[ecoop-info] SAVA @ ECSA 2011 Call for papers

Abdelhak-Djamel Seriai Abdelhak.Seriai at lirmm.fr
Thu May 5 14:37:38 CEST 2011

 Call for Papers

 International Workshop on Software Architecture VAriability (SAVA 2011)

 In conjunction with 5th European Conference on Software Architecture 
 13-16 September 2011, Essen, Germany

 SAVA web site: http://www.lirmm.fr/sava2011/

 ECSA web site: http://www.ecsa2011.org/

 Abstract submission: 		13 June 2011
 Paper submission: 		17 June 2011
 Notification of acceptance: 	04 July 2011
 Camera-ready paper version: 	15 July 2011
 Workshop at ECSA2011: 		13 September 2011

 Variability is the ability of a system to be efficiently extended, 
 changed, customized or configured for use in a particular context. 
 Variability management throughout the different phases of the 
 development lifecycle of complex systems becomes a primary concern that 
 needs to be addressed. Addressing issues related to modeling, managing 
 and reasoning about software variability at architectural level gained a 
 special interest. In this context, software architects need to address 
 variability as an architectural key concept and first-class quality 
 attribute. They call for methods, formalisms, techniques and tools to 
 model, represent and evaluate variability. All these needs require a 
 better understanding of variability management and more theoretical 
 foundations of architectural variability.
 The purpose of this workshop is to promote the theme of variability 
 management from architectural perspectives. It aims at contributing to 
 the development of a basic understanding of the notion of variability in 
 the software architecture. In particular, it provides a venue for 
 researchers and practitioners interested in software variability 
 management, in order to identify possible points of synergy, common 
 problems and solutions, as well as visions for the future of the area.

 Topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:
     *Methods and techniques to support variability in software 
     *Models, languages, notations and formalisms for variability in 
 software architecture
     *Formal approaches for architectural variability specification, 
 modeling and analysis
     *Managing variability in dynamic software architecture
     *Quality attributes and variability in software architectures
     *Variability and architectural patterns, styles, aspect and 
     *Variability in service-oriented architectures, component-base 
 architectures …
     *Traceability between architectural representation of variability 
 and other representation levels (business level, implementation level …)
     *Variability and model driven architecture and code generation
     *Architectural variability to support runtime adaptation
     *Software architecture variability discovery and recovery
     *State-of-the-art and state-of-practice of architectural 
 variability handling
     *Tools support for software architecture variability
     *Industrial experiments, empirical studies and case studies and 
 practice reports related to variability management at the architectural 

 We accept four types of submissions: short position and tool papers  
 (up to 5 pages) and long research and industrial papers (up to 10 

 * Position papers.  Some researchers may have undertaken challenging 
 research concerning ideas related to the variability management but that 
 has not yet been completely evaluated. SAVA 2011 welcomes papers 
 describing such ideas, so-called “position papers”.

 * Tool papers may describe tools developed in academia or industry.

 * Research papers should describe innovative research.

 * Industrial papers may highlight practical system experiences, 
 proofs-of-concepts and practical research related to the SAVA workshop 

 The workshop proceedings with the accepted papers will be published in 
 the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) of the ACM 
 Digital Library (with ISBN).

 The papers should be submitted as PDF via the EasyChair system: 

 All papers must be written in English and must be formatted according 
 to the alternate ACM SIG Proceedings Template: 

 Workshop co-chairs:
 * Abdelhak-Djamel Seriai, University of Montpellier 2 , France, Email: 
 seriai at lirmm.fr
 *Dhouha Ayed, Thalesgroup , France, Email: dhouha.ayed at thalesgroup.com

 Program committee:
 *Dhouha Ayed, Theresis, Thales Group, France
 *David Benavides, University of Seville, Spain
 *Yolande Berbers, Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
 *Ruzanna Chitchian, Lancaster University, UK
 *Franck Fleurey SINTEF IKT,Oslo, Norway
 *Øystein Haugen, University of Oslo, Norway
 *Roberto Lopez-Herrejon, Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz, Austria
 *Flavio Oquendo, University of South Brittany, France
 *Mourad Chabane OUSSALAH, University of Nantes,France
 *Rick Rabiser, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
 *Awais Rashid, Lancaster University, UK
 *Ina Schaefer, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
 *Abdelhak-Djamel Seriai, University of Montpellier 2, France
 *Arnor Solberg, Holmestrand, Norway
 *Chantal Taconet, Télécom SudParis, France

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