[ecoop-info] CfP: Software Process and Product Improvement Track @ 37th EUROMICRO Conference 2011 (Oulu, Finland)

Paul Gruenbacher paul.gruenbacher at jku.at
Mon Dec 20 08:53:45 CET 2010

We cordially invite you to submit your original research to the Software 
Process and Product Improvement (SPPI) Track at the 37th EUROMICRO 
Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications to be held 
in Oulu, Finland, from August 30 to September 2, 2011.

SPPI Homepage/Call for Papers (http://seaa2011.oulu.fi/index.php/sppi)
Euromicro SEAA Homepage (http://seaa2011.oulu.fi/)

Important Dates:

* Paper submission: March 1, 2011
* Notification of accepted papers: April 15, 2011
* Camera-ready paper due: June 1, 2011
* Conference: August 30 to September 2, 2011 at Oulu, Finland


The size, complexity, and criticality of software-intensive systems 
require innovative and economic approaches to development and evolution. 
In today's competitive world software quality is a key to success and 
stability of organizations. Software process and product improvement 
(SPPI) aims at significantly increasing both the quality of 
software-intensive systems and the productivity of software development.

The SPPI track will bring together researchers and practitioners to 
share SPPI innovations and experiences. The track is an integral part of 
the 37th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced 
Applications (SEAA) 2011.


Suggested topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

* Organizational and business views on process improvement
* Value-based software engineering
* Software process improvement and process standards
* Process modelling, composition, and enactment
* Quantitative models for development processes and products
* Process simulation
* Global software engineering
* Open source software and software quality
* Agile and lean development
* Software reuse, product lines, and software ecosystems
* Product management
* Dependability, safety, security, or usability
* Quality assurance, inspections, testing
* Software evolution
* Innovative approaches to software development
* Empirical studies and experimental approaches

In particular, we encourage submissions demonstrating the benefits or 
limitations of SPPI approaches through case studies, experiments, and 
quantitative data.


The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society.

Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication 
in a special issue of the Journal of Systems Architecture (Elsevier).

Track Organizers:

* Dietmar Pfahl, Lund University, Sweden
* Rick Rabiser, Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz, Austria
* Paul Grünbacher, Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz, Austria

Program Committee:

* Muhammad Ali Babar, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
* Aybüke Aurum, Univ. of New South Wales, Australia
* Thomas Birkhölzer, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, Germany
* Jan Bosch, Intuit, California, USA
* Ruth Breu, Univ. of Innsbruck, Austria
* Michel Chaudron, Leiden University, the Netherlands
* Maya Daneva, Univ. of Twente, the Netherlands
* Frank Elberzhager, Fraunhofer IESE, K’lautern, Germany
* Xavier Franch, Univ. Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain
* Volker Gruhn, Univ. Leipzig, Germany
* Jo Hannay, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
* Frank Houdek, Daimler Research, Germany
* LiGuo Huang, SMU, Dallas, TX, USA
* Slinger Jansen, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
* Stig Larsson, Lunik Process Improvement Consulting, Sweden
* Jürgen Münch, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
* Markku Oivo, University of Oulu, Finland
* Barbara Paech, University of Heidelberg, Germany
* Rudolf Ramler, SCCH Hagenberg, Austria
* Andreas Rausch, TU Clausthal, Germany
* Daniel Rodriguez, University of Alcala, Spain
* Günther Ruhe, U Calgary, Canada
* Barbara Russo, Free University Bolzano, Italy
* Klaus Schmid, Univ. Hildesheim, Germany
* Christa Schwanninger, Siemens CT, Germany
* Rini van Solingen, TU Delft, the Netherlands
* Dietmar Winkler, TU Wien, Austria

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