[ecoop-info] CfP: M-MPAC 2011 - 3rd International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive Mobile and Embedded Computing

Sotirios Terzis Sotirios.Terzis at cis.strath.ac.uk
Thu Jun 2 18:12:37 CEST 2011

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				Call for Papers

				  M-MPAC 2011

			Third International Workshop on
		Middleware for Pervasive Mobile and Embedded Computing


			A Workshop of Middleware 2011
				Lisbon, Portugal
				12-16 December 2011

Workshop Scope & Themes

Building on the success of M-MPAC 2009 and 2010 this event aims to carry 
on development of a research roadmap on essential middleware 
abstractions, platforms and applications for pervasive mobile and 
embedded systems.

In recent year, tablet devices and operating systems have gained a 
prominent spot in the limelight, while the smart phone landscape 
continues to change with new offerings supporting a variety of sensors, 
higher resolution and bigger size screens, high definition video 
recording and playback, and enhanced gaming. Embedded devices like 
televisions, TV set top boxes, and game consoles have grown beyond their 
original functionality to home multimedia systems supporting enhanced 
networking (e.g. IP TV and DNLA), and novel user interaction through 3D 
displays, and movement detection based controllers. The pervasiveness of 
such mobile and embedded devices has given rise to a variety of novel 
applications, such as social web applications, enhanced shopping 
applications/environments, ad-hoc gaming, context-aware collaborative 
computing,participatory sensing, etc. Access to cloud computing 
infrastructures further enhances the capabilities of these devices 
offering additional opportunities for innovative applications and uses.

Despite these successes, software development for such devices and 
platforms remains largely ad hoc, while interoperability among 
applications, devices and platforms is largely elusive. Middleware has a 
key role to play in overcoming these problems. However, it still unclear 
what are the appropriate middleware abstractions and supporting
infrastructures necessary for such applications. The resource 
constrained nature and mobility of such devices place unique 
requirements for middleware and necessitate the exploration of novel 
programming abstractions, and supporting services, while capabilities
like location and context-awareness open new avenues for radical 
approaches in their development.

In this context, the main workshop themes include, but are not limited 
to the following themes:

* Device platforms
   - Virtualization technologies & applications
   - Distributed ensembles
   - Interaction paradigms and protocols
   - Emerging mobile platforms (e.g. Android, IOS)
   - Virtual machines

* Data issues
   - Data formats and encoding
   - Availability and durability of data in personal networks
   - Synchronization of personal devices with other consumer electronics 
(e.g. cameras, iPods)
   - Data portability

* Networking
   - Emerging wireless technologies and platforms
   - Experiences or case studies with new technologies (WiMax, WiBree, 
LTE, etc) and devices (MIP, UMPC, wearables, etc)
   - Multi-link scenarios: WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular network
   - Quality of service and network selection

* Security and Privacy
   - Privacy preservation and identity management for device-to-device 
   - Security architectures balancing risk and utility
   - Trust management in device ensembles
   - Mobile device data security

* Mobile Web
   - Web architectures (REST, Ajax) in pervasive computing
   - Context adaptation/management in pervasive computing
   - Mobile web scalability and reliability in access
   - Content adaptation on mobile devices
   - Collaborative search

* Adaptability
   - Context-awareness, location monitoring
   - Resource management, cyber foraging, and energy-awareness
   - Using cloud infrastructures for computing-intensive tasks and data 
   - Autonomics and self-* properties

* Applications
   - Healthcare, entertainment, games, mobile TV, smart spaces, 
shopping, street navigation, etc.
   - Mobile phones in sensor and ad hoc networks
   - Application development on mobile and embedded devices
   - Programming models

* Experiences and case studies
   - Lessons from deployments
   - User experiences and field-trials
   - Performance studies


Submissions must not exceed 6 pages and must be formatted using the ACM 
proceeding style (see http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html).
Submission implies that at least one of the authors will register and 
present the paper. Please submit your paper in PDF at 

Papers should present a view of the state of the art in a particular 
sub-problem area, identify specific middleware challenges, and suggest 
potential avenues for exploration by proposing models, abstractions and 
infrastructure components addressing these challenges. Approximately two 
thirds of the workshop will be devoted to the presentation and 
discussion of these papers, while the remaining third of the time will 
be devoted to the development of the research roadmap.

Papers will be reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee. 
The review process will be based upon identifying the relevance and 
potential of the position statement to contribute to the elaboration of 
the roadmap and to stimulate discussion.

All accepted papers will appear in a special workshop proceedings volume 
in the ACM Digital Library. The publication of the best workshop 
submissions and the research roadmap in the style of previous events is 
under investigation.

Important Dates

   * Paper submission deadline: 15 August 2011
   * Notification of acceptance: 29 September 2011
   * Final camera ready papers due: 10 October 2011
   * Workshop date: 12 December 2011

Program Committee

Paolo Bellavista, Università di Bologna, Italy
Renato Cerqueira, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Dan Chalmers, University of Sussex, UK
Domenico Cotroneo, University of Naples, Italy
Didier Donsez, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble I, France
Markus Endler, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Nikolaos Georgantas, INRIA, France
Rene Meier, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Sonia Ben Mokhtar, CNRS Lyon, France
Sougata Mukherjea, IBM Research, India
Tatsuo Nakajima, Waseda University, Japan
Nitya Narasimhan, Motorola Labs, US
Oriana Riva, Microsoft Research, US
Luís Rodrigues, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Romain Rouvoy, Université Lille 1, Fance
François Taiani, Lancaster University, UK
Sotirios Terzis, University of Strathclyde, UK (Workshop Chair)
Venu Vasudevan, Motorola Labs, US
Luis Veiga, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Ian Wakeman, University of Sussex, UK


  Dr Sotirios Terzis, PhD, MSc, BSc(Hons), MBCS, CITP, FHEA


  Department of Computer and Information Sciences
  University of Strathclyde

      mail: Computer and Information Sciences Dept.
	   Livingstone Tower
            26 Richmond Street
	   Glasgow, G1 1XH
     email: Sotirios.Terzis at cis.strath.ac.uk
     phone: +44.141.5483839
       fax: +44.141.5484523
  web page: http://www.cis.strath.ac.uk/~terzis

The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in 
Scotland, with registration number SC015263.

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