[ecoop-info] Call For Papers: ASAP 2011

asap-announce asap-announce at cs.ucla.edu
Sun Dec 19 06:26:06 CET 2010

Call for Papers : ASAP 2011
22nd IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors


September 11-14, 2011 Santa Monica, California, USA

The conference will cover the theory and practice of application-specific systems, architectures and processors. 
The 2011 conference will build upon traditional strengths in areas such as arithmetic, cryptography, compression, 
signal and image processing, application-specific instruction processors, etc. We especially encourage submissions 
in the following four areas:

* Bioinformatics and computational biology --- life sciences present a host of interesting problems that can benefit from 
application-specific solutions.

* Architecturally diverse systems --- systems that use varied computing resources such as FPGAs, GPUs, Cell processors, etc.

* Reconfigurable computing --- tools and compilation methods for reconfigurable architectures.

* Low-power and low-energy architectures --- logic design and architectural level techniques to reduce power and/or energy 
consumption on application specific systems.

The conference venue is Santa Monica, a beautiful coastal town in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area, rich in cultural, 
entertainment, and outdoor attractions.

Important dates:

Paper Submission:  March 18

Notification of Acceptance:  May 23

Camera-ready Papers Due:  June 13

Conference: September 11-14

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