[ecoop-info] CFP: 4th IEEE UCC 2011 - Papers Due: July 25th

Masoud Sadjadi sadjadi at cs.fiu.edu
Fri Jul 8 22:01:43 CEST 2011

[Apologies for possible cross postings!]

Dear Friends,

Please contribute to UCC 2011 by submitting a technical research paper and
encouraging your collaborators to do the same.

For more information, please see the call for paper below this email.

Your support to this conference is highly appreciated.

Warm regards,


4th IEEE International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2011)
                 December 5-8, Melbourne, Australia


                  Sponsored by:
           IEEE Computer Society, USA
     Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), USA

                Hosted/Supported by:
        * Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory
          The University of Melbourne, Australia
        * CSIRO, Australia
                * Indiana University, USA
        * Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
        * University of Southern California, USA
        * Colorado State University, USA
        * Manjrasoft Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia

                        CALL FOR PAPERS


Computing is being transformed to a model consisting of
services that are commoditized and delivered in a manner
similar to traditional utilities such as water, electricity,
gas, and telephony. In such a model, users access services
based on their requirements without regard to where the
services are hosted or how they are delivered. Several
computing paradigms have promised to deliver this utility
computing vision and these include Grid computing, and more
recently Cloud computing.

Cloud computing has recently emerged as one of the buzzwords
in the ICT industry.  Several IT vendors are promising to
offer storage, application and computation hosting services,
and provide coverage in several continents, offering
Service-Level Agreements (SLA) backed performance and uptime
promises for their services. While these "clouds" are the
natural evolution of traditional clusters and data centres,
they are distinguished by following a "utility" pricing model
where customers are charged based on their utilisation of
computational resources, storage and transfer of data.
These emerging services have reduced the cost of computation,
application hosting and content storage and delivery by
several orders of magnitude, however there is significant
complexity involved in ensuring applications, services and
data can scale when needed to ensure consistent and reliable
operation under peak loads.

To provide a dedicated forum for sharing recent R&D advances
and industrial innovations in "Utility Computing" area, we
have initiated this new conference series "International
Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing". This conference
series has emerged out of previous successful Cloud computing
events (Cloud 2009 held in Shanghai, China; Cloud 2010 held
in Melbourne, Australia; and UCC 2010 held in Chennai,
India).  UCC 2011, as 4th event in the series, focuses on
principles, paradigms, and applications of "Utility
computing" and its practical realisation in industry
especially in the form of Cloud Computing.

Conference Scope:

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Principles of Utility Computing
- Architectural Models for Utility Computing
- *aaS: Infrastructure, Platform, Software, Storage as a Service
- Novel architectural models for cloud computing
- Novel applications of cloud computing, including games and social networks
- Novel cloud programming models
- Innovative cloud pricing models
- Innovative cloud service models
- Support for scalable and elastic cloud services
- New parallel / concurrent programming models for cloud computing
- Cloud support for mobile applications and Content Delivery Networks
- Data Security, Privacy, and Jurisdiction in the Cloud
- Portability of applications and data between different cloud providers
- Cloud-related virtualization issues
- Deployment, maintenance, and management of cloud resources and services
- (Multi-)Cloud resource brokering and scheduling
- (Multi-)Cloud capacity planning
- Reliability of applications and services running on the cloud
- Interoperability between different Utility Computing Platforms including
Grids, and Clouds
- Performance monitoring for cloud applications
- Cloud use case studies
- Scientific computing in the cloud
- Business computing in the cloud
- Social computing in the cloud

Best Paper Award:

A best paper award sponsored by Manjrasoft Pty. Ltd,
Australia will be presented to a paper receiving the highest
quality rating from the Program Committee and external
reviewers. In addition, a special issue in a high quality
international journal will be organised for selected best

Journal Special Issue:

Highly rated Top 6 papers from the UCC 2011 conference will
be selected for publication in a special issue of the "Future
Generation Computer Systems (FGCS)" Journal published by
Elsevier Press.


All papers must be submitted electronically and in PDF format. The
material presented should be original and not published or under
submission elsewhere. Authors should submit full papers of up to 8
pages, following strictly the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings
Manuscript style (available at
using two-column, single-space format, with 10-point font size.
Figures and references must be included in the 8 pages. Oversized
papers will be automatically rejected by the PC chairs. At least
one of the authors of each accepted paper must register early to
attend the conference, in order for the paper to appear in the
conference proceedings.

Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research
that is not currently under review for any other conference
or journal. Papers not following these guidelines will be
rejected without review and further action may be taken,
including (but not limited to) notifications sent to the
heads of the institutions of the authors and sponsors of the
conference. Submissions received after the due date,
exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may
also not be considered. The proceedings will be published and
will be made online through the IEEE Xplore.

All papers should be submitted online using EasyChair
submission system.


General Co-Chairs:
Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne & Manjrasoft Pty Ltd, Australia
Kai Hwang, University of Southern California, USA

Vice Chairs:
Manish Parashar, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
David Bernstein, VP and Special CTO, Huawei Technologies, USA

Program Committee Chairs:
Shrideep Pallickara, Colorado State University, USA
Geoffrey Charles Fox, Indiana University, USA

Steering Committee Members:
Rajkumar Buyya, The University of Melbourne, Australia (Chair)
Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia
Bharadwaj Veeravalli, The National University of Singapore, Singapore
Cho Li Wang, The University of Hong Kong, China
Craig Lee, Open Grid Forum, USA
Geng Lin, Cisco Systems Inc., USA
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Jane Siegel, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Kai Hwang, University of Southern California, USA
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Omer F. Rana, Cardiff University, UK
Steve Versteeg, Computer Associates, Australia
Walfredo Cirne, Google, USA
Wolfgang Gentzsch, Distributed European Initiative for Supercomputing
Applications, Germany
S.Thamarai Selvi, Anna University Chennai, India

Workshop Chairs:
Mukaddim Pathan, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
                                Organization (CSIRO), Australia
Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK

Organizing Chair:
Suraj Pandey, University of Melbourne, Australia

Publicity Co-Chairs:
Carlos Becker Westphall, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,  Brazil
Masoud Sadjadi, Florida International University, USA
A.B.M. Russel, VeRSI, Australia
Jose Luis Vazquez-Poletti, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Europe

Program Committee Members:
Rajkumar Buyya                  University of Melbourne, Australia
Shrideep Pallickara             Colorado State University, USA
Geoffrey Fox                    Indiana University, USA
Manish  Parashar                Rutgers University, USA
Marco   Netto                   IBM, Brazil
Dennis  Gannon                  Microsoft Research, USA
Andrzej Goscinski               Deakin University, Australia
Marcos  Dias De Assuncao         INRIA, France
Viktor  Prasanna                University of Southern California, USA
Sangmi  Pallickara              Colorado State University, USA
Marlon  Pierce                  Indiana University, USA
Nik     Bessis                  University of Derby, UK
Judy    Qiu                     Indiana University, USA
Madhusudan      Govindaraju     State University of New York, Binghamton,
Jack    Dongarra                University of Tennessee & Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, USA
Robert  van Engelen             Florida State University, USA
Peter   Linington               University of Kent, UK
Steven  Newhouse                European Grid Initiative, UK
Alex    Sim      Lawrence       Berkley National Laboratory, USA
David   Walker                  University of Cardiff, USA
Henri   Bal      Vrije          Universiteit, Netherlands
Thilo   Kielmann                Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands
Omer    Rana                    Cardiff University, UK
Paul    Watson                  Newcastle University, UK
Craig   Lee                     Open Grid Forum, USA
Keith   Jackson                 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Ewa     Deelman                 ISI/USC, USA
Milind  Bhandarkar              LinkedIn, USA
Arun    Agarwal                 University of Hyderabad, India
Bastian Koller                  High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart
(HLRS), Germany
Benny   Rochwerger              IBM Research, Israel
David   Bernstein               Huawei, USA
Domenico        Talia           Universit?† della Calabria, Italy
Dongwan Shin                    New Mexico Tech, USA
Erik    Elmroth                 Umea University, Sweden
Hai     Jin      Huazhong       University of Science and Technology, China
Ignacio Llorente                Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Kris    Bubendorfer             Victoria University of Wellington, New
Kyong-Hoon Kim Gyeongsang National University, Korea
Li      Xiaorong                Institute of High Performance Computing,
Marty   Humphrey                University of Virginia, USA
Massimo Villari                 University of Messina, Italy
Pawel   Garbacki                Google, USA
Radu    Prodan                  University of Innsbruck, Austria
Ramin   Yahyapour               University of Dortmund,Germany
Rob     Gillen                  Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
Rodrigo Calheiros               University of Melbourne, Australia
Saurabh Garg                    University of Melbourne, Australia
Siegfried       Benkner         Vienna University, Austria
Simon   Caton                   Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Srikumar        Venugopal       University of New South Wales, Sydney,
Timothy Wood                    University of Massachusetts-Amherst, USA
Thenalapadi     Mohan           Infosys Technologies, India
Varia   Jinesh                  Amazon, USA
Wolfgang        Gentzsch        DEISA (Europe) and Open Grid Forum (USA)
Wolfgang        Theilmann       SAP, Germany
Yeo-Chee        Shin            Institute of High Performance Computing,
Yu      Chen                    State University of New York - Binghamton,
Ruppa Thulasiram                University of Manitoba, Canada
Satish Srirama                  University of Tartu, Estonia.
Siani Pearson                   Hewlett-Packard, USA
Cho-Li Wang                     Hong-Kong University, Hong-Kong
Viraj Bhat                      Yahoo Inc.

Papers Due: 25 July 2011
Notification of Acceptance: 30 August 2011
Camera Ready Papers Due: 25 September 2011

1. Professor Manish Parashar
Rutgers: The State University of New Jersey, USA
Tentative Title: Autonomic Management of Clouds for Scientific Applications

2. Professor Albert Zomaya
The University of Sydney, Australia
Tentative Title: Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing

3. Dr. Wolfgang Gentzsch
DEISA (Distributed European Initiative for Supercomputing Applications),
Tentative Title: HPC in the Cloud: use cases from research and industry

Dr. Dimitrios Georgakopoulos
Director, Information Engineering Laboratory
CSIRO ICT Centre, Canberra, Australia
Tentative Title: Complex Event Processing and Real Time Analysis in
Cyberphysical Systems

HPC Wire (http://www.hpcwire.com/)



Masoud Sadjadi, PhD

Associate Professor
Director of NSF CI-PIRE Center
School of Computing and Information Sciences
Florida International University
University Park, ECS 212 C
11200 SW 8th St., Miami, FL 33199

tel:  305-348-1835
fax:  305-348-2336
email:  sadjadi at cs.fiu.edu
web:  www.cs.fiu.edu/~sadjadi <http://www.cs.fiu.edu/%7Esadjadi>
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