[ecoop-info] CfP - RSSE 2010: Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering (deadline extension)

Tom Zimmermann zimmerth at cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Mon Jan 25 05:43:54 CET 2010


2nd International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering
RSSE 2010 (http://rsse.org/rsse2010  twitter: @rsse)

Cape Town, South Africa, May 4 2010
Co-located with ICSE 2010



* Paper submission: 31 January 2010 (extended)
* Paper notifications: 17 February 2010
* Camera-ready copy: 03 March 2010


Recommendation systems for software engineering are tools that help
developers and managers to better cope with the huge amount of
information faced in today's software projects. They provide
developers with information to guide them in a number of activities
(e.g., software navigation, debugging, refactoring), or to alert them
of potential issues (e.g., conflicting changes, failure-inducing
changes, duplicated functionality). Similarly, managers get only to
see the information that is relevant to make a certain decision (e.g.,
bug distribution when allocating resources). Recommendation systems
can draw from a wide variety of input data, and benefit from different
types of analyses.

Although many recommendation systems have demonstrable usefulness and
usability in software engineering, a number of questions remain to be
discussed and investigated: What recommendations do developers and
managers actually need? How can we evaluate recommendations? Are there
fundamentally different kinds of recommenders? How can we integrate
recommendations from different sources? How can we protect the privacy
of developers? How can new recommendation systems leverage lessons
from existing ones?

In this workshop, we will study advances in recommendation systems,
with a special focus on evaluation, integration, and usability.

Specific areas of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Building trust in recommendations 
- Infrastructure of recommendation systems 
- Application of techniques from AI and IR
- Mining software artifacts for recommendations 
- Recommendation systems for code reuse 
- Recommendation systems for teams and managers 
- Software navigation, debugging, refactoring, collaboration 
- Evaluation of recommendation systems 
- Benchmarks for recommendation systems 
- Usability of recommendation systems 
- Ethical issues such as privacy and behavioural shaping

Our goals are (1) to bring together a diverse segment of the
community, in terms of career stage, geography, and background; (2) to
solidify a body of knowledge about RSSEs; and (3) to identify ways in
which RSSE research can be applied to, and benefit from, other
existing research efforts.


We invite two kinds of submissions:

Long position papers (up to 5 pages) that describe ongoing work,
preliminary results, or formal demonstrations of tools. They will be
reviewed for topicality, novelty, and potential to spark useful
discussions in the workshop-a subset of these will be selected for
presentation during the workshop, the remaining accepted long position
papers will be part of a poster session.

Short position papers (2 pages) that describe new ideas, recent
experiences, or preliminary tool support. They will be reviewed for
topicality and potential to grow into substantive research
contributions. Accepted short position papers will be invited to a
poster/informal demonstration session.

Papers must follow the ACM conference format and must not exceed the
page limits mentioned above, including figures and references. All
submissions must be in English. Papers must be submitted
electronically, in PDF format, using the submission site hosted by
EasyChair. http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rsse2010


Workshop Organizers:
- Reid Holmes, University of Washington, USA
- Martin Robillard, McGill University, Canada
- Robert J. Walker, University of Calgary, Canada
- Thomas Zimmermann, Microsoft Research, USA

Program Committee:
- Giuliano Antoniol, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
- Li-Te Cheng, IBM Research, USA
- Harald Gall, Universität Zürich, Switzerland
- Michael Godfrey, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Miryung Kim, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Sung Kim, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
- Walid Maalej, Technische Universität München, Germany
- Andrian Marcus, Wayne State University, USA
- Mira Mezini, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
- Tao Xie, North Carolina State University, USA
- Yunwen Ye, Software Research Associates, Inc., Japan
- Andreas Zeller, Saarland University, Germany

We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you in Cape
Town in May!

Reid Holmes, Martin Robillard, Rob Walker, and Thomas Zimmermann

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