[ecoop-info] IJSEKE CFP for Journal Papers (from International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering on software test automation

jerry gao gaojerryg at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 21 09:34:45 CEST 2010

Call for Papers
Today’s software systems suffer from poor reliability. 
Many lives and billions of dollars are lost annually due to 
software errors. According to the report by NIST in 2002,
poor software quality costs 60 billion dollars yearly to US
economy, and 22 billion dollars can be regained by
improving infrastructure for detecting errors using testing 
closer to the development phase. With the quick increase of 
software in complexity and scale, test automation is 
becoming a very important and hot research field in 
software engineering and quality assurance. Now many 
researchers and practitioners have realized that software test 
automation will be a required systematic solution to meet 
with new software testing challenges and automation demands from the emerging 
software engineering 

technologies in SOA-based systems, model-based, component-based software, and 
mobile computing and 

clouding computing service systems. 
In the past decades, many research papers have been 
published to address software testing and automation issues 
and solutions. And now a number of test automation tools 
are available for engineer. However, there are still many 
open issues, obstacles, and challenges in software test 
automation, practice, and standardization. Moreover, there 
is an emerging need in software test automation 
standardization to reduce test automation costs and efforts 
and increase the standardization of test processes, test 
design, and test tools. 
This focused topic issue for the International Journal of 
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE) 
is targeted at 
practice, and standardization to address the above needs. It 
allows researchers and industry practitioners to exchange 
innovative ideas, practical solutions, and test automation 
tools to cope with practical issues and challenges in the real 
world. In addition, research papers discussing test 
automation standardization, challenges and issues are 
Furthermore, this journal issue provides a great 
channel for engineers and researchers to report their 
practical test automation experience and lessons, exchange 
well-defined test automation standards for enterprises and 
production lines.  
Important Dates: - Paper submission due date: September 1, 2010 
- Notification of acceptance: November 15, 2010 - Camera-ready copy: December 
15, 2010 

- Expected publication: 2011  
Paper Submission  
Papers should be prepared following the guidelines posted at 
the IJSEKE web site (http://www.worldscinet.com/ijseke/mkt/guidelines.shtml). 
Additionally, each paper is limited to 25 double-spaced 
pages in 11 pt font size. Send your papers in electronic 
format in PS or PDF to http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ijseke2010. 
For more information, please contact the guest authors.  
Paper Review and Publication  
All submitted papers will be reviewed by the selected 
researchers and experts in the research field committee. 
Each paper will be reviewed at least by three reviewers 
based on the review process of The International Journal of 
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. The 
accepted papers will be published in IJSEKE as a journal 
focused topic issue on Software Test Automation, Practice, 
and Standardization in 2011. 
 Guest Co-Editors:  
Jerry Gao (jerrygao at email.sjsu.edu), 
San Jose State University, USA 
Henry Muccini (henry
Xiaoying Bai (baixy at tsinghua.edu.cn), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China . 
muccini at univaq.it), University of L'Aquila, Italy  
The Focused Topics 
This focused topic issue seeks unpublished original papers, 
which propose new test automation ideas, solutions and 
tools, report practical experience in test automation projects, 
discuss new test automation process, standards, models, and 
test criteria. The typical scope includes different 
perspectives in test automation, including auto-test 
infrastructure, standards, models, test generation, test 
execution, test management, and test coverage analysis and 
measurement. In addition, it also seeks practice reports that 
present the current issues, challenges, experience and 
lessons on software test automation projects. 
The topics for submissions include but are not limited to the followings: 
(A) Automated test frameworks, solutions and tools: 
- Automated test frameworks and components 
- Software test automation tools and solutions for unit testing 

- Automatic techniques and tools for testing software production lines, such as 
installation testing, and configuration testing 

- Automatic software regression test techniques and tools 
- System load testing tools and performance evaluation tools for non-functional 
requirements and features 

- Software simulation and tools for software auto-testing 
- Software security testing techniques and tools 
- User-oriented and requirements-based test automation approaches and tools 
- Program-based software test automation methods, tools, and experience 
- Language-based software test automation techniques and tools 
- Software test automation cost analysis and complex evaluation tools 
- Innovative software test languages, scripting techniques, and tools 
- Automatic software test coverage analysis and monitoring tools 
(B) Test automation standardization: 
- Test automation standardization issues, challenges, motivations, and needs 
- Test automation standards in test processes, test models, test languages, 
coverage criteria, and documentation 

- Test automation standards for test planning, design & analysis, test 
generation and scripting, test complexity and cost evaluation, and tools 

- Test automation techniques, experience, lessons and case studies 
- General and domain-specific standardization for test automation and tools 
(C) Emerging test automation methods and tools: 
-Automatic validation techniques and technology for emerging software 

-SOA-based software test automation methods, techniques, and tools 
-Testing methods and test automation solutions for cloud computing systems 
-Model-based software test automation methods, techniques, and tools 
-Component-based software test automation methods and tools  
- Web-based and agent-based software test automation methods and tools 
- Wireless-based software test automation approaches and tools 
- Innovative software test automation solutions for cloud computing 
(D) Test automation management and practice: 
- Issues, challenges, and needs in software test automation and practice 
- Test-driven-development techniques and project experience 
- Software test automation case studies and empirical studies 
- Software test automation project issues, experience and lessons learned 
software test automation issues, solutions, 

A Focused Topic Issue on 
"Software Test Automation, Practice, and Standardization" 
The International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 
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