[ecoop-info] Open Position for an Assistant Professor in “Advanced Simulation Methods in Computational Science”

Mauro Prevostini mauro.prevostini at usi.ch
Thu Nov 26 16:58:57 CET 2009

In order to promote the scientific and academic career of outstanding 
young scholars the
Foundation for Research and Development of the Università della Svizzera 
(University of Lugano) advertises a position for an

Assistant Professor in “Advanced Simulation Methods in Computational 
at the Institute of Computational Science of the Faculty of Informatics
(www.ics.inf.usi.ch) The position has tenure track.

The successful candidates will be asked to do research and teaching in 
scientific computing /
computational science. Competence in scientific computing / 
computational science with
emphasis on advanced simulation methods and/or high performance methods 
is expected. This
includes software, modeling, analysis and/or parallel computing. The 
successful candidates will
have the possibility to do research at the ICS in a close working 
relationship with the Swiss
National Supercomputing Centre. The local environment stimulates 
interactions between
computational sciences and informatics. The official teaching language 
at the faculty is English.
Research and teaching expertise in one of the following areas is expected:

1. Fluid dynamics or fluid-structure interaction (e.g. in engineering or 
medical applications)
2. Optimization and optimal control for continuous or discrete models 
(e.g. in life sciences or for networks)
3. Complex phenomena and/or multiple scales (e.g. simulation in climate, 
earth sciences or material sciences)
4. Adaptive methods and approximation for parallel computing (e.g. in 
continuum or fluid mechanics)

Basic requisites:
- Venia Legendi, or the Habilitation, or an equivalent PhD;
- excellent publication record;
- scientific and teaching expertise in scientific computing;
- fluent English.

Job profile and duties:
- to teach at different levels (Bachelor, Master and PhD);
- to do research in at least one of the mentioned fields;
- to promote scientific research at the Università della Svizzera 
italiana within the expertise field, also in association with the Swiss 
National Supercomputing Center;
- to participate in Faculty meetings and related ad-hoc committees.

Teaching load:
The teaching load for an assistant professor consists of 4 hours weekly 
in each 14-week
semester (winter and summer), for an annual total of 112 class hours.

Professors reside in Ticino (Italian-speaking part of Switzerland). 
Presence at the university is at
least four days a week.

Salary and contract:
Salary is within a range to be defined, dependent on experience and 
academic qualifications.
The terms of contract are defined by the University Statutes.

USI aims to increase the percentage of women in research and teaching. 
Thus female
academics are especially encouraged to apply.

Application file:
The following documents must be sent in electronic form (pdf   
preferred) to ics_submission at unisi.ch:
- an application letter addressed to the Dean of the Faculty;
- a detailed CV/résumé and publication list, together with copy of any 
relevant degree diploma, and teaching and professional experience records;
- a list of the 3 most relevant publications (copies of publications not 
easily accessible);
- the names and addresses of 3 references.

Closing date for application is January 15th, 2010.

General information about the Faculty of Informatics of the University 
of Lugano can be found at www.inf.usi.ch.

Information about the Institute of Computational Science can be found at 

Address questions concerning these open positions to rolf.krause at usi.ch.

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