[ecoop-info] SLE 2010 Doctoral Symposium call for abstracts

Eric Van Wyk evw at cs.umn.edu
Tue May 11 00:22:28 CEST 2010

Doctoral Symposium at the 3rd International Conference on
Software Language Engineering

Call for Submissions

October 11, 2010

Eindhoven, The Netherlands


* Goals *

SLE aims to integrate the different sub-communities of the
software-language-engineering community to foster cross-fertilisation
and strengthen research overall.  The Doctoral Symposium at SLE 2010
contributes towards these goals by providing a forum for both early
and late-stage PhD students to present their research and get detailed
feedback and advice from researchers both in and out of their
particular research area.

The main objectives of this event are:
* to provide PhD students with an opportunity to write
  about and present their research,
* to provide PhD students with constructive feedback on their work
  from their peers and from established researchers in their own and
  in different SLE sub-communities,
* to build bridges for potential research collaboration, and
* to foster integrated thinking about SLE challenges crossing the
  boundaries between sub-communities.

The first edition of the Doctoral Symposium will be held in
conjunction with SLE 2010 in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, on October
11, 2010.

* Event Format *

The Doctoral Symposium is a one-day event consisting of two parts:

1) A Plenary Session in the morning, where selected PhD students give
short presentations on their research. The emphasis here is on
feedback from fellow PhD students and established researchers in the
field and on discussion of the research presented.

2) A Mentoring Session in the afternoon, where students are matched up
with one or two established researchers from their own and neighboring
sub-communities to receive detailed and specific feedback on their
research abstracts.

Additionally, there will be a poster session as part of the main SLE
conference. Doctoral-Symposium participants will be invited to present
a poster on their research as part of this poster session.

The doctoral symposium will also include a social event in the evening
of October 11. Details of this are currently still under negotiation.

* Important Dates *

Deadline for submissions     July 12, 2010
Deadline for notifications   August 27, 2010
Deadline for revisions       September 17, 2010
Doctoral Symposium           October 11, 2010

* Submissions *

Submissions are invited from PhD students working on any topic that
falls within the SLE conference remit. Students should read the SLE
call for papers for more details on topics of interest. Submissions
consist of two parts, a research abstract (maximum 4 pages LNCS format
plus references) and a letter of recommendation from the student's

Research Abstracts should be based on the following outline:

1. Problem Description and Motivation

Describe the problem you are addressing and motivate why this is a
relevant research problem.

2. Brief Overview of Related Work

Focus on demonstrating that your work addresses a significant gap in
the current research literature.

3. Proposed Solution

Give a high-level overview of your proposed solution to the problem
identified in part 1. Describe any hypotheses that you have

4. Research Method

Describe the research method you are using. In particular: What steps
will you undertake to validate your hypotheses?

It is understood that students at different stages of their research
will be able to make more or less detailed and stabilised
contributions to each of these sections.  Therefore, we provide this
outline as more of a guide than a strict requirement. Nonetheless, we
encourage even early-stage PhD students to consider using this

Letters of recommendation should be provided by the student's
supervisor and should include an assessment of the current status of
the thesis research and an indication of the expected deadline for
thesis submission. In addition, the supervisor should indicate what
she/he hopes the student would gain from participation in the Doctoral

Research abstracts should be submitted using EasyChair at
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sleds10 . Supervisors
should send letters of recommendation by email from their university
account directly to sleds10 at easychair.org .

Research abstracts will be published as part of the SLE
pre-proceedings and will be archived online, most likely at

* Review of Research Abstracts *

Students submitting research abstracts will also be asked to review
the abstracts of two other submitted abstracts (in addition to reviews
by the Selection Committee) to gain some experience in the review

* Organisation *

Doctoral Symposium Co-Chairs:

Eric Van Wyk, University of Minnesota, USA, evw at cs.umn.edu
Steffen Zschaler, Lancaster University, UK, szschaler at acm.org

Selection Committee:

Colin Atkinson, University of Mannheim, Germany
Abraham Bernstein, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Mark van den Brand, Eindhoven University, The Netherlands
Jordi Cabot, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
Tony Clark, Thames Valley University, UK
Charles Consel, LaBRI / INRIA, France
James Cordy, Queens University, Canada
Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Gorel Hedin, Lund University, Sweden
Adrian Johnstone, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Paul Klint, CWI, The Netherlands
Dimitrios Kolovos, University of York, UK
Ivan Kurtev, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Ralf Laemmel, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Julia Lawall, DIKU, Denmark
Brian Malloy, Clemson University, USA
Richard Paige, University of York, UK
Joao Saraiva, University of Minho, Portugal
Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Jurgen Vinju, CWI, The Netherlands
Jos Warmer, Ordina, The Netherlands
Jon Whittle, Lancaster University, UK

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