[ecoop-info] call for abstracts: Doctoral Symposium at FCT 2011

Cristian Prisacariu cristi at ifi.uio.no
Thu Apr 28 11:21:59 CEST 2011

I am sorry if you receive this announcement through several means. 
Please forward this call for abstracts and presentations to interested
students in your group or department.
                        Call for Abstracts

                        Doctoral Symposium

                         affiliated with
the 18th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory

                           Oslo, NORWAY
                         August 26, 2011
Description of the Event
The aim of the Doctoral Symposium @ FCT'11 is to provide a platform
for PhD students and young researchers who recently completed their
doctoral studies, to present new results related to the foundations of
computing theory and receive feedback on their research. Excellent
master students working in theoretical fields of CS are also
encouraged to contribute. Moreover, the DS wants to offer students the
opportunity to attend talks in the main conference and to interact
with established researchers in their fields. It is warmly encouraged
that FCT participants attend the DS also.

A non-exhaustive list of topics of interest is available at the FCT

The acceptance of the presentations is based on a two page abstract
(incl. references). The accepted abstracts will be available at the
workshop and published together in a technical report by the
University of Oslo. It is allowed (and encouraged) to send results
that have been published at other conferences or journals or that are
work in progress. Acceptance is conditioned on one of the student
authors holding a 15-25 min (exact time slot to be decided later)
presentation in the doctoral symposium.

Student reductions of participation fees and scholarships are planned;
see the registration page for updates.

Important Dates
Submission Deadline:	Sunday, 12. June 2011
Author Notification:	Sunday, 26. June 2011
Camera ready abstract:	Friday 1. July 2011
DS day:			Friday 26. August 2011
FCT days:		22 - 25. August 2011

Authors are encouraged to submit a 2 page extended abstract prepared
according to Springer's guidelines for the LNCS series, preferably
using LaTeX with the llncs document class. Please do not modify font
size, spacing, margins, etc of the llncs document class. The abstracts
should be authored by young researchers (i.e., PhD students, excellent
master students, or researchers that defended their PhD in 2010). If a
senior researcher (like supervisor) must be listed as author, her/his
contribution to the present abstract should be minimal and should be
backed by a letter sent by her/him via e-mail to the organizers of the
doctoral symposium stating this fact.

Please submit your paper as a PDF file using the EasyChair system at
the link below (the page will be opened for submissions on 1st June):


Submission Guidelines
Do NOT use runningheaders (i.e., your documentclass declaration could
look like this: \documentclass[10pt]{llncs}).

The submitted abstracts are encouraged to follow an outline like:

   1. Problem Description and Motivation: Describe the research
problem you are addressing and motivate why this is relevant for FCT
   2. Brief Overview of Related Work: Briefly argument that this
problem and your work has not been done by others before. Possibly
discuss the gaps in the current related research literature.
   3. Proposed Solution: Give a high-level overview of your proposed
solution to the problem identified in part 1. Describe any hypotheses
that you have formulated. Describe the research method you are using
or plan to use. 

Program Committee
Sergiu Bursuc 		(U. of Birmingham, UK)
Andrea Corradini 	(U. of Pisa, Italy)
Clemens Grabmayer 	(Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Magne Haveraaen 	(U. of Bergen, Norway)
Martin Leucker 		(T.U. Munchen, Germany)
Andrzej Lingas 		(Lund University, Sweden)
Daniel Lokshtanov 	(U. of California, USA)
Cristian Prisacariu 	(U. of Oslo, Norway)
Gerardo Schneider 	(U. of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Alexandra Silva 	(CWI, The Netherlands)
Tomoyuki Suzuki 	(U. of Leicester, UK)
Edsko de Vries 		(Trinity College, Ireland) 

For further advertising one may use this .txt CFP, downloadable at
or the .pdf posters
http://fct11.ifi.uio.no/documents/poster_DS_FCT11_A4.pdf  (A4 format)
http://fct11.ifi.uio.no/documents/poster_DS_FCT11_A3.pdf  (A3 format)

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