[ecoop-info] Call for Participation WS-FM 2010 - Formal aspects of service oriented and cloud computing

Mario Bravetti bravetti at cs.unibo.it
Fri Jul 16 19:45:35 CEST 2010

WS-FM 2010
7th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods:
Formal aspects of service oriented and cloud computing

September 16-17, 2010
New Jersey, USA


WS-FM 2010 will be held at the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken,
New Jersey, USA, on September 16-17, 2010 (Hoboken is located across the
Hudson river from Manhattan and easily accessible by subway, ferry, or
bus from New York) and will be co-located with:
8th Int. Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2010)

The aim of the WS-FM workshop series is to bring together researchers
working on SOC, cloud computing and formal methods in order to catalyze
fruitful collaboration. The scope of the workshop is not only limited to
technological aspects. In fact, the WS-FM series has a strong tradition
of attracting submissions on formal approaches to enterprise systems
modeling in general, and business process modeling in particular.
Potentially, this could have a significant impact on the on-going
standardization efforts for SOC and cloud computing technologies.

The workshop will begin on September 16th at 1:30pm (half day) and will
end on September 17th at 5:00pm (full day).

Registration to WS-FM 2010 is managed by BPM organization.
Registration fee to WS-FM 2010 includes admission to the workshop, both
on-site and LNCS post-workshop proceedings, morning and afternoon
breaks, lunch on September 17th and the WS-FM 2010 social dinner on
September 16th night.

To register, please follow the link:

For any other information refer to:


Rick Hull, IBM Watson Research Center, USA

Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University, USA


Artem Polyvyanyy, Jussi Vanhatalo and Hagen Voelzer. Simplified
Computation and Generalization of the Refined Process Structure Tree

Sylvain Hallé. Automated Generation of Web Service Stubs Using
Satisfiability Solving

Cesar Andres, M. Emilia Cambronero and Manuel Núñez. Passive Testing of
Timed Distributed Systems

Esra Kucukoguz and Jianwen Su. On Lifecycle Constraints of
Artifact-Centric Workflows

Xiang Fu. Conformance Verification of Privacy Policies

Matthias Weidlich, Felix Elliger and Mathias Weske. Generalised
Computation of Behavioural Profiles based on Petri-Net Unfoldings

Arjan Mooij, Jarungjit Parnjai, Christian Stahl and Marc Voorhoeve.
Constructing Substitutable Services Using Operating Guidelines and
Maximal Controllers

Kees van Hee, Arjan Mooij, Natalia Sidorova and Jan Martijn van der
Werf. Soundness-Preserving Refinements of Service Compositions

David Raymond Christiansen, Marco Carbone and Thomas Hildebrandt. Formal
Semantics and Implementation of BPMN 2.0 Inclusive Gateways

Dinanath Nadkarni, Robyn Lutz, Samik Basu and Vasant Honavar. Failure
Analysis for Composition of Web Services Represented as Labeled
Transition Systems

Alexandra Potapova and Jianwen Su. On Nondeterministic Workflow Executions

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