[ecoop-info] CFP: Posters and Demos, 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference

David Callele dcallele.conference at gmail.com
Wed May 12 14:08:19 CEST 2010

Sydney, Australia, September 27th – October 1st, 2010
RE’10 Posters and Demos

The 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference
(RE’10) continues the effort of the RE series to develop the
traditional poster session to promote more interaction and discussion
among conference participants. The intention is for conference
participants to be able to mingle with a variety of poster presenters,
tool demonstrators, practitioners of techniques and producers of
artifacts, and interact with their work.


We invite submissions of high-quality extended abstracts and sample
posters that clearly emphasize interaction potential and explain how
an engaging participant experience will be provided.

Posters present late-breaking research or work in progress. We
particularly encourage the submission of posters that are augmented

Video samples from industrial or educational application of RE techniques;
Examples of the use of rich media in RE, including requirements
visualizations, multimedia requirements documents, scenarios,
storyboards, and vision/concept materials.

We encourage a poster to display for any proposed experiments or
demonstrations. We believe that the poster can help attract interest
and give rapid overview of what your experiment or demonstration is
all about.

Demos provide the opportunity to showcase any innovative tools or
research prototypes. We seek proposals that explicitly give the
audience the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with these
technologies or which demonstrate interactively how a requirements
engineering tool can be applied (e.g. participants may try out the
tools in an experiment-like and role-playing setting).


Proposals submission deadline: Friday, May 14, 2010

Notification of acceptance: Friday, May 28, 2010

Poster: to be brought, in A0 format, on-site the first day of the conference

Demo: hardware and/or software to be brought on-site the first day of
the conference

Nan Niu (niu at cse.msstate.edu)
Jocelyn Armarego (J.Armarego at murdoch.edu.au)
Lin Liu (linliu at tsinghua.edu.cn).

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