[ecoop-info] CFP: Ubiquitous Body Sensor Networks (UBSN 2010)

Shu, Lei lei.shu at deri.org
Tue Sep 1 22:00:20 CEST 2009

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                           Call for Papers 


    2010 International Workshop on Ubiquitous Body Sensor Networks

                            (UBSN 2010)



                         In conjunction with 

           The 5th International Wireless Internet Conference 

                             (WICON 2010)






Recently, there has been increased investigation into new types of
wireless sensor 

networks located on or around the human body, which are generally known
as body 

sensor networks (BSNs).  Following continuous advances in wireless

technologies, there has been growing interest in the design, development
and deployment 

of BSN systems in applications for improving people's daily life, which
has led to 

an increased demand for interconnecting BSNs with other emerging
wireless technologies, 

such as RFID technology, wireless sensor networks (WSNs), Zigbee,
Bluetooth, WiBree, 

video surveillance systems, WPAN, WLAN, the Internet, and cellular
networks. With BSNs 

being incorporated into these technologies, BSNs have become ubiquitous.
As a result 

of this, and due to an increased demand for advanced e-healthcare
management systems 

in recent years, the marketing opportunities for advanced consumer
electronics and 

related services have greatly increased. More and more autonomous and

applications which are closely integrated with a person's everyday life
are being 

generated. For example, by using BSNs to collect patient information,
and by deploying 

diverse wireless networking systems for enhanced diagnostic assistance
and action 

handling, better e-healthcare management systems can be designed for
providing more 

desirable services.


In this workshop, we solicit research papers (regular papers and
posters) on hardware 

for body sensors, system architectures, networking and communication

applications, testbeds and prototypes, biomedical sensor data processing
and sensor 

data management. In particular, we are interested in the following
communication issues:


* Intra-BSN Communication: The term "intra-BSN communication" defines

directly related to the user (within radio coverage of about 2 meters),
which consists 

of two categories: (1) the communications amongst the body sensors,
which are deployed 

strategically on the human body, implanted inside the body, or attached
within in the 

person's clothing; (2) the communication between the body sensors and
the portable 

personal server, which typically can be a cell phone, PDA or headset.


* Inter-BSN communication: The term "inter-BSN communication" defines

between the personal server and one or more access points. The access
point can be 

deployed as a part of a home or work infrastructure, or strategically
placed within 

a dynamic environment for handling emergency situations. Inter-BSN

will interconnect BSNs with the wide range of networks which are easily

in daily life.


* Beyond-BSN communication: Beyond-BSN communication is used to
interconnect a BSN 

with the outside world, which enhances the application possibilities and
brings the 

coverage / range of body sensor systems a step further via pervasive

technologies, such as the Internet and cellular networks.


The objective of this workshop is to bring together state-of-the-art

contributions, tutorials, and position papers that address these key
aspects of 

Ubiquitous Body Sensor Networks. Original papers describing completed
and unpublished 

work not currently under review by any other
journal/magazine/conference/workshop are 

solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


* New applications of ubiquitous body-sensor networks, e.g., healthcare
and consumer 

electronics applications

* Remote health/fitness monitoring in ubiquitous body sensor networks,
e.g., location 

and mobility issues

* Ambulatory monitoring (activity monitoring, fall detection, cardiac
and wellbeing 

monitoring) and BSN assisted rehabilitation, bio-motion, wellbeing
analysis and 

clinical applications

* Emerging engineering issues and wearable, implantable/ingestible
sensor integration 

and development platforms, e.g., new operating systems, middleware, etc.

* Scalable and flexible network architectures and deployments for
ubiquitous body 

sensor networks

* Advanced body sensor devices, e.g., novel bioelectrical, biochemical,

and mechanical sensors

* Networking and data transmission issues for ubiquitous body sensor

* Integrating emerging wireless technologies with ubiquitous body sensor

* Integration with ambient sensors for personalized smart spaces and

* Link to environment sensing, smart dwellings, and home monitoring

* Standards for light-weight communication protocols and integration
with heterogeneous 


* Advanced algorithms for ubiquitous body sensor networks, e.g.,
routing, data 

processing, packet scheduling

* Power efficient issues, e.g., low power RF transceivers, energy

miniaturization, system integration

* Signal processing, context awareness and multi-sensory fusion

* MAC Protocols and QoS Designing for Intra-BSN Communication

* Mobile and multimedia supported ubiquitous body sensor networks

* Server side body sensor networks information processing, data mining,
transient pattern 

recognition, and long-term, predictive trend analysis

* Sensor data management issues for ubiquitous body sensor networks,

publish-subscribe approach

* Query processing and optimization for ubiquitous body sensor networks

* Sensor data stream processing in ubiquitous body sensor networks

* Semantic Web technology enabled ubiquitous body sensor networks

* Adaptability and stability of ubiquitous body sensor networks

* Transactions and workflows in ubiquitous body sensor networks

* Information support, security, privacy, and fault tolerance issues for

body sensor networks


Important Dates:

* Submission Deadline:  October 15, 2009 (EST)

* Acceptance Notice:    November 15, 2009

* Final Manuscript:     November 25, 2009

* Publication Date:     March 1-3, 2010


Submission Instructions

Please submit your paper(s) in PDF format to:

* Min Chen, minchen at ece.ubc.ca 


* Lei Shu, lei.shu at ieee.org


All submissions will be reviewed by the technical program committee and
will be judged 

by their technical merit and relevance to workshop.


For regular paper:

The page length limit is 9 pages in IEEE double column format pages
(including figures, 

tables, and references) with font size not smaller than 9 points.


For poster paper:

The posters may describe work in progress and offers an excellent
opportunity for feedback 

and discussions on early research. A maximum of TWO IEEE double column
format pages 

(including figures, tables, and references) with font size not smaller
than 9 points.



Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE/ACM (pending)
International Conference Proceedings 

Series and will be made available in IEEE/ACM (pending) Digital Library,
as well as indexed by EI. 





* Thanos Vasilakos, University of Thessaly, Greece

* Min Chen, University of British Columbia, Canada

* John Breslin, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland



* Lei Shu, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland

* Ming Li, California State University, Fresno, USA


Technical Program Committee 

# Victor Leng, University of British Columbia, Canada

# Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway

# Yang Xiao, University of Alabama, USA

# Naixue Xiong, Georgia State University, USA

# Liang Zhou, ENSTA, ParisTech, France

# Lei Wang, Dalian University of Technology, China

# William G. Scanlon, Queen's University, Belfast, UK

# Zhangbing Zhou, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Irleand

# Han-Chieh Chao, Ilan University, Taiwan

# Gearoid O Laighin, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

# Weiwei Fang, Beihang University, China

# Xiaolong Jin, University of Bradford, UK

# Tomoki Yoshihisa, Osaka University, Japan

# Xinbing Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

# Tianji Li, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland

# Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Kyung Hee University, South Korea

# James Chang Wu Yu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan

# Xiuzhen (Susan) Cheng, The George Washington University, USA

# Hung-Min Sun, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

# Yang Hao, Queen Mary University of London, UK

# Sajid Hussain, Acadia University, Canada


More to be invited.

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