[ecoop-info] ICAC Doctoral symposium CFP

S. Masoud Sadjadi sadjadi at cs.fiu.edu
Mon Mar 29 15:29:02 CEST 2010

[Apology for possible cross-postings!]


Call for Applications ICAC'10 Doctoral Symposium -- DEADLINE EXTENDED
Washington D.C., USA June 7-11, 2010



Submission deadline (Extended): April 2, 2010 Acceptance Notification:
May 7, 2010

Consortium: June, 2010



The Doctoral Symposium provides a forum for students to discuss and
explore their research interests with a panel of established researchers
in Autonomic Computing. Selected students will present their work in
front of an audience that consists of both their peers and a committee
of established researchers from industry and academia.

The goals of the symposium are: (1) to provide feedback on participants'
dissertation topic and focus, and advice on initiating a research
career; (2) develop a support community of scholars and a spirit of
collaborative research across academia and industry; (3) contribute to
the conference goals through interactions with other researchers and
participation in conference events.



The symposium is open to all Ph.D students carrying out research on
topics related to ICAC's areas of interest. Example topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:

- Autonomic management of resources, workloads, faults, power/thermal,
and other challenges

- Self-managing components

- Decision and analysis techniques and their use

- Monitoring systems for autonomic computing

- Virtual machine, operating systems, or application frameworks

- Novel human interfaces for monitoring and controlling autonomic

- Fundamental science and theory of self-managing systems

- Applications of autonomics to real problems in science, engineering,
business and society

- Other topics of interest from the ICAC 2010 CFP



Each submission must have a Ph.D student as the sole author or as the
primary author with his/her thesis advisor(s) and should include the
following materials (see left for submission instructions):


Research Proposal: A four-page proposal that outlines the following:

- Problem(s) being addressed.

- The significance of the proposal and its relevance to Autonomic

- Related work along with a discussion of their pros and cons.

- The proposed plan for research including research approach and
methodology adopted.

- Expected contributions of the research and the novelty and benefits of
the suggested solutions.

- A description of the progress to date.


Curriculum Vita: Include a CV (at most one page) that describes the
student's background and relevant experience (research, education,
employment). The CV should mention how long the student has worked on
his/her doctoral research and the expected date of completion. It is
expected that students submitting to the symposium would have one to two
years left in their candidature so that they have enough time to
incorporate the suggestions during their participation.


Please combine all submission materials into one PDF document and submit
it to the submission system provided on the symposium website.

The submission should be limited to 5 pages (including CV), and the
proposal should be formatted following the IEEE Computer Society



The Doctoral Symposium organizing committee will select participants on
the basis of clarity and completeness of the submission packet, stage of
research, evidence of research promise such as published papers or
technical reports, as well as their anticipated contribution to the
workshop goals. We solicit applications from any topic area within the
scope of the ICAC conference. Students who have identified their thesis
direction, but still have significant research to complete are eligible
and will be considered; however, the ideal candidate for the symposium
is one who has recently had his/her research proposal accepted by the
thesis committee.



The Doctoral Symposium will be held during the conference. Each student
will have a total of 40 minutes, including 20 minutes for a research
presentation focusing on the main theme of the proposal, and a 20 minute
period for discussion and feedback from the committee and other
participants. After the students' presentations, a one hour period will
be reserved for group discussions and further orientation from the
committee members about the proposals.

The organizers invite all students to attend and participate in the
Doctoral Symposium, whether or not they present their research.

Authors of accepted proposals are expected to present their work at the
symposium and are encouraged to participate in other conference



Simon Dobson, Univ. of Dublin, Ireland

Manish Parashar, Rutgers Univ., USA

Ivan Rodero, Rutgers University, USA

Richard Schlichting, AT&T Labs, USA

Karsten Schwan, Georgia Tech, USA

Neeraj Suri, TU Darmstadt, Germany

John Wilkes, Google, USA



Andres Quiroz, Rutgers University

Email: aquirozh at cac.rutgers.edu




Masoud Sadjadi, PhD                  

Director of the NSF CI-PIRE Center

School of Computing and Information Sciences         

Florida International University     

University Park, ECS 212C            

11200 SW 8th St., Miami, FL 33199 


Email:  sadjadi at cs.fiu.edu

Web:  www.cs.fiu.edu/~sadjadi

Tel:  305-348-1835

Fax:  305-348-2336



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