[ecoop-info] ESEC/FSE 2011 - Submission Open!

Sonia Haiduc sonia.haiduc at wayne.edu
Thu Feb 17 17:42:29 CET 2011

*                          ESEC/FSE 2011                                 *
*  8th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and *
*  the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering  *
*                                                                        *
* http://2011.esec-fse.org/                            *
*                                                                        *
*                          September 5-9, 2011                           *
*                            Szeged,Hungary                              *
*                       *** CALL FOR PAPERS ***                          *

The joint meeting of the  European Software Engineering Conference and the
ACM  SIGSOFT  Symposium  on the  Foundations of Software Engineering is an
internationally  renowned   forum   for  researchers,  practitioners,  and
educators to  present  and  discuss the most  recent  innovations, trends,
experiences, and  challenges in  the  field of  software engineering. Held
bi- annually, ESEC/FSE  brings together experts from academia and industry
to exchange  the latest  research  results  and  trends,  as well as their
practical application in all areas of software engineering.

Distinguished  papers  from  ESEC/FSE 2011  will  be invited  to  submit a
revised  and  extended  version  of  their  paper  to  ACM Transactions on
Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM).

Topics of interest for ESEC/FSE include, but are not limited to:
- Agile software development
- Case studies and experience reports
- Computer supported cooperative work
- Empirical software engineering
- End user software engineering
- Engineering for mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive systems
- Engineering of distributed/parallel software systems
- Engineering of embedded and real--time software
- Engineering secure software
- Human--computer interaction
- Internet and information systems development
- Patterns and frameworks
- Program comprehension and visualization
- Reverse engineering and maintenance
- Software architecture and design
- Software components and reuse
- Software configuration management and deployment
- Software dependability, safety and reliability
- Software economics and metrics
- Software policy and ethics
- Software processes and workflows
- Software requirements engineering
- Software testing and analysis
- Software tools and development environments
- Theory and formal methods

We invite high quality submissions of technical/research papers describing
original and  unpublished results  of  theoretical, empirical, conceptual,
and  experimental  software  engineering research.  Research papers should
describe innovative and significant original research relevant to ESEC/FSE.
Submissions  of  papers describing  groundbreaking  approaches to emerging
problems will be considered based on timeliness and potential impact.

*Artifact Evaluation*
To reward creation of artifacts and replication of experiments, authors of
accepted  research papers can have  their artifacts ( tools, data, models,
videos, etc. )  evaluated by an  Artifact  Evaluation Committee. Artifacts
that  pass muster  will be recognized  formally, and  be  fast-tracked for
additional presentation. Artifacts that are  deemed especially meritorious
will be singled out for  special recognition in the proceedings and at the

*Important Dates*
Submissions:  11 March, 2011
Notification: 3 June, 2011

In  2011, a new  industrial track will be added  to the  ESEC/FSE program.
Industrial  track  presentations are  expected to  have a  strong focus on
industrial   applications  of  software  engineering   techniques,  tools,
methodologies,  processes, and practices, and on  case studies and reports
on their actual usage in industry.

*Important Dates*
Submissions:  3 April, 2011
Notification: 3 June, 2011

We  invite  short  papers  on  ideas  in  early   stages  of  development.
Participants  will  have the  opportunity  to  present a  summary of their
work in the form of a short talk, with a paper and/or a poster.

*Important Dates*
Submissions:  12 June, 2011

We invite innovative  research tool demonstrations, intended to show early
implementations of novel  software engineering concepts, as well as mature

*Important Dates*
Submissions:  12 June, 2011

At ESEC/FSE Technical Briefings, participants will be able to attend topic
presentations  of their  choice to  learn  about  the  state-of-the-art in
different  areas  of   Software  Engineering.  Proposals  for  topics  and
presenters are welcome.

*Important Dates*
Submissions:  3 April, 2011
Notification: 3 June, 2011

The symposium will provide PhD students with an opportunity to present and
discuss their research with senior researchers in the software engineering

*Important Dates*
Submissions:  3 April, 2011
Notification: 3 June, 2011

This year we will  establish  PhD Working Groups to  stimulate interaction
within the student community and between students and the wider conference.
The groups will  be open to  both current PhD students and to early career
researchers. The  aim of  each group  will be to identify  and clarify the
principal research  questions and  challenges within a  current subarea of
software engineering research.

ESEC/FSE  2011  is  soliciting  proposals  for  workshops  to  be  held in
conjunction (before or after)  with the main conference.  Workshops aim to
provide  opportunities   for  exchanging  views ,  advancing  ideas ,  and
discussing  preliminary  results in various areas of  software engineering
research  and  applications.  Workshops are  not an  alternative forum for
presenting  full research  papers. If you  would  like to bring together a
group of researchers on a  topic  you  consider relevant and exciting, you
should consider submitting a workshop proposal.

*Important Dates*
Submissions:  21 March, 2011
Notification: 8 April, 2011


*General Chair*
Tibor Gyimóthy, University of Szeged, Hungary

*Program Chair*
Andreas Zeller, Saarland University, Germany

*Workshop Chairs*
Henry Muccini, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto, Canada

*Industrial Track Chairs*
Frank Tip, IBM, USA
Volker Gruhn, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany

*New Ideas Track Chair*
Martin Robillard, McGill University, Canada

*Doctoral Symposium Chairs*
Mark Harman, University College London, UK
Antonia Bertolino, ISTI-CNR, Italy

*Tool Demonstrations Track Chairs*
Michele Lanza, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Anthony Cleve, University of Namur & Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

*Technical Briefings Track Chair*
Lionel Briand, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway

*Artifact Evaluation Chairs*
Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University, USA
Carlo Ghezzi, Polictecnico di Milano, Italy

*Publications Chair*
Gordon Fraser, Saarland University, Germany

*Publicity Chair*
Andrian Marcus, Wayne State University, USA

*Local Organization Chairs*
Árpád Beszédes, University of Szeged, Hungary
László Vidács, University of Szeged, Hungary

*Web chair*
László Vidács, University of Szeged, Hungary

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