martin Glinz, Switzerland
Olly Gotel, USA
Mats Heimdal, USA
Patrick Heymans, Belgium
Neil Maiden, UK
Klaus Pohl, Germany
Bjoern Regnell, Sweden
Colette Rolland, France
Alistair Sutcliffe, UK
Tetsuo Tamai, Japan
Roel Wieringa, The Netherlands
Ian Alexander, UK
Annie Anton, USA
Mikio Aoyama, Japan
Brian Berenbach, USA
Daniel Berry, Canada
Jaelson Castro, Brazil
Marsha Chechik, Canada
Lawrence Chung, USA
Daniela Damian, Canada
Eric Dubois, Luxembourg
Christof Ebert, Germany
Martin Feather, USA
Anthony Finkelstein, UK
Xavier Franch, Spain
Donald Gause, USA
Michael Goedicke, Germany
Connie Heitmeyer, USA
Ann Hickey, USA
Marina Jirotka, UK
Haruhiko Kaiya, Japan
Kyo Kang, Korea
Marjo Kauppinen, Finland
Soeren Lauesen, Denmark
Julio Leite, Brazil
Michel Lemoine, France
Emmanuel Letier, UK
Peri Loucopoulos, UK
Robyn Lutz, USA
Kalle Lyytinen, USA
Nazim Madhavji, Canada
John Mylopoulos, Canada
Andreas Opdahl, Norway
Oscar Pastor, Spain
Norah Power, Ireland
Bala Ramesh, USA
Suzanne Robertson, UK
Motoshi Saeki, Japan
Camille Salinesi, France
Erik Simmons, USA
Guttorm Sindre, Norway
Eric Yu, Canada
Wei Zhang, China
Andrea Zisman, UK
Didar Zowghi, Australia
For additional information please contact the general chair William
Robinson (wrobinson at gsu.edu) or program chair Kevin Ryan
(kevin.ryan at lero.ie).
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