[ecoop-info] Call for Papers: WCC 2011, December 12-15, 2011, Jeju, Korea

Jung-Sik Cho mfgcho at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 12:11:18 CEST 2011



                                                           Call for Papers



                                 The 2011 FTRA World Convergence Conference
(FTRA WCC 2011)


                                                            Sponsored by 

                                       Future Technology Research
Association International


                                                    Technically Co-
Sponsored by 

                                               Software Simulation Society
in Taiwan

                                   The Society for Modeling & Simulation
International (SCS)


                                               Jeju, Korea, December 12-15,





The 2nd FTRA World Convergence Conference (FTRA WCC 2011) will be held in
Jeju, Korea, December 12-15, 2011. 

The Conference is aimed at addressing key themes on "Technologies and
Services for Converged environments". 

The program will feature major symposia and workshops. Full details of sub-
mission procedures are available on the 

WCC 2011 website http://www.ftrai.org/wcc2011. FTRA WCC 2011 is the next
event in a series of highly successful 

World Convergence Conference, previously held as FTRA WCC 2010 (Gwangju,
December 2010).


There will be a combination of presentations including scientific papers.
Prospective authors are invited,

in the first instance, to submit papers for oral presentation in any of the
areas of interest for this conference. 

The final versions of ALL accepted papers in the conference/workshop will
be included in the special issues of 

SCI/E indexed international journals for full papers (as of Thomson ISI
SCI/SCIE list in 2011) and 

LNEE, HCIS, JoC, IJITCC, and JIPS for regular papers. In case of conference

only presentation materials (ppt slides) for the accepted papers will be
only included.


* Security and Communication Network (SCN) - Wiley (SCIE) 

* International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS) - Wiley (SCIE) 

* Computers & Electrical Engineering (CEE) - Elsevier (SCIE) 

* Cluster Computing Journal - Springer (SCIE) 

* Information-an international interdisciplinary journal - International
Information Institute (SCIE) 

* Computers & Mathematics with Applications (CMa) - Elsevier (SCI) 

* Multimedia Tools and Applications - Springer (SCIE) 

* The Journal of Supercomputing (JoS) - Springer (SCI) 

* International Journal of Mobile Information Systems (IJMIS) - IOS Press

* Personal and Ubiquitous Computing - Springer (SCIE)

* International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) -
Inderscience (SCOPUS Index) 

* International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT) -
Inderscience (SCOPUS Index)

* Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer (SCOPUS and EI

* Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer 

* International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and
Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience 

* Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - Korea Information
Processing Society 

* Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing







Technical papers will be presented in the following major topics:

   1. Cryptography and Security for Converged environments

   2. Wireless sensor network for Converged environments 

   3. Multimedia for Converged environments

   4. Advanced Vehicular Communications Technology for Converged

   5. Human centric computing, P2P, Grid and Cloud computing for Converged

   6. U-Healthcare for Converged environments

   7. Strategic Security Management for Industrial Technology 

   8. Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Surveillance Systems 






Symposia / Workshops


1. WCC-ACSA 2011(The 2011 FTRA International Symposium on Advances in
Cryptography, Security and Applications for Future Computing)

2. WCC-WTA 2011 (The 2011 FTRA International Symposium on Wireless sensor
network Technologies and Applications for Smart Space)

3. WCC-AFMS 2011 (The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on Advanced Future
Multimedia Services)

4. WCC-U-Healthcare 2011 (The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on U-
Healthcare Technologies and Services)

5. WCC-VCT 2011 (The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on Vehicular
Communications Technology) 

6. WCC-HPGC 2011 (The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on Human centric
computing, P2P, Grid and Cloud computing) 

7. WCC-SSMIT 2011 (The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on Strategic
Security Management for Industrial Technology) 

8. WCC-AAISS 2011 (The 2011 International Workshop on Advances in
Artificial Intelligence and Surveillance Systems) 



1. WCC-ACSA 2011 (homepage: http://www.ftrai.org/wcc2011/acsa/) 

(The 2011 FTRA International Symposium on Advances in Cryptography,
Security and Applications for Future Computing)




           Original contributions, not currently under review to another
journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not
limited to, the following: 


           Track 1. Cryptography and Information Security

           - Encryption and cryptography 

           - Block/Stream Ciphers 

           - Hash Functions 

           - Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations of Applied

           - Design and Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols 

           - Pairing Based Cryptography for FCS 

           - Provable Security for Cryptographic Primitives Suitable for

           - Information Security with Mathematical Emphasis for FCS 

           - Public Key Cryptosystems 

           - Side Channel Attack 


           Track 2. Security Protocols and Applications

           - Authentication and Non-repudiation 

           - Access Control and Authorization 

           - Identity and Trust Management 

           - Database and System Security 

           - Intrusion Detection, Tolerance and Prevention 

           - Secure communications 

           - Information Hiding 

           - Digital Signatures 

           - Digital Right Management 

           - Watermarking and Steganography 

           - Critical infrastructure protection 

           - Digital rights management 

           - Computer Forensics 

           - Trust computing 

           - Security for M2M Platform 

           - Security and privacy issues for intelligent vehicular systems
and communications 


           Track 3. Industrial Security & its Business and Services

           - Information assurance 

           - Emergent challenges in security and assurance 

           - Theories, methods, tools and techniques in managing security 

           - Security and privacy standards 

           - Common Criteria 

           - Risk evaluation and security certification 

           - Security in E-commerce and E-business 

           - Security Policy 

           - Trust model and management 

           - Smartphone Security issues 

           - Security for Open convergence system 

           - IPTV security services in the BcN 

           - Security issues for Broadband convergence Network (BcN) 



           Proceedings and Publication


           The final versions of ALL accepted papers in the
conference/workshop will be included in 

         the special issues of SCI/E indexed international journals (as of
Thomson ISI SCI/SCIE list in 2011)

         for full papers and LNEE, HCIS, IJITCC, JIPS, JoC for regular


           * Computers & Mathematics with Applications (CMa) - Elsevier

           * Computers & Electrical Engineering (CEE) - Elsevier (SCIE)

           * International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS) - Wiley

           * Security and Communication Network (SCN) - Wiley (SCI-E) 

           * INFORMATION - International Information Institute (SCIE) 

           * International Journal of Mobile Information Systems (IJMIS) -
IOS Press (SCIE)



           * Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer
(SCOPUS and EI Index)

           * Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer

           * International Journal of Information Technology,
Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience

           * Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - Korea
Information Processing Society

           * Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing






           If you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission,
please email to

           prof. Jongsung Kim (jongsung.k at gmail.com) 



2. WCC-WTA 2011 (homepage: http://www.ftrai.org/wcc2011/wta/) 

(The 2011 FTRA International Symposium on Wireless sensor network
Technologies and Applications for Smart Space)




           Original contributions, not currently under review to another
journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not
limited to, the following:


           - Wearable intelligence in SS

           - Wireless sensor networks (WSN) / RFID application for SS

           - Network Middleware and protocols for SS

           - WSN and Context awareness model for SS

           - Smart and Personal Devices for SS 

           - Embedded hardware and software for SS

           - Real-time OS for SS 

           - Power-aware Computing for SS 

           - Smart building applications and services

           - Multimedia security and services in SS

           - Authentication, access control, and privacy protection for SS

           - Commercial and industrial applications for SS



           Proceedings and Publication


           The final versions of ALL accepted papers in the
conference/workshop will be included in 

        the special issues of SCI/E indexed international journals (as of
Thomson ISI SCI/SCIE list in 2011)

        for full papers and LNEE, HCIS, IJITCC, JIPS, JoC for regular



           * INFORMATION - International Information Institute (SCIE) 

           * International Journal of Communication Systems - Wiley (SCIE) 

           * International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT) -



           * Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer
(SCOPUS and EI Index)

           * Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer

           * International Journal of Information Technology,
Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience

           * Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - Korea
Information Processing Society

           * Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing





           If you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission,
please email to 

           Dr. Taeshik Shon (taeshik.shon at gmail.com)



3. WCC-AFMS 2011 (homepage: http://www.ftrai.org/wcc2011/afms/)

(The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on Advanced Future Multimedia




           Original contributions, not currently under review to another
journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not
limited to, the following:


           Track 1: Multimedia Modeling and Processing

           - AI and Soft Computing in Multimedia 

           - Computer Graphics and Simulation 

           - Multimedia Information Retrieval (images, videos, hypertexts,

           - Internet Multimedia Mining 

           - Medical Image and Signal Processing 

           - Multimedia Indexing and Compression 

           - Virtual Reality and Game Technology 

           - Current Challenges in Multimedia 


           Track 2: Multimedia Services and Applications

           - Multimedia RDBMS Platforms 

           - Multimedia in Telemedicine 

           - Multimedia Embedded Systems 

           - Entertainment Industry            

           - E-Commerce and E-Learning 

           - Novel Multimedia Applications   

           - Computer Graphics 


           Track 3. Semantic Multimedia

           - Advanced Semantic Descriptors and Similarity Metrics for

           - Advanced Semantic and Content-based Multimedia Analysis

           - Ontology Engineering and Ontology-based Multimedia Mining and

           - Semantic Web technologies and Multimedia

           - Semantic-driven Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval

           - Semantic-driven Multimedia Personalization and Adaptation

           - Interfaces for Web-scale Multimedia Repositories

           - Affective/Emotional Interaction or Interfaces in Multimedia

           - Applications of Semantic Multimedia in Social and Web-based

           - Collective and Swarm Intelligence for Multimedia Applications

           - Multimedia and Digital Convergence

           - Intelligent Multimedia Services

           - Multimedia Security



           Proceedings and Publication


         The final versions of ALL accepted papers in the
conference/workshop will be included in 

        the special issues of SCI/E indexed international journals (as of
Thomson ISI SCI/SCIE list in 2011)

        for full papers and LNEE, HCIS, IJITCC, JIPS, JoC for regular


           * Multimedia Tools and Applications - Springer (SCIE)



           * Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer
(SCOPUS and EI Index)

           * Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer

           * International Journal of Information Technology,
Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience

           * Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - Korea
Information Processing Society

           * Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing





           If you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission,
please email to

         Prof. Sang-Soo Yeo (sangsooyeo@ gmail.com) 



4. WCC-U-Healthcare 2011 (homepage:

(The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on U-Healthcare Technologies and




           Original contributions, not currently under review to another
journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not
limited to, the following:


           -Ad hoc wireless networks for enhanced monitor in UC

         -Real-time transmission of multiple medical data in UC

         - Healthcare and telemedicine in UC

         - Secure and high quality networks in UC

         - Remote diagnosis and patient management in UC

           - Accuracy and reliability of diagnose in UCs 

           - Home and rural environments in UC

           - Identity and privacy enhancing technologies in UC

           - Mobile data management and processing in UC

           - Wireless and wearable devices for pervasive healthcare in UC

           - Mobile and wireless technologies for healthcare delivery in UC

           - Sensor networks for pervasive healthcare in UC

           - Patient monitoring in diverse environments in UC

           - Convergence between oriental medicine and modern medical
science in UC



           Proceedings and Publication


           The final versions of ALL accepted papers in the
conference/workshop will be included in 

        the special issues of SCI/E indexed international journals (as of
Thomson ISI SCI/SCIE list in 2011)

       for full papers and LNEE, HCIS, IJITCC, JIPS, JoC for regular


           * Journal of Medical Systems - Springer (SCIE)


           * Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer
(SCOPUS and EI Index)

           * Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer

           * International Journal of Information Technology,
Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience

           * Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - Korea
Information Processing Society

           * Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing





           If you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission,
please email to

         Prof. Hangbae Chang(hbchang at daejin.ac.kr) 



5. WCC-VCT 2011 (homepage: http://www.ftrai.org/wcc2011/vct/)

(The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on Vehicular Communications




           Original contributions, not currently under review to another
journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not
limited to, the following:


           - IT-based Convergence Technology and Service on Intelligent
Transportation Systems 

           - Inter-Vehicle & Infra-Vehicle Communication Technologies 

           - Vehicle Wireless Medium Access Control & Networking Technology 

           - Wireless & Wireline Convergence Technology in Vehicle 

           - Advanced Sensor and Sensor Information Convergence Technology 

           - High-accuracy Positioning Technology for Vehicle 

           - Security Issues in Vehicle Communication Environment 

           - Local Dynamic Map Services 

           - Remote Vehicle Control Services 

           - Vehicular Diagnostics Technology 

           - Applications and Scenarios for Convergence Technology and
Service on ITS 

           - Others: Commercial or Industrial Issue in ITS 



           Proceedings and Publication


           The final versions of ALL accepted papers in the
conference/workshop will be included in 

        the special issues of SCI/E indexed international journals (as of
Thomson ISI SCI/SCIE list in 2011)

       for full papers and LNEE, HCIS, IJITCC, JIPS, JoC for regular


           * INFORMATION - International Information Institute (SCIE) 


           * Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) -
Springer(SCOPUS and EI Index)

           * International Journal of Information Technology,
Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience

           * Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - Korea
Information Processing Society

           * Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing





           If you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission,
please email to 

           Dr. Yang Sun Lee(yslee48 at gmail.com)


           Dr. Dong Kyoo Kim(kdk3606 at etri.re.kr)


6. WCC-HPGC 2011 (homepage: http://www.ftrai.org/wcc2011/hpgc/)

(The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on Human centric computing, P2P, Grid
and Cloud computing) 




           Original contributions, not currently under review to another
journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not
limited to, the following:


           Track 1. Human Centric Computing

         - Human-computer interaction and User-centered Design 

           - Social computing and social intelligence

           - Ubiquitous computing and mobile systems

           - Gaming and Semantic Systems

           - Computer-assisted Learning and Cognition

           - Information Visualization and Visual Analytics

           - Foundations of Information Science like Information Theory,
AI, and Soft Computing

           - Applications with Image Processing, Computer Vision Systems,


           Track 2. P2P, Grid and Cloud Computing

         - Cloud Computing

         - Grid Computing

         - Peer to Peer Computing

         - Green Computing

         - Security and Trust Issues in Cloud and Grid Computing 

           - Platform and Infrastructure in Cloud and Grid Computing

           - Grid Network its Servicess and Applications

           - Economic-based and Utility computing models in Cloud and Grid



           Proceedings and Publication


           The final versions of ALL accepted papers in the
conference/workshop will be included in 

         the special issues of SCI/E indexed international journals (as of
Thomson ISI SCI/SCIE list in 2011)

        for full papers and LNEE, HCIS, IJITCC, JIPS, JoC for regular


        * Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC) - Springer (SCIE)

           * Computers & Electrical Engineering (CEE) - Elsevier (SCIE)

           * Cluster Computing Journal - Springer (SCIE)

           * The Journal of Supercomputing (JoS) - Springer (SCI)

           * International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering
(IJCSE) - Inderscience (SCOPUS Index)

           * International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS) -



           * Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer
(SCOPUS and EI Index)

           * Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer

           * International Journal of Information Technology,
Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience

         * Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - Korea
Information Processing Society

           * Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing






           If you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission,
please email to 

           Prof. Sang-Soo Yeo (sangsooyeo at gmailcom)


           Prof. Seungmin Rho (pc.seungminrho at gmail.com)



7. WCC-SSMIT 2011 (homepage: http://www.ftrai.org/wcc2011/ssmit/)

(The 2011 FTRA International Workshop on Strategic Security Management for
Industrial Technology) 




           Original contributions, not currently under review to another
journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not
limited to, the following:


           - Industrial Security Policy & Law

           - Industrial Security Education & Organization

           - Industrial Risk Assessment and Evaluation

           - Security Return on Investment

           - Intelligence Surveillance System(CCTV, Access Control, Alarm

          - Information Protecting and Control(Mail and Messenger Security,
Device Security, Enterprise Right Management, Database Security)

           - Contents Monitoring and Filtering

           - Digital Forensic System

           - Security Convergence Architecture



           Proceedings and Publication


         The final versions of ALL accepted papers in the
conference/workshop will be included in 

        the special issues of SCI/E indexed international journals (as of
Thomson ISI SCI/SCIE list in 2011)

        for full papers and LNEE, HCIS, IJITCC, JIPS, JoC for regular


           * INFORMATION - International Information Institute (SCIE)


           * Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer
(SCOPUS and EI Index)

           * Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer

           * International Journal of Information Technology,
Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience

           * Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - Korea
Information Processing Society

           * Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing





           If you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission,
please email to 

           Prof. Hangbae Chang(hbchang at daejin.ac.kr) 



8. WCC-AAISS 2011 (homepage: http://www.ftrai.org/wcc2011/aaiss/)

(The 2011 International Workshop on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and
Surveillance Systems)




           Original contributions, not currently under review to another
journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not
limited to, the following:

           - Audio-visual surveillance for SHE (Smart Home Environment)

           - Audio & Video based event recognition and abnormal behavior
detection for SHE

           - Gesture and activity classification for surveillance system in

           - Knowledge representation and ontology engineering for
surveillance system in SHE

           - Machine learning methods for surveillance system in SHE

           - Semantic scene representation and interpretation for SHE

           - Semantic-driven user and context modeling, acquisition and
representation for SHE

           - Platforms, middleware and software architectures for SHE

           - U-healthcare for SHE

           - Other artificial intelligence and pattern recognition
approaches for surveillance system in SHE

           - Other smart home issues and technologies



           Proceedings and Publication


           The final versions of ALL accepted papers in the
conference/workshop will be included in 

         the special issues of SCI/E indexed international journals (as of
Thomson ISI SCI/SCIE list in 2011)

        for full papers and LNEE, HCIS, IJITCC, JIPS, JoC for regular


           * Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI) -
Elsevier (SCIE) 


           * Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer

           * Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer

           * International Journal of Information Technology,
Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience

           * Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - Korea
Information Processing Society

           * Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing





           If you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission,
please email to

         Prof. Seungmin Rho (pc.seungminrho at gmail.com) and Dr. Sang Oh Park
(sangohpark1 at gmail.com).








Organizing Committee


== Steering Chairs ==

James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Seoul National University of Science and
Technology, Korea


== General / General-vice Chairs == 

Mohammad S. Obaidat, Monmouth University, USA 

Jin Kwak, Soonchunhyang University, Korea

Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada

Changhoon Lee, Hanshin University, Korea

Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia 

Han-Chieh Chao, National Ilan University, Taiwan 

Wanlei Zhou, Deakin University, Australia 

Sangjin Lee, Korea University, Korea 

Leonard Barolli , Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan 

Young-Sik Jeong , Wonkwang University, Korea 

Sang-Soo Yeo, Mokwon University, Korea 

Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan 

Hangbae Chang, Daejin University, Korea 

Dong Yong Kwak, ETRI, Korea 

Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China 

Jungduk Kim, Chung-Ang University, Korea 



== Program Chairs == 

Jongsung Kim, Kyungnam University, Korea 

Hamid R. Arabnia, University of Georgia, USA 

Naveen Chilamkurti, La Trobe University, Australia 

Sajid Hussain, Fisk University, USA 

Taeshik Shon, Ajou University, Korea 

Dong-Seong Kim, Duke University, USA 

Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan 

Nazim AGOULMINE, University of Evry Val d'Essonne, France 

Ketan Mane, University of North Carolina, USA 

Yang Sun Lee, Chosun University, Korea 

Dong Kyoo Kim, ETRI, Korea 

Seungmin Rho, Korea University, Korea 

Hangbae Chang, Daejin University, Korea 


== Publicity Chair == 

Sang Oh Park, Chungang University, Korea






Important Date


Step 1: Conference Process

            Paper submission due:  May 31, 2011

            1st Author notification: July 15, 2011

            Revised paper due: July 30, 2011

            2nd Author notification: Aug. 15, 2011

            Presentation Material due: Sept. 15, 2011

            Conference days: Dec. 12-15, 2011


Step 2: Journal Process

            Final notification due: Dec. 30, 2011

            Camera-ready paper due: Jan. 15, 2012

            Journal Publication: 2nd or 3rd Quarter, 2012 (Tentative)


Please refer each workshop for more detail.






Submission Guidelines and Publications


First, materials (PPT) for presentation of accepted papers will be included
in a symposium proceeding. 

 As you can see the CFP, final version of all accepted and presented papers
in this conference will be included in 

Special Issues of the following international journals indexed by SCI/E and


 We are planning to accept about many high quality papers for the this
conference, and all of them, 

after presentation at the symposium, will be included in these special


Full Papers will be published to SCI/SCIE Indexed Journals (as of Thomson
ISI SCI/SCIE list in 2011). 

Regular Papers will be published to International Journals (LNEE, HCIS,
JoC, IJITCC, JIPS, etc..).



Submission system: Please refer to each conference and workshop websites of
the WCC 2011.








For further information regarding the workshop and paper submission, please


ftra.secretary01 at gmail.com


ftra.secretary02 at gmail.com


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