[ecoop-info] TOOLS federated conferences 2010 in Malaga

Antonio Vallecillo av at lcc.uma.es
Wed Sep 16 22:38:49 CEST 2009

Dear all,
This year TOOLS 2010 Federated Conferences will take place in Malaga, 
Spain (28 June - 2 July, 2010):

* TOOLS Europe 2010: 48th International Conference on Objects, 
Models, Components, Patterns
* ICMT 2010: 3rd International Conference on Model Transformation
* SC 2010: 9th International Conference on Software Composition
* TAP 2010: 4th International Conference on Tests And Proofs

This mail is to let you know that a LinkedIn Group dedicated to these 
conferences has been 
created:  http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2182212&trk=myg_ugrp_ovr

Please join this group if you want to learn what will happen in 
Malaga in June, and be informed about the various information related 
to these events: deadlines, committees, guest speakers, registration, 
etc. Watch out for the social program!

A number of workshops is also expected to be hosted there (the Call 
for Workshops has already been sent out, please consider submitting a 
workshop proposal).

If you have any question about any aspect of the TOOLS federated 
conferences, the LinkedIn group is the place to ask.

With best regards,

Antonio Vallecillo.
Universidad de Málaga. ETSI Informática.
Bulevar Louis Pasteur, 35. (29071) Malaga. Spain.
Voice: + Fax: +
TOOLS 2010 Federated Conferences in Málaga

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