[ecoop-info] Cfp: MSR 2010 Mining Challenge

Abram Hindle ahindle at cs.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Nov 6 16:38:47 CET 2009


MSR 2010 Mining Challenge:
http://msrconf.org/msr2010/challenge/  twitter: @msrconf
A mining challenge track of:
7th International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories
2-3 May 2010, Cape Town, South Africa (co-located with ICSE 2010)

Do you have what it takes to be a software miner, maybe you want to
try but lack the data? Look no further as the Mining Software
Repositories (MSR) Challenge is the venue for your tools and
research. We will provide you with mirrored, extracted, and parsed
repositories and you will provide us with a report of your interesting

Since 2006 the IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories
(MSR) has hosted a mining challenge. The MSR Mining Challenge brings
together researchers and practitioners who are interested in applying,
comparing, and challenging their mining tools and approaches on
software repositories for open source projects.

Unlike previous years, which have examined a single project, multiple
projects in isolation, or a single distribution of projects (GNOME),
this year the MSR challenge involves examining FreeBSD operating
system and distribution, the GNOME Desktop Suite of projects, and the
Debian/Ubuntu Distribution Database. The emphasis this year is on how
the projects are inter-related, how they interact, and possibly how
they evolve and function within a larger software ecosystem.

There will be two challenge tracks:

  #1 General
  #2 Prediction

For the #1 General challenge, researchers will discover interesting
facts and report them as 4-page (max) submissions.

For the #2 Prediction challenge, the goal is to predict the final bug
number of April 30th, 2010 for the Debian distribution. Researchers must
submit a 2-page report explaining the approach used for the

All the accepted papers will be included in the proceedings as
challenge papers. The winners of the MSR Challenge and prediction
challenge will receive an award. See the MSR homepage for more
information about requirement and rules.


Challenge papers:             February 6th, 2010
Challenge predictions:        February 20th, 2010
Author notification:          February 20, 2010
MSR Research/short papers:    January 11, 2010 (abstracts)
                              January 14, 2010 (papers)
Conference:                   May 2-3, 2010


Challenge Chair:
Abram Hindle - University of Waterloo, Canada

General Chair:
Audris Mockus - Avaya, USA

Program Co-chairs:
Jim Whitehead - UC Santa Cruz, USA
Thomas Zimmermann - Microsoft Research, USA

Challenge Jury / Program Committee:

Israel Herraiz - Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Emily Hill - University of Delaware, USA
Annie Ying - McGill University, Canada
Emad Shihab - Queen's University, Canada
Zhen Ming Jiang - Queen's University, Canada
Rahul Premraj - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Irwin Kwan - University of Victoria, Canada
Lile Hattori - University of Lugano, Switzerland
Adrian Schroter - University of Victoria, Canada

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