[ecoop-info] CfPart: FMICS 2009, 2-3 November 2009

Announcements of FME events events at fmeurope.org
Wed Sep 9 09:32:12 CEST 2009

Please visit: http://users.dsic.upv.es/workshops/fmics2009

*             14th International Workshop on               *
*      Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems      *
*                      FMICS 2009                          *
*                                                          *
*                   November 2-3, 2009                     *
*               Eindhoven, The Netherlands                 *
*                      ** NEWS **                          *
*                                                          *
*    >> Full programme for FMICS 2009 now available        *
*                                                          *
*    >> Registration for FMICS 2009 is open                *
*       Early registration before September 14             *
*                                                          *
*    >> FMICS 2009 proceedings available as LNCS 5825      *
*                                                          *

FMICS 2009  is the fourteenth  in a series  of International
Workshop on Formal Methods  for Industrial Critical Systems.
Previous  workshops of  the  ERCIM working  group on  Formal
Methods for Industrial Critical  Systems were held in Oxford
(March  1996), Cesena  (July  1997),  Amsterdam (May  1998),
Trento (July 1999), Berlin  (April 2000), Paris (July 2001),
Malaga (July  2002), Trondheim (June 2003),  Linz (September
2004), Lisbon  (September 2005), Bonn (August  2006), Berlin
(July 2007), and L'Aquila (September 2008).

The aim of  the FMICS workshop series is to  provide a forum
for researchers  who are  interested in the  development and
application of  formal methods  in industry.  In particular,
these workshops bring together  scientists and engineers who
are active in the area  of formal methods and are interested
in exchanging  their experiences in the  industrial usage of
these  methods.  These  workshops  also  strive  to  promote
research  and  development  for the  improvement  of  formal
methods and tools for industrial applications.

Complete  and up  to date  information can  be found  at the
event website http://users.dsic.upv.es/workshops/fmics2009/.
FMICS 2009 is  part of the 1st FMweek  (Formal Methods week,
http://www.win.tue.nl/fmweek/),  which  brings  together  10
international  scientific  events,  6  project  and  working
group  meetings,  and  a  variety  of  other  activities  in
the  area.  Further  information  about  the  FMICS  working
group  and  the  next  FMICS   workshop  can  be  found  at:

The topics chosen for FMICS 2009 include:
- design, specification, code generation and testing based
  on formal methods;
- methods,  techniques  and tools  to  support  automated
  analysis, certification, debugging, learning, optimization
  and transformation of  complex, distributed, real-time and
  embedded systems;
- verification   and  validation  methods   that  address
  shortcomings  of existing  methods with  respect to  their
  industrial applicability (e.g.,  scalability and usability
- tools for the development of formal design descriptions;
- case  studies  and  experience  reports  on  industrial
  applications  of  formal   methods,  focusing  on  lessons
  learned or new research directions;
- impact and costs of the adoption of formal methods;
- application of  formal methods  in standardization  and
  industrial forums;

In  response  to  the  call  for  papers,  24  contributions
were  submitted from  16  different  countries. The  Program
Committee selected  ten papers, basing this  choice on their
scientific  quality,  originality,   and  relevance  to  the
workshop. Each paper was reviewed  by at least three Program
Committee members  or external referees. The  programme also
includes four  invited contributions  as well as  six poster

Dino Distefano       Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Diego Latella        CNR/ISTI, Italy
Thierry Lecomte      ClearSy, France
Ken McMillan         Cadence Berkeley Labs, USA

Following  a   tradition  established  over  the   past  few
years,  the European  Association  of  Software Science  and
Technology  (EASST)   will  offer  an  award   to  the  best
FMICS  paper.

The  venue for  FMICS 2009  is the  Auditorium of  Eindhoven
University of Technology. The  university campus lies in the
centre of  Eindhoven, within walking distance  of conference
hotels. The city  itself can easily be reached  via both its
own airport and Schiphol (the Dutch mainport).

The  event   website  provides   a  one-stop   window  where
participants  can   register  to  FMICS  2009   and  to  any
combination of FMweek events they would  like to participate
in, and make hotel reservation for their stay in Eindhoven.

*                                                          *
*      +============================================+      *
*      |                                            |      *
*      |                 ** FMweek **               |      *
*      |                                            |      *
*      +============================================+      *
*      |     FMICS     |    FM2009    |   REFINE    |      *
*      +--------------------------------------------+      *
*      |        PDMC      |     TESTCOM/FATES       |      *
*      +--------------------------------------------+      *
*      |    FACS   |   CPA   |   FAST   |   FMCO    |      *
*      +--------------------------------------------+      *
*      |        http://www.win.tue.nl/fmweek        |      *
*      +============================================+      *
*                                                          *

FMICS 2009  is sponsored by the  following institutions: the
Universidad Politecnica  de Valencia, ERCIM,  FME, Microsoft
Research,  the  Departamento   de  Sistemas  Informaticos  y
Computacion (UPV),  MEC (Feder) Tin2007-30509-E,  EASST, and
the Technical University of Eindhoven.
events mailing list
events at fmeurope.org

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