[ecoop-info] ICGT'10 Doctoral Symposium: First Call for Contributions

Andrea Corradini andrea at di.unipi.it
Mon Apr 26 11:42:31 CEST 2010

 [Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]

                   Call for Abstracts

             ICGT 2010 Doctoral Symposium

         An event to be held during ICGT 2010
     5th International Conference on Graph Transformation
    Enschede (Netherlands), September 29 - October 1, 2010


The  ICGT  2010 Doctoral  Symposium  will  consist  of some  technical
sessions  held   during  the   ICGT  2010  Conference,   dedicated  to
presentations by  PhD students and by young  researchers who completed
their doctoral studies within the past two years.

ICGT  2010  aims  to  bring  together  researchers  and  practitioners
interested in the foundations and applications of graph transformation
to a variety of areas. A non-exhaustive list of topics of interest can
be found on the conference web pages:


Within  ICGT  2010,  the  Doctoral  Symposium will  provide  a  unique
opportunity  for  doctoral  students  and  young  researchers  (having
defended their thesis  at most two years previously)  to interact with
established researchers of the graph transformation community and with
other students.

The Doctoral Symposium will be held on a date to be determined, during
the regular activities of the ICGT 2010 conference.

Presentations  for the  Doctoral  Symposium will  be  selected by  the
Program Committee according  to originality, significance, and general
interest, on  the basis  of submitted three-pages  abstracts. Accepted
abstracts, revised according to the comments by the reviewers, will be
included in the LNCS proceedings of the ICGT Conference.

After  the  conference,  selected  authors of  presentations  will  be
invited to  submit a full  paper for the refereed  post-proceedings of
the Doctoral  Symposium, which  will be published  as a volume  of the
Electronic  Communications  of  the  EASST  (European  Association  of
Software Science and Technology).


               Important Dates

June 11, 2010                     Submission deadline for abstracts
June 25, 2010                     Notification of acceptance
July 6, 2010                      Final abstract due
September 29 - October 1, 2010    ICGT 2010 Conference in Enschede
October 15, 2010                  Invitation of full papers
December 1, 2010                  Submission deadline for full papers



The abstracts must be up to three pages long including references, and
should  be formatted  using  the standard  Springer-Verlag LNCS  style
<http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html>.  Each abstract can be
authored  by  a single  young  resarcher  (a  PhD student,  or  having
defended the thesis in the last two years).

The abstracts  have to be  submitted electronically via  the EasyChair
system, at the URL


When submitting, the  author should send an email  to Andrea Corradini
<andrea at di.unipi.it>, declaring  either to be  a PhD student,  or that
he/she  defended the  thesis in  year 2008  or later.  In  both cases,
please indicate the name of the PhD supervisor.

Full papers  submitted after  the invitation for  the post-proceedings
can be co-authored by other researchers.


             Organizing committe

Andrea Corradini, Pisa (I)
Maarten de Mol, Enschede (NL)



For any information about the  ICGT 2010 Doctoral Symposium, feel free
to contact either  Andrea Corradini (email: andrea at di.unipi.it, phone:
+39  050 2212786),  or  Maarten de  Mol (email:  M.J.deMol at utwente.nl,
phone: +(31)53-4894476)

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