[ecoop-info] French position of PhD student: Ontologies and traceability for medical image processing

JCLapayre jean-christophe.lapayre at univ-fcomte.fr
Fri Apr 15 11:39:39 CEST 2011

Dear Colleague

I would like to propose a position of PhD student (French government 
in my team: Foreign applicants (english speaking) will be given 
preference in
case of equal qualifications.

Could you please use your mailing lists to help me to find
the good one.


Please consider the following call concerning an open PhD position (French
government funding)

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[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

" Ontologies and traceability for medical image processing "
Franche-Comte University - BESANCON - FRANCE

contact: jean-christophe.lapayre at univ-fcomte.fr

PhD Proposal (3 years French government funding)
" Ontologies and traceability for medical image processing "

Student Profile
The field of this research is wide enough for distributed systems and
medical information systems. The PhD student can have a master's degree
in one of the following domains : information systems, distributed systems
or medical informatics. Within our research team we propose solutions
focused either on distributed systems or information systems or ontology

Research Context
The primary domain of this work is CSCW. The aim of Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (CSCW) is to allow users working together on a single task
in shared environment called the production area. Shared objects are 
in the production area and users need to modify shared objects 
concurrently. Users
need to have the same view on all shared objects. Thus, concurrency 
protocols have to be implemented for CSCW applications ([Elmarzouqi 
2008]. This
kind of applications are used in various ways such as distant learning, 
remote maintenance
and even telemedicine. The CARTOON (Collaborative Architecture 
Distributed Algorithm
Optimization and Network) Group at the LIFC (Franche-Comte Computer 
Science Lab.,
France) has gained a good experience with collaboration management for 
e-diagnosis : the TeNeCi project (Collaborative Teleneurology, 2006) and 
the Decopreme
project (Precocious Collaborative Screening of Melanomas, 2007) are 
parts of the European
InterReg program in collaboration with swiss partners (Vaud University 
Hospital at Lausanne,
and EPFL Lausanne).
For synchronous distributed applications, the system must ensure data 
In our research team we have proposed (and proved) different consistency 
protocols such
as the Pilgrim algorithm or the Chameleon algorithm [Garcia2005].
It is also necessary, in addition to consistency, to ensure fault 
tolerance in the context of
mobility: i.e. the untimely connections/disconnections of nodes require 
reliable solutions
to trace operations. Thus, access sequences can be "replayed" to join a 
state of consistency.
Traceability of such applications can be very expensive quickly, and 
generate large amounts
of data (on the one hand because of the great amount of data but also 
because of distribution).
In this context it is important to use new methods to optimize the 
reconstruction of the
context following failure. Traceability, in particular with the notion 
of CORPUS has been studied
in a learning context in e-learning [Reffay09].
On the one hand we limit this early research in medical image 
manipulation, focusing the work
on traces (like image watermarking [Kallel2010]), and on the other hand 
on optimizing the
use of these traces (i.e. using methods based on the ontology [Jin2009]).

Expected Work Program
In the first phase, the goal of this work it is to study the state of 
the art of traceability in
distributed applications: would CORPUS be an acceptable and effective 
solution? In the medical
context it should be interesting too to study the specificities in terms 
of security and fault tolerance.
In the second phase, focusing on discrete media such as text and images, 
this research will propose
new methods of marking allowing to trace concurrent synchronous accesses 
on this type of media.
Especially for medical images, the large number of images and the large 
number of manipulations on
these images require the use of effective methods from data mining 
and/or ontologies domains.
Finally, based on the results of the first two phases (and depending on 
the student profile), the work
will be oriented either on trace aspects, consistency of traceability 
(distributed systems domain) or
on ontology and CORPUS (information systems domain).

     50% Jean-Christophe Lapayre, Professor 
(jean-christophe.lapayre at univ-fcomte.fr)
     50 % Marie-Laure Betbeder, Assistant-Professor

[Kallel2010] M. Kallel, M.-S. Bouhlel, and J.-C. Lapayre. Use of 
Multi-Watermarking Schema to Maintain
Awareness in a Teleneurology Diagnosis Platform. Radioengineering 
journal, Vol. 19(1), p. 68--73, 2010.
[Jin2009] H. Jin & al. Ontology-based semantic integration scheme for 
medical image grid. International
Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, Vol. 1(2), p. 86--97 2009.
[Reffay09] C. Reffay and M.-L. Betbeder. Sharing corpora and tools to 
improve interaction analysis. In
EC-TEL, 4th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, volume 
5794 of LNCS, p. 196--210,
Oct. 2009.
[Elmarzouqi08] Nabil Elmarzouqi, Eric Garcia, and Jean-Christophe 
Lapayre. CSCW from Coordination to
Collaboration. In Revised/extended Papers from best CSCWD'07, Computer 
Supported Cooperative Work
in Design IV, LNCS Book, p. 87--98. Springer, 2008.
[Garcia2005]Eric Garcia, Hervé Guyennet, Julien Henriet, and 
Jean-Christophe Lapayre. Towards an
Optimistic Management of Concurrency: a Probabilistic Study of the 
Pilgrim Protocol. LNCS Book,
Special issue on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design 2005, 
3865:51--65, 2005.


Jean-Christophe Lapayre - Professor
Distributed Systems Team
Synchronous Distributed Algorithms for Collaborative Systems


LIFC/EA 4269 - Computer Science Lab.
FEMTO-ST (as DISC) UMR CNRS 6174 from January 2012
Computer Science for Complex Systems Dept. (DISC)

16, route de Gray - 25030 Besançon Cedex
Tel : +33(0)3 81666456 - Sec.: +33(0)3 81666515
Fax : +33(0)3 81666450 - Mob.: +33(0)6 34352258

E-mail :jean-christophe.lapayre at univ-fcomte.fr
Web :http://lifc.univ-fcomte.fr  



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