[ecoop-info] Modeling Wizards - 1st Master Class on Model-Driven Engineering

Antonino Sabetta antonino.sabetta at isti.cnr.it
Thu May 13 10:58:52 CEST 2010


                M o d e l i n g   W i z a r d s

     1st International Master Class on Model-Driven Engineering
              Oslo, 30 September - 2 October 2010

      A 'special edition' of the the MDD4DRES International School
       (takes place in Oslo, right before the MODELS Conference)



  I m p o r t a n t   d a t e s

Poster submission deadline:     1 August, 2010
Registration opening:          10 June, 2010 (tentative)
Early registration deadline:   31 July, 2010               (*)
Late registration deadline:     2 September, 2010          (*)
School dates:                  30 September -- 2 October, 2010

                               (*) subject to limitations (only a
                                   limited number of registrations
                                   will be accepted)

  T h e   S c h o o l

Over the course of the past decades, computer science has reached a
level of maturity that requires an ever greater use of modeling.
For over a decade, the MODELS conference has served as the premier
venue for the exchange of innovative technical ideas and
experiences relating to the use of model-based approaches in the
development of complex software systems. During this time, many of
its keynote speakers have pointed out the critical role that
education plays in expanding the use of models in software
development. To that end, this Master Class, organized before the
MODELS conference as a (post-) graduate autumn school, offers its
participants a set of carefully selected lectures dealing with
various aspects of modeling and with a particular focus on
domain-specific languages. The objective is to provide each
attendee with sufficient information to understand the main issues
and challenges in the use of modeling and domain-specific
languages, and also to have a clear picture of the most recent
advances in the field.

All of our lecturers are recognized experts in model-based
approaches with outstanding pedagogical skills. The master class
program comprises a balanced mix of academic and industrial
contributions. The academic lecturers will provide an overview of
their research themes, including descriptions of the state of the
art as well as an outline of emerging trends and challenges. The
contributions of the industrial lecturers will focus on results
achieved in the practical application of modeling in industrial
contexts. The master class is envisaged as a forum for exchange
between its participants, and includes hands-on experience classes
and poster sessions that are open to all attendees.

The school will take place in Oslo, during the three days preceding the
start of the MODELS conference.

  S c h o o l   P r o g r a m

The tentative program of the Master Class is the following and more
information about it is available on the school's website.

Thursday 9h00-12h30
1. DSLs: Basic theory (Jean Bezivin, Université de Nantes, France)
2. DSML use in industrial projects (Steven Kelly, Metacase, Finland)

Thursday 14h00-18h00
3. DSLs: techniques and tools
   (Frédérique Fondement, ENSISA, France)
Mini-project – session 1 (presentation and starting of miniproject)
Poster session

Friday 9h00-12h30
4. Integrating Ontologies and UML/SysML models
   (Nicolas Rouquette, JPL,USA)
5. DSL and UML profiles
   (Sébastien Gérard, CEA, France)

Friday 14h00-18h00
6. Model Transformation
   (Krzysztof Czarnecki, University of Waterloo, Canada)
7. DSL formalisation
   (Janos Sztipanovits, Vanderbilt University, USA)
8. Mini-project – session 2

Saturday 9h00-12h30
9. A model-driven software factory to support enterprise application
   (Vinay Kulkarni, Tata Consultancy Services)
10. Standardising variability
   (Oystein Haugen, SINTEF, Norway)

Saturday 14h00-16h00
11. Mini-project – session 3

  V e n u e

The Modeling Wizards Master Class will take place in Oslo at the
Radisson BLU Park Hotel

  C a l l   f o r   p o s t e r s   a n d   a b s t r a c t s

The Modeling Wizards Master Class warmly invites participants to
present posters or abstracts of their work. A more detailed call for
posters will be posted on the website of the school shortly.

Together with the poster, authors are invited  to submit an extended
abstract, no longer than 2 pages in LNCS format.

The posters will be displayed during the Master Class and their
authors will be given the opportunity to present them.

  C e r t i f i c a t e s   a n d   c r e d i t s

All participants will receive a certificate of attendance at the end
of the course. An optional evaluation will be organized at the end
of the school, and students may choose to add the result of this
evaluation on their certificate of attendance. The courses offered
by the Modeling Wizards Master Class are recognized by some PhD
programs. For instance, this school worth for one of the three
Research Experience Points that PhD students enrolled at University
of Toulouse need to acquire in order to get their grade. For more
information please refer to your own PhD program.

  R e g i s t r a t i o n

The registration to the Modeling Wizards Master Class is open to
everybody. However, due to logistic reasons only a limited number
of places are available. Registrations are considered in the order
of their arrival until the maximum enrollment capacity is reached
but can be made no later than July 31st, 2010 for the early
registration, or September 2nd, 2010 for the late registration.

The registration fee covers the course fees, the teaching material,
the accommodation fee (for the 3 nights at the Radisson Blu Park
Hotel) and the eating and coffee break fees for the 3 days of the
School. More information on the registration conditions will be
available on-line. The early registration fee is 6000 NOK and the
late registration fee is 7000 NOK.

Registration will be open using a specialized WebService on June
10th and the payment will be possible using major credit cards.

S c i e n t i f i c    A d v i s o r y    B o a r d

Ileana Ober, IRIT – University of Toulouse, France
Sébastien Gérard, CEA France
Robert France, Colorado State University, USA
Oystein Haugen, SINTEF, NO
Alexander Pretschner, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany
Andy Schuerr, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Bran Selic, Canada
Naoyasu Ubayashi, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Jon Whittle, Lancaster University, UK

O r g a n i z i n g    C o m i t t e e

Ileana Ober, IRIT – University of Toulouse, France
Sébastien Gérard, CEA France
Antonino Sabetta, CNR-ISTI, Italy

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